Зображення сторінки


Absolute Monarchy: 59, 68, 70,
(cf. 83), 97, 128, 129, 132,
140, 144, 272, 377.
Absolute and Relative (in Marx):

Abstract Method of Economical

Reasoning: 120 (cf. 144),
178, 206, 207, 212 (cf. 220),
241 seq., 258-9, 264, 339,
Agrarian Laws: see Rome, Har-

Agriculture System: see Physio-


Agricultural and Civil Society
(Hegel): 311. See also

AHRENS (Prof. H.): 196 n., 297.
ALEXANDER (S.): 225 n., 361 n.
Anarchism: 30, 66 (cf. 122), 174,
203, 258 (cf. 284, 294), 296,
373, 389.
Anarchy plus the Constable: 191,
258, 287 (cf. 175, 273, 313),
388. See Laissez-faire.
Animals: treatment of (Hume)

125, rights of 189, 263, 298.
AQUINAS (Thomas): 106 n., 298 n.

Aristocracy wiser severally than

collectively 87, (Hegel) 319.
ARISTOTLE: Book I. ch. ii. passim,

also 47, 49, 54, 55, 67, 68,
69 n., 74, 75, 90, 98, 113, 114,
156, 162, 165, 168, 200, 219,
305 n., 309 n., 320, 356, 375.
ARNOLD (Matthew): 196 n.
Arts and crafts: (Plato) 16, 375,

(Aristotle) 35, 36, 376, (More)
63, (Hobbes) 84, (Locke) 93,
(Berkeley) 105, (Hume) 106,
117, 125, fine arts 128, Art

[blocks in formation]

BAUER (Bruno): 330, 335.
BAUER (Dr. Stephan): 145 n.
BEAULIEU (Anatole Leroy): 55 n.
BECCARIA (Cesare): 218.
BELLARMINE (Cardinal): 98.
BENTHAM (Jeremy): 85, 110, 124,

149, 188, 191, 196 Note, 199,
201, Book III. ch. ii. passim,
237-8, 243, 247, 256, 259,
297, 385.

BERKELEY (Bishop): 104, 105,
117, 118, 269.
BLUNTSCHLI (Prof. J. C.): 75 n.
BODIN (Jean): Book II. ch. i.;
also 71, 74, 377.
BÖHM-BAWERK (Prof. E.): 114 n.,
219 n., 222 n.

BOLINGBROKE (H. St. John): 199.

[blocks in formation]

BRADLEY (Prof. A. C.): 40 n.
BRADLEY (F. H.): 323 Note.
BRAY (J. F.): 336 n., 337 n., 350 n.
BRIGHT (Prof. Franck): 89 n.
BRISSOT (J. P.): 332 n., 335 n.
BUCKLE (H. T.): 181 Note, 365.
BURKE (Edm.): 158 n., 187, 195,

199, 241 n., 261, 383.
BURTON (Hill): 106 n., 129 Note,

151 n., 177 n., 240 n.

BUTLER (Bishop): 49 n., 110, 270.

CAIRD (Prof. Edward): 187 n.,
232, 269.
CAIRNES (J. E.): 218.

Canon law: 5, 22 n., 52, 53.
CANTILLON (Richard): 106 n., 134.
Capital: (in Aristotle) 36, 375,

(Quesnay) 138 seq., (Proud-
hon) 333, 334, (Marx) 340
seq., variable and constant,
343; capitalistic production,

341-3, 372.
Carneades: 72.
CARLYLE (Thomas): 230 n., 235

Note, 248 n., 367.
Cause and effect: (Hume) 106,
in economy 110, in society
better known than in physical

nature 120.

CHALMERS (Dr. Thomas): 253 n.
Chartism: 348.

Christianity and old notion of

State 50 (cf. 76), general
work of, Book I. ch. iv.
passim, praise of humility 61,
praise of peace 75, Christian
liberty 176, equality 189,
built on natural law 73 n. (cf.
76-7), relation to individual
309, against slavery 375 (cf.
377), on immortality 352.
Church (Kant) 277, as a spon-
taneous growth 318.
Circulation of money: 82, 118.
See Money.

Civil Injury and Crime: (Hegel)


[blocks in formation]

CLEON: 21.

