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Section 7. The Socialist Party is such a political party. It trives by means of political methods, including the action of its representatives in the legislatures and other public offices to force the enactment of such measures as will immediately benefit the workers, raise their standard of life, increase their power, and stiffen their resistance to capitalist aggression. Its purpose is to secure a majority in Congress and in every State Legislature, to win the principal executive and judicial offices, to become the dominant and controlling party, and, when in power, to transfer the industries to ownership by the people, beginning with those of a public character, such as banking, insurance, mining, transportation and communication, as well as the trustified industries, And extending the process to all other industries susceptible of colective ownership, as rapidly as their technical conditions will permit.

It also proposes to socialize the system of public education and health and all activities and institutions vitally affecting the publie needs and welfare, including dwelling houses.

The Socialist program advocates the socialization of all large farming estates and land used for industrial and public purposes, as well as all instrumentalities for storing, preserving, and marketng farm products. It does not contemplate interference with be private possession of land actually used and cultivated by occupants.

The Socialist Party, when in political control, proposes to reorganize the government in form and substance so as to change it from a tool of repression into an instrument of social and dustrial service.

Section 8. The Socialist transformation cannot be successfully complished by political victories alone. The reorganization of industries upon the basis of social operation and co-operative fort will require an intelligent and disciplined working class, killed not only in the processes of physical work, but also in the chnical problems of management. This indispensable training he workers can best gain as a result of their constant efforts to ure a greater share in the management of industries through eir labor unions and co-operatives. These economic organizans of labor have also an immediate practical and vital function. Teir daily struggles for betterment in the sphere of their pective industries supplement and reinforce the political efforts f the Socialist Party in the same general direction, and their

great economic power may prove a formidable weapon for safeguarding the political rights of labor.

The Socialist Party does not intend to interfere in the internal affairs of labor unions, but will always support the workers in all their economic struggles. In order, however, that such strug gles may attain the maximum of efficiency and success, the Socialists favor the organization of workers along the lines of industrial unionism in the closest co-operation as one organized working class army.

Section 9. The Socialist Party does not seek to interfere with the institution of the family as such, but promises to make family life fuller, nobler and happier by removing the sordid factor of economic dependence of woman on man, and by assuring to al members of the family greater material security and more leisure to cultivate the joys of the home.

The Socialist Party adheres strictly to the principle of com plete separation of state and church. It recognizes the right of voluntary communities of citizens to maintain religious institu tions and to worship freely according to the dictates of their con


The Socialist Party seeks to attain its end by orderly and estitutional methods, so long as the ballot box, the right of repre sentation and civil liberties are maintained. Violence is not the weapon of the Socialist Party but of the shortsighted represents tives of the ruling classes, who stupidly believe that social mo ments and ideals can be destroyed by brutal physical repression The Socialists depend upon education and organization of t


Section 10. The domination of the privileged classes has be so strong that they have succeeded in persuading their credul fellow-citizens that they, the despoilers of America, are the true Americans; that their selfish class interests are the sac interests of the nation; that only those that submit supinely their oppressive rule are loyal and patriotic citizens, and that those who oppose their exactions and pretensions are traitors?? their country.

The Socialists emphatically reject this fraudulent notion patriotism.

The Socialist Party gives its service and allegiance to th masses of American people, the working classes, but this int is not limited to America alone. In modern civilization the destinies of all nations are inextricably interwoven. No na

an be prosperous and happy while its neighbors are poor and ..iserable. No nation can be truly free if other nations are aslaved. The ties of international interdependence and solidarty are particularly vital among the working classes. In all ivanced countries of the world the working classes are engaged n the identical struggle for political and economic freedom, and e success or failure of each is immediately reflected upon the progress and fortunes of all.

Section 11. The Socialist Party is opposed to militarism and to wars among nations. Modern wars are generally caused by mmercial and financial rivalries and intrigues of the capitalist terests in different countries. They are made by the ruling sses and fought by the masses. They bring wealth and power the privileged few and suffering, death and desolation to the any. They cripple the struggles of the workers for political zhts, material improvement, and social justice, and tend to ever the bonds of solidarity between them and their brothers in her countries.

