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Palaces, Storied Halls, Courts, Festivities. The Grandeur

resulting from the Humility of the Great

XXI. The Charge of Ignorance considered. How far heroic

Men were illiterate. The Sentiments of the Ancients

respecting Knowledge and Ignorance. The Opinions of

Religious Writers on the same. Whether Books are

essential to Wisdom or to Piety. How the Ignorance of

Men in the Middle Ages affected Religion, and Philo-

sophy, and Honour, and Genius, and the Heart. The

Vanity of Letters. The heroic Character independent

of them. The Learning of these Ages. The Schools in

Monasteries. The Kind of Learning pursued.

Schools in Castles. The object of that Education.

Theological Learning studied by the Laity. The Rules

for the Study of the Scriptures. The solemn Tendency

of Learning. The general Learning which distinguished

Chivalry. Examples. Its Characteristics. The Advan.

tage and Excellence of such Learning. Learning how

applied to the Purposes of Life. Medicine. Law. 184

XXII. The Charge of Intolerance considered. The Evil of

false Liberality. That the Character of the Turks and

Moors justified the view with which our Chivalry re-

garded them. Examples of their Character. The

Opinions and Actions of the Religious Innovators of the

Sixteenth Century, called for Indignation from Men of

Honour. Their Political Crimes. The Increase of

Moral Turpitude. The Confession of Strype. Their

Assumption of Ecclesiastical Authority. The Monks of

the Charter House Martyred. The Hypocrisy and

Artifice employed. The Cruelty of the Persecution.

The Intolerance of the Innovators. Their Portrait by

their own Writers. Their facetious Theology. That

the Crisis was a Revolution. How it affected Chivalry

wherever its Spirit extended. The Folly of the Inno-

vators. Their unfair Policy. The Necessity of guarding

against them. The Impossibility of regarding their

Proceedings without Horror. A Resolution to adhere

to Justice. The Conclusion to be drawn. The Catholic

Religion essentially tolerant. The Religion of Love.

XXIII. The preceding Retrospect calculated to inspire

Melancholy. That in some respects this Impression
belonged to the Heroic Character. Examples from
Christian and Heathen Chivalry. The Causes of this.
The Heroic Mind. The Qualities of Youth. The Ex-
perience of Life. The Course of Time. The Wretched-
ness of the World. The Sufferings of the Just. The
Annals of Chivalry. A View of History. Visit to the
Prisons. The general Spirit of the Christian Religion.
The Remembrance of the Passion of Christ. The Doctrines
of Faith. The Persecution of the Church.
Impressions were tempered by Religion.
Prospects of Chivalry, and its final Consummation

How these


The glorious

. 339

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