COBDEN (Richard): 386, cf. 258.
COHN (Prof. G.): 374 n.
COLERIDGE (S.T.): 106 n., 239,

Commune as political unit 187,
cf. 200.
Communism: (Plato) 22, (Aristotle)
43 seq., (Christianity) 52, 54,
(More) 62, 65, (Locke) 99,
(Hume) 117, 125, 126,
(Morelly) 142 (cf. 210), (J. S.
Mill) 254 seq., (Proudhon)
334, tribal communism 349,
in relation to Socialism, 369,
Competition: (Hobbes) 81, 85, (J.
S. Mill) 253 seq., 261, (Marx)

COMTE (Auguste): 219, 239, 243,
261, 265, cf. 327.
CONDILLAC (Abbé): 138 n., 226.
CONDORCET (Marquis de): 202
seq., 262 n.
Consumption: consumer's interest
96, 160, consumption best for
the sovereign 135, 136, not
part of political economy 244,
247 (cf. 387-8), not same
as waste 153, (Proudhon)

Contract social (Epicurus) 49,

(Grotius) 74, 75, (Hobbes)
79, 85, 378, (Locke) 98 seq.,
379, (Hume) 122 seq., (Kant)
272, 274, (Fichte) 292,

(Hegel) 304, 319, 321. See
also Rousseau.
Co-operative industry of the
future: 257, 372, cf. 315, 353.
Corners (commercial): 38, 74.
Cosmopolitanism: (Grotius) 76,

(Ad. Smith) 176, (Kant) 277,

388, (Fichte) 296, (Krause)
298. See also Stoics, Christi-

COSSA (Prof. L.): 374 n.

152 n.

(J. G.):

COURTNEY (W. L.): 265 Note.
COWPER (William): 185 n.
Crusades: 365, 367.
CUMBERLAND (Richard): 145 Note.
CUNNINGHAM (Prof. W.): 131 n.
Currency (philosophy and -)

97, (quantity theory) 97,
(Hume) 118, 119. See also
Custom (Plato) 24, 25, 26,

(Aristotle) 41, 43, 45, (Machi-
avelli) 60, (Locke) 102, (Ad.
Smith) 166, as origin of law
189, (J. S. Mill) modifying
economic principles 253, 264,
(Hegel) 310, 365.
Cynics and Cyrenaics: 44, 47, 48.

DAIRE (E.): 135 seq., nn.
D'ALEMBERT (J. le Rond): 134.
See Encyclopedists.
DANTE: 51 n., 54, 77, 79 n., 90,
168 n., 322.
DARWIN (Charles): 210, 213 Note,
328, 357 seq., 393 seq.
DAWSON (W. H.): 354 Note.
Debasement of currency: (Bodin)
69, (Hobbes) 83.
Debts (Public): the ruin of nations
(Hume) 119 (cf. 333).
Definitions: 241. See Abstract

Democracy (Machiavelli) 60,

(Harrington) 87 seq., (Rous-
seau) 185, 186, (Hegel and
Aristotle) 320 (cf. 41), de-
mocracy and music, 369.
DESCARTES (René): 204, 347, 367.
Development: 173, 210, 211
(cf. 213, 214), Book V. ch.
ii. passim, of faculties
not in Mill 257, (Kant) 279,
(Fichte) 282 seq., (Hegel)


Book IV. iv., passim, de-
velopment and Darwinism
388 seq.

DIDEROT (Denys): 134. See En-
DIEHL (Dr. K.): 333 n.,
DIETRICH (K.) 279 n.
Distribution (Plato)


337 n.

13 seq.,

(Aristotle) 39 seq., (More)
62, 64, 65, (Hobbes) 82,
(Harrington) of land, 88, 90,
(Hume) 117, 122, 123, (Ad.
Smith) 154, 155, 172, 173,
211, laws of
195, (cf. 18 n.,
73 n., (Godwin) 201 seq.,
(Malthus) 211, (James Mill)
229, (J. S. Mill) 244, 252
(cf. 18 n.), (Darwin) 366, in
distant future 37c.
Division of labour: (Plato) 5, 15,

16, 21, 375, (Aristotle) 29,
34, 35, 37, (Xenophon) 31,
(More) 63, (Grotius) 72,
(Locke 94, 95, 101, (Hume)
117, 124, (Ad. Smith) 154
seq., 161, (Godwin) 202,
(Fichte) 286, 288, (in relation
to Government) 265, (Proud-
hon) epoch of-332, primitive
349, physiological 362, a per-
manent fact 370.
Domains: (Hobbes) 82.
DOVE (P. E.): 284 n.
DUMONT (Etienne): 232 n.
DUNBAR (Prof. C. F.): 144 n.
139, 140, 143, 144 n.
Duties as divine commandments :
181 Note.

