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Charles Frederick Johnson


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Sold in the market of Rome, to meet the

And as

expenses of Cæsar.

loitered, the Celt cried, ""Tind to your worruk, ye Dagos, Full up yer shovel, Paythro, ye haythen, I'll dock yees a quarther."

This he said to the one who resembled the great Imperator;

Meekly the dignified Roman kept on patiently digging.

Such are the changes and chances the centuries bring to the nations.

Surely, the ups and downs of this world are past calculation.

How the races troop o'er the stage in endless procession!

Persian, and Arab, and Greek, and Hun, and Roman, and Vandal,

Master the world in turn and then disappear in the darkness,

Leaving a remnant as hewers of wood and drawers of water.

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