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The kind and generous heart, anxious to have human happiness diffused, and individual, domestic, and social evils and sufferings ameliorated, will wish to extend as widely as possible the benign influences of that pure religion and undefiled, which corrects the evil propensities of our nature, chastens its passions, guides aright its feelings and affections, and thus converts the otherwise corrupt, hard, and devious course of human life, into the pleasant ways and peaceful paths of piety and virtue; and ministers the pure and elevated happiness of true Christian devotion to duty in the state of life which it has pleased God to assign.

In conclusion: whether we consider the many moral and religious wastes within our State and nation, which are without any religious culture; or the interesting groups of emigrants from abroad, or from our own older settlements, scattered throughout the land, who belong to our communion, but are not able to sustain its services and ordinances; or the constantly increasing demands for the healing and salutary influences of the Church, where Papal or Protestant heresies and schisms are making their inroads, and dark superstition, or wily and despotic priestcraft, or crafty subtleties, or rampant enthusiasm, confusion, and disorder, are alarming the enlightened, true, and sober friends of the Gospel, and wounding the cause of civil and social welfare: we see a call upon us for all we can do in providing the more extensive diffusion of the principles and institutions of the Church. The cause is the cause of God and

The true Christian patriot will not be indifferent to the diffusion throughout the land of those principles which are the richest source of a nation's greatness and prosperity; which make good citizens and faithful legislators and magistrates; which ward off the pernicious effects of infidelity, and of reli-of His Christ; the cause of holiness and gious and moral schemes, that in principle and operation, tend but to the undermining of all wholesome religious and moral guidance and restraint; and which have promise of the strong protecting arm, and of the liberally blessing hand, of the High and Mighty Ruler of the Universe.

virtue; the cause of families, of society, and of the commonwealth; and the cause of the temporal, spiritual, and eternal good of our fellow-men.

B. T. O.



On the occasion of the late breaking down exhibited under circumstances of a peculiarly of tressel-work over the Wateree river on trying nature, yet nobody thinks it worth the line of the Camden Railway, a conductor while to learn the name of the actor. It is fearing that a passenger train that was ap- vaguely given, with a we believe his name proaching would run into a chasm, wounded is Spell." Had he been a military hero, who as he was, crawled along the broken timbers had destroyed a thousand lives, his name and a considerable distance, and succeeded in his fame would have been blazoned abroad, making signals, which prevented any subse-and inscribed upon the pages of history.— quent disaster. This is a real act of heroism, Scientific American.

VOL. VIII. NO. 111.*





J. H.






"Whither goest thou, at such a pace, friend Mathias?" said Rabbi Amos, returning his salute; for he seemed to know him. "Canst thou leave thy tax-gathering these busy times to go into the wilderness?"

The person, who was a man of stout figure, with dark hair and beard, and a look of intelligence, but whose costume was plain and ill

DEAR FATHER.-In Rabbi Amos, who, from his rank as a priest, these letters to you which and his venerable appearance, always comgive an account of my mands the homage of all men. excursion with Rabbi Amos, to the Jordan, I hope you will pardon the details which I enter into, for it is my earnest desire that you should see every thing with my eyes, as if you had been present with me; in order that you may, though absent, be able to judge as if you had been an eye-witness of the remark-worn, smiled, and answered and said: able events of which I have undertaken to give you a complete history. I know that your liberal mind, and your sense of equity and justice, will lead you to read all I have to write before you take upon you to make a reply to the facts which, with filial love and reverence, I present to your consideration.

After Rabbi Amos had reached the house in the wheat fields of Gilgal, where he intended to take up his sojourn for the two weeks of harvest, and had directed his servants what to do, he kindly told us that he was ready to accompany my cousin Mary and myself to the Jordan, to hear the Prophet. It was with no little gratification, therefore, that my cousin and myself once more mounted our mules and proceeded towards the place where we heard the Prophet was baptizing. But we had not ridden a great way from the house when, we overtook two men on foot with staves in their hands and wallets upon their shoulders. As we passed, one of them raised his cap with respect to

"If a man would find the payers of tribute now-a-days, good master, he must not stay at home, forsooth, but go into the wilderness of Jordan where all men have gone. Verily, this new Prophet emptieth our towns, and we publicans must remain idle in our seat of customs, or go with the tide."

"Thy words are near the truth, friend Mathew," answered my uncle; "but hast thou no other motive in thy heart than looking after thy Roman coins, in taking this journey from Jericho?"

"I have curiosity to see a man whom multitudes resort to from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from all Judea, and from beyond Jordan."

"And thinkest thou," continued my uncle, as the two men walked along by the side of his mule," thinkest thou this Prophet is a true son of the Prophets ?"

"He works no miracles, unless, indeed, the power of his preaching be a miracle," answered Mathew.


