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tinker's son been sent to grammar-school or university, this natural freedom of style, though probably from his preacher's habit it could never have been pestered in such a pinfold as Milton affected, yet it could not but have grown more abstract, and perhaps have made him a more lively Howe; as it was, the words and phrases and images remained racy of the soil. Here are some sentences from the Holy War: "Nor did the silly Mansoul stick or boggle at all at this most monstrous engagement, but as if it had been a sprat in the mouth of a whale, they swallowed it without any chewing." "He had for his malapertness one of his legs broken, and he that did it wished it had been his neck." "At this they were all of them struck into their dumps." "When Mr. Cerberus and Mr. Profane did meet they were presently as great as beggars"; and there are a hundred other quaint expressions for which it would be hard to find a parallel in religious literature, such as "quat and close," "in the very nick and first trip," "ticking and toying," "put to my plunge." The same freshness may be noted in such phrases as "a tongue bravely hung," "to clap up in prison," "gird them up from the ground, and let them not lag with dust and dirt," "he saw something like a lion, and it came a great padding pace after," "I saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate." Free scope is given for such lively turns of phrase by the large use of dialogue.1

Bunyan's literary education was based upon two books, Foxe's Acts and Monuments, and the Genevan version of the Bible. The former supplied him with the model of a homely and yet forcible mode of writing, and to this example we probably owe it that Bunyan was contented to write in the vernacular. He borrowed from it further the practice of using the margin for notes and comments, very desirable appendages to an allegory. Occasionally some of his are pungent summaries of the text, and


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Bunyan frequently employs the contraction a for have, especially in the second part of the Pilgrim's Progress, which is the more homely in style as in matter; e.g. What could you a done to a helped yourself?" A still more interesting colloquialism is a narrative use of should, which occurs repeatedly in Grace Abounding, e.g. "I should at these years be greatly afflicted . "for I used to be." I have not noticed this in other works of Bunyan, but there is a curious use of shall, half narrative, half conditional, in the Holy War. This was the condition of Mansoul for about two years and a halfwhat rest then could be to the inhabitants? Had the enemy lain so long without, it had been enough to have famished them; but now when they shall be within, when the terror shall be in their tent, this was terrible, and yet this was now the state of Mansoul."

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some are exclamations; e.g.: "Hopeful swaggers," "Christian snibbeth his fellows," ,” “O brave Talkative!" "O good riddance!" "O sweet prince!" "That's false, Satan!" again, “Mark this!" "Take heed, Mansoul!" "Look to it, Mansoul!" the last of these repeated very effectively at each period in the Infernal Conclave. The Bible Bunyan must have known by heart; its phraseology and imagery he made so thoroughly his own, that many passages of description are simply a cento of quotations; elsewhere he intermingles them with those of his own day without any sense of incongruity. At times to us the incongruity is sufficiently manifest, as when Mercy falls down before the Keeper of the Gate, and says "Let my Lord accept of the sacrifice which I now offer Him with the calves of my lips"; at times also his extreme familiarity with the text seems to have led him to quote more than he meant, as in the close of the Preface to the Holy War.

"If thou wouldst know

My riddle, and would with my heifer plow,

It lies there in the window."

But such singularities are but trifles in comparison with the magnificent use he made of the book generally. Two passages in Grace Abounding show the passionate intuition he brought to the sacred text: "When I have considered also the truth of his resurrection and have remembered that word, Touch me not Mary, etc., I have seen as if he leaped at the grave's mouth for joy that he was risen again." "At this time also I saw more in those words Heirs of God, than ever I shall be able to express while I live in this world. Heirs of God! God himself is the portion This I saw and wondered at, but cannot tell you As a consequence of this penetrating appreciation he was able to vivify not only the events of the narrative, but the images and the very metaphors, which were thus erected into the machinery of his allegories.

of the saints.

what I saw."