Section 12. The Socialist movement is a world struggle in half of human civilization. The Socialist Party of the United Mates co-operates with similar parties in other countries, and Extends to them its full support in their struggles, confident that e class-conscious workers all over the world will eventually re the powers of government in their respective countries, lish the oppression and chaos, the strife and bloodshed of intertional capitalism, and establish a federation of Socialist repub, co-operating with each other for the benefit of the human ce and for the maintenance of the peace of the world.


1. The Socialist Party of the United States is the political pression of the interests of the workers in this country, and is art of the international working class movement.

2. The economic basis of present day society is the private ership and control of the socially necessary means of producn and the exploitation of the workers who operate these means of production for the benefit of those who own them.

3. The interests of these two classes are diametrically opposed. is to the interest of the capitalist class to maintain the present ystem, and to obtain for themselves the largest possible share of |» products of labor. It is to the interest of the working class

to improve their conditions of life, and to get the largest possible share of their own product so long as the present system prevails, and to abolish the wage system as quickly as they can. This system, because of its inherent defects and weaknesses, is even now crumbling and breaking down in the greater part of the world.

4. In so far as the members of the opposing classes become conscious of these facts, each tries to advance its own interests as against the other. It is this active conflict of interests which we describe as the class struggle.

5. The capitalist class, by controlling the old political parties. controls the powers of the state, and uses them to secure and entrench its position. Without such control of the state, its position of economic power would be untenable. The workers must wrest the control of the government from the hands of the masters, and use its powers in the upbuilding of the new social order, the co-operative commonwealth.

6. The Socialist Party seeks to organize the working class for independent action on the political field, with the revolutionary aim of putting an end to exploitation and class rule. Such political action is absolutely necessary to the emancipation of the working class and the establishment of genuine freedom for s

7. But to accomplish this aim, it is also necessary that the working class be powerfully and solidly organized on the economi field as well, to struggle for the same revolutionary goal; and the Socialist Party pledges its aid in the task of promoting such industrial organization and waging this industrial struggle.


8. In the final struggle of the workers for political suprema in order to facilitate the overthrow of the capitalist system, l power during the transitional period must be in the hands of the workers, in order to insure the success of the revolution.

9. To avoid unnecessary confusion, inefficiency and waste dur ing the period of transition from capitalism to socialism, the workers must begin now to train themselves in the problems in dent to the control and management of industry.

10. The fundamental aim of the Socialist Party is to br about social ownership and working class control of all the new sary means of production to eliminate profit, rent and interes and make it impossible for any to share in the product with sharing the burden of labor-to change our class society in society controlled by all engaged in some form of useful w through representative bodies chosen by occupational groups

DOCUMENT 3-"THE SOCIALIST PARTY PLATFORM" In the national campaign of 1920 the Socialist Party calls upon all American workers of hand and brain, and upon all citizens who believe in political liberty and social justice, to free the country from the oppressive misrule of the old political parties, and to take the government into their own hands under the banner and upon the program of the Socialist Party.

The outgoing administration, like Democratic and Republican Iministrations of the past, leaves behind it a disgraceful record of solemn pledges unscrupulously broken and public confidence ruthlessly betrayed.

It obtained the suffrage of the people on a platform of peace, beralism, and social betterment, but drew the country into a devastating war, and inaugurated a regime of despotism, reaction, and oppression unsurpassed in the annals of the republic.

It promised to the American people a treaty which would assure to the world a reign of international right and true democracy. I gave its sanction and support to an infamous pact formulated ehind closed doors by predatory elder statesmen of European nd Asiatic Imperialism. Under this pact territories have beeu texed against the will of their populations, land cut off from heir sources of sustenance, and nations seeking their freedom in the exercise of the much heralded right of self-determination have n brutally fought with armed force, intrigue, and starvation Mockades,

To the millions of young men, who staked their lives on the id of battle, to the people of the country who gave unstintingly of their toil and property to support the war, the Democratic iministration held out the sublime ideal of a union of the peoples of the world organized to maintain perpetual peace among nations n the basis of justice and freedom. It helped create a reactionary alliance of imperialistic governments, banded together to bully k nations, crush working class governments and perpetuate rife and warfare.

While thus furthering the ends of reaction, violence and oppresn abroad our administration suppressed the cherished and fundamental rights and civil liberties at home.

Upon the pretext of wartime necessity the Chief Executive of the Republic and the appointed heads of his administration were othed with dictatorial powers, and Congress enacted laws in en and direct violation of the constitutional safeguards of freeon of expression.

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