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lowed two different directions according to the ruling condi tions, viz: either toward chlorite or toward kaolinization; and as the result of the latter process is impregnated with calcite while the result of the former is free from carbonates, it would seem that the direction was determined by the presence or relative freedom from free carbonic acid. The deposition of calcite, if formed from the acid carbonate, would set free sufficient carbonic acid to prevent the formation of silicates of iron and magnesia.

III. Copper, wherever we can detect it with the eye, has already gone through a partial concentration. The presence of this metal in minute quantity in the sandstones of Lake Superior, is made evident by the stains of carbonate which form on the cliffs of the "Pictured Rocks." It is found here and there in the less amygdaloidal melaphyr in minute specks and impregnations, or even in a more concentrated form as thin sheets occupying the joint cracks.

These occurrences increase in frequency in proportion as the rock is more amygdaloidal; in other words, the copper is more concentrated in those portions of the beds where the chemical change has been greatest. Where the rock has not passed beyond the strictly amygdaloidal stage, the copper occurs in the amygdules traversing these in flakes, or coating them in a film of greater or less thickness, to such an extent as to form from per cent to 3 per cent by weight of the rock over considerable areas. Finally, in those beds where the metamorphism has proceeded to such an extent as to wholly replace large portions of the amygdaloid by secondary minerals, epidote, calcite, quartz, chlorite, laumontite, etc., there the copper occurs in masses of many pounds, and sometimes of several tons weight, and in forms equalled in their irregularity only by those of the masses of secondary minerals accompanying the metal.

In each and all of these positions we find that the deposition of the copper took place subsequently to the decomposition and removal of a portion of the rocks, and subsequently to the deposition of laumontite, epidote, prehnite, and quartz, where these accompany it.

In all this we have direct evidence of the movement of some salt of copper in wet solution, and the concentration of the metal by accumulating deposition in places where the precipitating agent existed.

The Quebec group, to which these rocks belong, and which consist in various places of undoubted sedimentary strata exhibiting every degree of metamorphism, is as strongly characterized by copper as the Galena limestone is by lead.

Except in the melaphyrs of Lake Superior, the copper, so widely diffused in the strata of the Quebec group, exists either

in the various suphurets, or as oxidation products of these. Indeed we cannot well suppose the copper to have been deposited in submarine formations in' any other condition than as sulphuret. Nor can we suppose it to have taken any other form permanently, so long as unoxidized organic matter remained in the beds. An oxidation of the sulphuret would be followed by reduction of the resulting sulphate to new sulphurets around the organic remains. In this way we may suppose the simplest and most common form of concentrated deposits -the impregnations-to have originated, as well as the farther enrichment of particular beds or zones-fahlbands-which may represent strata which were originally richer in organic substances, or which may have retained these longer than the other


The trappean series of Keweenaw Point differ from the general character of the rocks of the Quebec group, both in lithological constitution and in having the copper in the metallic state. It is still an open question whether the trap which formed the parent rock of the melaphyr was an eruptive or a purely metamorphic rock. If it was eruptive, it was spread over the bottom of the sea in beds of great regularity, and with intervals which were occupied by the deposition of the beds of conglomerate and sandstones.

But the general diffusion of copper through the varied rocks of the Quebec group, speaks for a marine origin for the metal in these traps. It should seem probable that the copper in the melaphyrs was derived by concentration from the whole thickness of the sedimentary members of the group, including the thousands of feet of sandstones, conglomerates and shales which overlie the melaphyrs and including melaphyrs also— and especially, if these are purely metamorphic.

Among the most interesting questions connected with the occurrence of the copper, are those touching its condition previous to concentration during the amygdaloidal stage of metamorphism, the chemical combination by which this concentration was effected, and the character of the precipitating agent. The great persistency of metallic sulphurets through the usual processes of metamorphism, and the almost universal association of sulphur with copper in crystalline rocks, renders it perhaps probable that this was here also the combination in which the metal was diffused, or rather, very partially concentrated. Traces of sulphur detected by Mr. Hochstetter in the melaphyr contiguous to the Hecla conglomerate point also in this direction, considering that the only acids generally present in the melaphyrs are silicic and carbonic acids, and if we add sulphuric acid as an oxidation product of the sulphurets, our choice of the form of solution, by which the final concentration

was effected, should seem to be limited to silicates, carbonates,

and sulphates of copper. Probably all of these combinations took part in the process, but while we may consider the translocation of the copper to have been initiated by the sulphate, this salt must have been so soon decomposed by the abundant acid carbonate of lime* as well as by the alkaline silicates, that we cannot readily suppose the sulphatet to have generally effected the final concentration of large deposits. It is more probable that this was accomplished by the more permanent solutions of carbonate and silicate of copper respectively, as the circumstances favored. The position of the metallic copper in the paragenetic series shows it to have been deposited after the non-alkaline silicates, and before the formation of the alkaline silicates, i. e., after those minerals which resulted from the decomposition of the pyroxenic constituent of the rock, and before those which were formed by the destruction of the feldspar. Now this is what we should expect if we suppose the pyroxenic rock to have been altered to its present condition under the coöperation of water carrying carbonic acid and some free oxygen, because the oxygen must have been employed in oxidizing the carbonate of iron resulting from the decomposition of the pyroxene; the oxidation of the sulphuret of copper could not, therefore, take place until the pyroxene had so far disappeared as to leave a relative excess of oxygen as compared with the amount of ferrous salts exposed to a higher oxidation. Throughout its deposits the copper exhibits a decidedly intimate connection with delessite, epidote and green-earth silicates, containing a considerable percentage of peroxide of iron as a more or less essential constituent; while among the other silicates, viz: analcite, laumontite, datolite, prehnite, only the last named, which alone seems subject to a considerable replacement of its alumina by ferric oxide, is especially favored by copper. This association is so invariable and so intimate that one is forced to the conclusion that there exists a close genetic relation between the metallic state of the copper and the ferric condition of the iron oxide in the associated silicates; that the higher oxidation of the iron was effected through the reduction of the oxide of copper and at the expense of the oxygen of the latter.