Outside the Bible he had nothing to draw upon but his own observation, and this, while it afforded a sufficient variety of persons, left him little choice in the matter of scenery. He was born and bred, as Kingsley says "in the monotonous Midland," and so, while his meadows and streams and sloughs are described graphically (though sometime idealised as, e.g. the meadow by the River of God, which was curiously beautified with lilies "), his hills and the ferior natura have no verisimili

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tude; in one place he allows himself to speak of "a wide field full of dark mountains”; in another of Emmanuel “leaping over the mountains," a phrase which a verse in Canticles (ii. 8) may account for, but will not justify. But where his eye has once rested upon the object the descriptions are very lively.

"By this time they were got to the enchanted ground, where the air naturally tended to make one drowsy. And that place was all grown over with briars and thorns. The way also was here very wearisome through dirt and slabbiness. Nor was there on all this ground so much as one inn or victualling-house, therein to refresh the feebler sort. Here therefore was grunting, and puffing, and sighing; while one tumbleth over a bush, another sticks fast in the dirt, and the children, some of them lost their shoes in the mire. While one cries out, I am down, and another, Ho, where are you? and a third, The bushes have got such fast hold on me I think I cannot get away from them.”




FURTHER, in these days I should find my heart to shut itself up against the Lord, and against His Holy Word. I have found my unbelief to set, as it were, the shoulder to the door to keep Him out, and that, too, even then, when I have with many a bitter sigh cried "Good Lord, break it open; Lord, break these gates of brass, and cut these bars of iron asunder." Yet that word would sometimes create in my heart a peaceable pause, “I girded thee, though thou hast not known me.”

But all this while as to the act of sinning, I never was more tender than now. I durst not take a pin or a stick, though but so big as a straw, for my conscience now was sore, and would smart at every touch; I could not now tell how to speak my words, for fear I should misplace them. Oh how gingerly did I then go in all I did or said! I found myself as on a miry bog that shook if I did but stir; and was as there left both of God and Christ, and the Spirit and all good things.

In this condition I went a great while; but when comforting time was come, I heard one preach a sermon upon those words in the song, "Behold thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair." But I got nothing by what he said at present, only when he came to the application of the fourth particular, this was the word he said: "If it be so, that the saved soul is Christ's love when under temptation, and desertion; then poor, tempted soul, when thou art assaulted and afflicted with temptation, and the hidings of God's face, yet think on these two words, 'my love,' still."

So as I was a going home, these words came again into my thoughts; and I well remember, as they came in, I said thus in my heart, "What shall I get by thinking on these two words?" This thought had no sooner passed through my heart, but the

words began thus to kindle in my spirit, "Thou art my love, thou art my love," twenty times together; and still as they ran thus in my mind, they waxed stronger and warmer, and began to make me look up. But being as yet between hope and fear, I still replied in my heart, "But is it true, but is it true?" At which, that sentence fell in upon me, "He wist not that it was true which was done by the angel."

Then I began to give place to the Word, which, with power, did over and over make this joyful sound within my soul, "Thou art my love, thou art my love; and nothing shall separate thee from my love; and with that Romans eight, thirty-nine, came into my mind. Now was my heart filled full of comfort and hope, and now I could believe that my sins should be forgiven me; yea, I was now so taken with the love and mercy of God, that I remember I could not tell how to contain till I got home. I thought I could have spoken of His love and of His mercy to me, even to the very crows that sat upon the ploughed lands before me, had they been capable to have understood me; wherefore I said in my soul, with much gladness, "Well, I would I had a pen and ink here, I would write this down before I go any farther, for surely I will not forget this forty years hence." But alas! within less than forty days, I began to question all again; which made me begin to question all still.

Yet still at times I was helped to believe that it was a true manifestation of grace unto my soul, though I had lost much of the life and savour of it. Now about a week or fortnight after this I was much followed by this Scripture, "Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you." And sometimes it would sound so loud within me, yea, and as it were call so strongly after me, that once above all the rest, I turned my head over my shoulder, thinking verily that some man had, behind, called to me; being at a great distance, methought he called so loud. It came, as I have thought since, to have stirred me up to prayer, and to watchfulness; it came to acquaint me that a cloud and a storm was coming down upon me, but I understood it not.


And now I found, as I thought, that I loved Christ dearly. Oh! methought my soul cleaved unto Him, my affections cleaved

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