"This man is an impostor. There can be } no Prophet without he proveth his mission by miracles," suddenly said the companion of Mathew, speaking up abruptly in a sharp and unpleasing voice. Now, neither Mary nor I liked the face of this man from the first. was of good height, he was well-featured, and his attire was rich; but he had a haughty air, combined with a cringing deference to Rabbi Amos, that made me think he must be a hypocrite. He smiled with his mouth and teeth, but at the same time looked sinister out of his eyes. He had an air of humility which seemed to me to be put on to conceal the pride and wickedness of his character. He looked like a man who could artfully deceive to gain his selfish ends, and who would kneel to you to overturn you. The sound of his voice confirmed my first impression of him. Upon his speaking, Rabbi Amos fixed his eyes upon him, as if he did not like the manner of his breaking in upon the conversation, and then mildly replied:

"Moses performed no miracles. Aaron, or Aaron's rod, was the instrument whereby these were done before Pharaoh. This Prophet may be as Aaron to the great Prophet he fore-cometh. What is thy companion's name, friend Mathew?" he asked aside, as the other walked on ahead.

"Dost thou know this stranger?" asked of Mathias, Rabbi Amos, who had gratefully thanked him for his intelligence, looking back after him, as he rode on. "I saw thee salute him."

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"He is an officer of Herod the tetrarch's household," was the response, a Hebrew of great wealth, and he payeth more tribute-money to the emperor from his lands than any Israelite between Jericho and Jerusalem."

At length, dear father, after hastening the speed of our mules, and riding pleasantly for two hours along the verdant banks of Jordan, we came in sight of a square tower of stone, peering above the trees which marked the site of the village of Bethabara. "That town," said Rabbi Amos, "stands over a cave in which Elijah long dwelt, and in which Isaiah at one time concealed himself from his enemies. It is now called the Tower of Elijah.' From the summit of yonder hill, at the left, the Prophet was caught up, and ascended to heaven upon the chariot of fire; and near where you see the single rock, Elisha divided Jordan, with the fallen mantle left him by the ascending Prophet of God."

All these places, with many others which the intelligent Rabbi Amos pointed out to us, were very interesting to me, for nothing commands my attention so profoundly as allusions to the scenes of the olden days of the Prophets and kings of Israel. While my eyes were fixed upon the hill, and my imagination

"His name is Judas, called Iscariot. He hath been engaged by me to bear the moneys I collect in the country villages; and as we are to gather taxes both at Gilgal and Betha-presented to me Elijah upon the chariot of

bora, he cometh with me."

heaven, disappearing amid the clouds, there was an opening in the wood before us, and all at once we beheld a scene that made my heart cease to beat, it was so new and wonderful. At that place the river takes a broad curve, and the opposite village of Bethabara lies in the hollow of it, forming the centre of half a circle. This wide curving shore was alive with the human heads that filled it. Not a place could be seen where some one did not And of this vast multitude every eye was concentrated upon the Prophet, as from

We now came in sight of the Jordan, but could discover no crowd upon its banks. While we were wondering at not beholding any signs of the multitude, we met a stranger who was riding a horse, and coming from the northward, who, seeing us apparently in perplexity, inquired with courtesy if we were not seeking John the Prophet. Upon Rabbi Amos replying in the affirmative, the horse-stand. man informed us that he had removed up the river some two hours' ride, and was then bap-the tizing at the little village of Bethabara, on the east bank of Jordan; and he added, that not less than eight thousand people must be thronging the shores.

crescent tiers of the amphitheatre in Alexandria all gaze at once upon the scenes passing in the arena. He was standing on the opposite shore, (for Jordan here was very narrow, and can be forded,) on the verge of

the water, addressing the countless assembly that stood opposite and half encircling him. Near him, behind, and on either side, sat his disciples, at least a hundred in number, chiefly young men.

God demands thy life, shall he accept the life of a brute? Nay, men of Israel, the day has come when your eyes shall be opened. The hour is at hand when the true meaning of the Behind rose the Tower of Eli-daily sacrifice shall be understood. Lo! the Messiah cometh, and ye shall see and believe!"

jah; and receding farther from the shore lay the sweet village of Bethabara, with its green gardens and snow-white walls.

There now came several persons towards him who desired baptism of him. While he was baptizing these persons, both men and women, I saw appear on the little mound near the tower from which Rabbi Amos had said Elijah ascended, Lazarus, the brother of Martha, accompanied by a man of about his own years, of an indescribable dignity and grace of aspect, combined with an air of benevolence and peace that at once attracted me.

The clear voice of the youthful Prophet of the wilderness fell distinctly on our ears, so great was the stillness of the vast audience. We could not approach very near on our mules, and dismounting on the outskirts of the throng, we left them with the two servants, and on foot drew as near to the place where the Prophet stood as we could. Many of the people, seeing and recognizing Rabbi Amos, made way for him, so that at length we stood directly opposite the speaker, with a full view of him, so that we could hear every word. To my surprise I saw John, the cousin of Mary, standing close to the Prophet, and lis-nity he gazes upon the multitude, yet retiring tening with the deepest and most reverent at- in his manner as if he shrank from the comtention to every word he uttered. The sub-mon eye!" He was wrapped in a vesture of ject of the Prophet's discourse was as before, and as always, the coming of the Messias. Oh, that I could give you, my dear father, the faintest idea of the power and eloquence of his words!