As regards the green-earth and that variety of chlorite or del essite which is intimately associated with the copper, they either immediately follow the copper in point of age or are contempo

* A coating of gypsum covering very thin sheets of copper from the jointingcracks of the melaphyr contiguous to the Hecla conglomerate, may be due to this decomposition, followed by the reduction of the copper.

+ Compare Bischof Chem. u. Phys. Geol., I, p. 52, and III, p. 716.

The result of this oxidation is seen in the brick-red color of the amygdaloids and in the brown color and spots of many of the melaphyr beds.

raneous with it, and they may be looked upon as having been formed under the influence of this reduction. Where copper is associated with prehnite it is invariably younger than the lat ter, a fact which would seem at the first glance to oppose the supposition that there is any relation between the peroxide of iron in the zeolite and the deposition of the copper. But we have seen that prehnite undergoes a change to delessite; we find these pseudomorphs in every stage of the process from the first green discoloration on the cleavage planes to the amygdule of delessite with prehnite structure. Now may we not consider the presence of iron in prehnite generally to be due to a beginning change, and the deposition of native copper in the Lake Superior prehnites to be partially or wholly correlated with the higher oxidation of the iron? In at least very many instances, if not in all, the deposition of the copper has been a result of a process of displacement of preexisting minerals. In some rare instances the metal retains the form of its more or less remote predecessor, as in the pseudomorphs after some mineral (clay?) after laumontite.

Nowhere is this displacement more apparent than in the cupriferous conglomerates. In these the cement is the home of the metal, and in some places, as in portions of the Hecla and Calumet mines, it is wholly replaced by it; copper forming 20 to 50 per cent, by weight, of the rock. In these instances either chlorite or epidote is associated with the copper as minerals formed since the deposition of the conglomerate, while calcite very frequently replaces the cement in barren portions of the bed.

The cement of the conglomerates is of the same materials as the pebbles in a more comminuted form. The displacement of the whole mass of quartz porphyry in large pebble by chlorite and copper described above, is probably an illustration of the manner in which the cement was displaced on a more extended scale.

The absence of the ores of the baser metals-lead, zinc. nickel, etc., from the deposits of the trappean series, while they are present in the less metamorphosed rocks of the Quebec group in other localities, may be due to the greater intensity of the chemical action to which the melaphyrs have been subjected; an intensity which may be measured by the extent to which the process of concentration has been carried. Concentration is a process of removal relatively speaking, and concentrated deposits are accumulated masses of material arrested in the drainage channels of rock masses by the action of competent forces; if the arresting cause is absent from a given region, the removal will continue to another where it is present. If causes exist which are able to arrest one class of the substances in the passing solution, and are powerless as regards another class, then a separation will occur between the two classes.

Now, copper and silver belong to a class distinct from the baser metals in that, by reason of their smaller affinity for oxygen, they are more readily reduced to the metallic state, the condition of greatest permanence in presence of the usual reagents to which they are exposed. If the arresting cause of these metals was, as we have supposed, their reduction by protoxide of iron, it is a cause which would have been powerless as regards the salts of the baser metals, and we may suppose these to have continued in solution till they reached some region where they were arrested by the presence of organic matter, or of sulphureted hydrogen, etc.

ART. XLVII.—Observations on the color of Fluorescent solutions-No. II; by HENRY MORTON, Ph.D., President of the Stevens Institute of Technology.

SINCE the publication of my article on the above subject, in the August number of this Journal, I have discovered a curious action which, while it in no respect affects my general conclusions, nor the main observations on which they were founded, throws out one of the corroborative experiments by which I thought that they might be established when a spectroscope was not at hand.

Obtaining some very anomalous results of late, I was led to mistrust the action of the Geissler tubes in which the solutions had been examined.

They were of the ordinary kind of jacketed spirals, selected as being nearly identical in size and other particulars.

It had been observed from the first that the internal spiral gave a faint blue fluorescence which could only be seen on close inspection; and in all cases, the tube being but partly filled, it was considered that a light appearing in the part covered by the fluid, many times more bright than that from the uncovered part of the spiral, was sufficient evidence of fluorescence in the liquid.

Late experiments have, however, proved that this was not so. Any liquid, however devoid of fluorescent properties, gives all the appearance of fluorescing in these tubes, and on a little thought the cause of this became clear.

The only fluorescent light that can be seen from the glass of the spiral is that which comes off tangentially from the outer surface, that emitted radially being marked by the bright electric discharge behind.

In passing from the glass to air, most of the light will suffer total reflection at the outer surface of the glass, but if water or

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