DWIGHT (T. W.): 90 n.

Economy relation of means and
ends 111, 226, relation of
past, present, future 114,
economy and waste 110,
177 (cf. 226, 362).

Economics: in sense of Domestic
Economy 18, 32 (cf. 62), 66,
67 (cf. 93).
Economical element predominant :
90 (cf. 115), 129 (cf. 131), 233,
Book V. 1. and II. passim.

Economical Categories and Legal
(or Historical): 17, 18, 25, 40,
119, 120, 252, 253, 351, 381.
Economists, schools of: (Marx)
338, 339, 340, cf. 382, 386-7.
EDMONDS (T. R.): 336 n.
Education (Plato) 27, 29, (Har-

rington) 89, Physiocrats 145,
(Ad. Smith) 178 n., 185 n.,
(Rousseau) 185, (J. S. Mill)
263, (Fichte) 296, (Krause)
297, (Hegel) 308, 313,
(Proudhon) 337, (Maurice)
373, in view of Development
ELSTER (Prof. L.): 40 n.
EMERSON (R. W.): 337 n.
Emigration (J. S. Mill) 263,

(Fichte) 293, 294, (Hegel) 315.
Encyclopedists: 134, 135, 180,

ENDEMANN (W): 55 Note.
ENGELS (Friedrich): Book V.
ch. i., also 357, 391 seq.
Ephors (in Fichte) 291.
EPICURUS: Book I. ch. iii. passim,

162, 173, 270, 374, 376,
(Hume's "Epicurean ") 113,
Equality (Aristotle) 39, (Bodin)
68, (Hobbes) 80 seq., 377,
(Locke) 98, 103, (Hume)
117, 125, 127, (Physiocrats)
142, equal distribution of
happiness 154 (cf. 61, 113,
172), (Ad. Smith) 155, 158,
(Rousseau) 181, 185, 188
seq., (Godwin) 201, (Con-
dorcet) 204, (Malthus) 205,
210, (Bentham) 234, 386,
(J. S. Mill) 254, 387, (Chris-
tianity) 189, 190, (Darwin)
360, 369.
ERDMANN (Prof. J. E.): 3, 15 n.,
25 n., 323.
ERYXIAS: (pseudo-Platonic) 11.
ESPINAS (Prof. A.): 7, 70, 134 n.
Ethics relation to economics, etc.

11, (Plato) 12, 14, (Aristotle)
32, 35, 42, (Christianity) 51
seq., (More) 62 seq., (Grotius)
70, 71, (Hobbes) 80, (Man-
deville) 107 seq., (Ad. Smith)

146 seq., 162 seq., 168, 176,
(Godwin) 201, (Malthus) 212,
213, (Bentham) 216 seq., re-
lation to legislation 228, (J.
S. Mill) 247, (Kant) 269 seq.,
(Fichte) 283 seq., (Krause)
297, (Hegel) 302 seq.
EUCKEN (Prof. Rudolf): 194 n.,
279 n.

Evolution the word 278 n. See
Exchange (Plato) 17, 18, 19,
(Xenophon) 31, (Aristotle)
36, 37, 39, 40 (cf. 74), can-
on law 53, problem of equit-
able exchange 61, value in
exchange 83, (Locke) 94 seq.,
(Ad. Smith) 154, 155, (J. S.
Mill) 246, 252 seq., 258,
(Marx) 341, 342, (Engels) 349.
Fall of Man (Kant and Hegel) 278.

Family 31, 43, 45, 48, 67, 68,

81, 93, 156, 274, 286, 304,
307, 314 seq., 318, primitive
349,inGerman law 352(cf. 353).
Farmers Quesnay's view of them

FARRER (J. A.): 181.

Fatalists as an economical school:

FERGUSON (Prof. Adam): 147, 179 n.
FESTER (R.): 279 n.

FEUERBACH (Ludwig): 330, 346-8.
FICHTE (J. G.): 31,133 n., Book IV.
ch. ii. passim. Also 297, 330,
351, 371, 388 seq.
FILMER (Sir Robert): 98.
FLINT (Prof.): 70 n.
Foulis Press: 146.

FOURIER (Charles): 255, 256,
316, 329, 333.
Fox (Caroline): 265 Note.
Fox (C. J.): 208.

France, rural and city population
89 n., popular philosophy 117,
absolute monarchy 128, 129,
before and under the Physio-
crats 133, 135, Commercial
Treaty with England 144,
Revolution 144 n., 176, 272,
351, 366, before the Revo-

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