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"It must be the friend of Lazarus," said Mary to me; for she had discovered them at the same time. "See with what calm sere

dark blue cloth, which was folded about his form; his head was bare, and his dark hair flowed down about his shoulders. He seemed so unlike all other men, in a certain majesty united with sweetness that marked his whole air, that I could not withdraw my gaze from him.

The Prophet at the same moment rested his eyes upon him, and as he did so I saw a change come over his face, as if he had seen an angel. His eyes shone with unearthly brilliancy, his lips parted as if he would speak, yet had lost the power; and then with his right hand stretched forth towards the noble stranger, he stood for a moment like a statue. All eyes followed his, and the direction of his stretched out arm. Suddenly he exclaimed, and, oh, how like the trumpet of Horeb must his voice have rung: "Behold!"

There was not a face in that vast multitude that was not directed towards the little

"For what," repeated the Prophet, with his eyes beaming with the earnest light of inspiration, "For what but as types and sha-eminence, where Lazarus, evidently amazed dows of the true blood-of the real and true sacrifice appointed by God from the foundation of the world! Think ye I can slay the lamb of my flock for the sin of my soul? If

at the attitude and words of the Prophet, and the gaze of all that way, stood by his friend.

"Ye have asked wherefore is slain the daily lamb," continued the Prophet. "The

"It becometh us to fulfil all righteousness," answered Messias, mildly; and when he had said this, the Prophet, though still with a man

day has come when the lamb of sacrifice, comest thou to me?" answered the Prophet, which can take away no sin, shall cease. with the lowliest humility and awe of manBehold!" and here he stretched forth bothner, and with looks expressive of his amazearms towards the dignified stranger. "Be-ment. hold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. He it is who, coming after me, is preferred before me. He it is to whom I bear witness, as the Messiah, the Sonner of doubt, and with the holiest reverence, of the Highest! There stands the Christ of God! Behold the only true Lamb, whose blood can wash away the iniquities of us all! He hath stood among you-he hath walked your streets-he hath sat in your homes, and ye knew him not! And I knew him not, till I now beheld above him the sign of the Messiah, and therefore know I that it is he who

is to redeem Israel !"

administered unto him, in the sight of all the people, the same baptism which he had administered to his disciples.

And now, my dear father, comes to be related the most extraordinary thing that ever took place in Israel, and before human eyes, and which it must be clear to you, bears unquestionable testimony that Jesus of Nazareth, this noble stranger baptized in Jordan, When the Prophet had thus spoken in a and to whom John bore witness, is truly Mesvoice that thrilled to every bosom, we be-sias, the Son of God. held the august stranger advance towards the Prophet. He moved on alone. Lazarus had fallen prostrate on his face when he heard that it was the Messiah with whom he had thus been on terms of friendship. As he continued to come forward, all was expectation in the immense multitude. The mass of heads swayed this way and that to get a sight of his face, which I could see was serene, but pale and earnest. John, the cousin of Mary, seeing him approach, lowly knelt, and

bowed his head in reverential awe and love.

No sooner did the baptized stranger go up out of the water, than there was heard above all our heads a noise as of rolling thunder, although the sky was cloudless; and when we looked up we beheld a dazzling light, though it was noon-day, brighter than the sun; and from the midst of this celestial splendor there darted with arrowy velocity a ray of light which descended upon the head of the Christ. Some of the people said it thundered; and others that it lightened; but judge the amaze

ment and admiration of all, and the dread awe

that shook every soul, when, amid the glory above his head, was seen the form of a dove of fire, with outspread wings overshadowing

Those who stood between him and the Prophet moved apart, and left an open path for him to the water-side. He walked at a slow and even pace, with an air of humility, veil-him as it were, and from the heavens what ing the native dignity of his kingly port.

The Prophet, on seeing him come near, regarded him, as it seemed to me, with more awe than all others.

"What wouldst thou of thy servant, oh, Messias, Prophet of God, mighty to save?" he said, in tremulous tones, as the Messiah came even some paces into the water towards him.

"To be baptized of thee,” answered the Christ, in a still, quiet voice, that was heard to the remotest bounds of the crowd. Never, oh, never, shall I forget the sounds of that voice, as it fell upon my ears.

was supposed to be thunder, shaped itself into the voice of God, which uttered these words in the hearing of every ear:


At hearing these words a great part of the multitude fell on their faces. Every cheek was pale, and each man gazed on his neighbor in wonder and fear. When the majestic, yet terrible voice had given utterance to these words, the light disappeared, the dove re-ascended to the skies, and was lost to the sight; and Messias, who alone seemed unmoved and calm amid all this awful scene, walked away

"I have need to be baptized of thee, and from the river and disappeared suddenly from

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