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Socialism and Labor in Italy

The crisis in Italian affairs which was forecast in the previous art of this report came during this summer. The moving cause the crisis was the action of the Metallurgical Workers Federan, consisting of between four and five hundred thousand memrs. This Federation is the most radical in Italy. It is also conered with a certain amount of hostility by other workingmen's ganizations. The Federation on May 14th presented demands r an increase in wages to the Industrial Masters Federation. en one month later it presented further demands for a 20 r cent increase in wages and for indemnities for all discharges metal workers. The manufacturers refused and the workers peated their demands. At a conference between this Federation d the Italian Syndicalist union, two months later, the workers w up a petition explaining why wages which they demanded re justified by the high cost of living. The manufacturers in refused and the conference ended. The Federation decided Fght the manufacturers not by calling a general strike but liminating all profits through lowering production. This y of sabotage or, as they called it, "Obstructionism," being ded upon, orders were issued to the works to carry out this y. The program stated: "Remember, produce the least you and consume as much raw material as possible, but do not 2 about a total stoppage nor a partial suspension of the works.

any worker be discharged you must not walk out and remaining workers must not play into the hands of the bosses Provoke lockouts."

o meet the alarming situation thus created the manufacturers upon the Government to intervene and Labriola, Minister Labor. attempted arbitration by bringing together the Secreof the Metallurgical Workers Federation and delegates of manufacturers. Meanwhile, some of the owners, unable to the obstructionist tactics of the workers, decided on lockwhich deprived of work from 400,000 to 500,000 men. This he signal for the workers to take possession of the plants, ling to previous arrangements. On August 30th the plants Romeo & Company, of Brada and Stucchi, were seized by the kers, the red flag hoisted and the operation of the mills under

taken by the F. I. O. M., as the Federation was called. It must not be imagined that this was the first seizure of plants. There had been sporadic seizures going on in northern Italy for several months, in every case without any opposition on the part of the Government. In the present cases the manufacturers asked that troops should be sent to expel the workers or prevent the agitation of plants. The Government refused to intervene. The following notice was issued by the Federation:

"Metal Workers! Romeo & Company have proclaimed : lockout, closing the gates and fortifying the establishment by all means. Yesterday we issued the motto 'Pr duce less, consume more. Don't cause lockouts.' Today we simply tell you not to abandon the plants until the lockouts are called off."

The metal workers were joined by the supervisors and the clerical workers who voted to continue their work under the direction of the Federation.

The manufacturers almost immediately proclaimed a general lockout which was answered by the following manifesto of the Federation:

"Italian Metal Workers! Be ready and disciplined to the order of your organization. Wherever a manufacturer attempts a lockout follow the example of your Milan brothers Long live the workers solidarity!"

By September 30th more than 500 some say over 600plants had been taken possession of by the workers. Food was provided in many plants by the Socialist co-operative organiza tions. Vigorous attempts were made by the workers to exten the strikes beyond the metallurgical field into the other industries such as the chemical and textile industries and the quarries and to the transportation field. The railroad workers on September 7th voting to support the metal workers. The association of engineers voted to support the strikers. Attempts were made to secure raw materials for the factories and other branches of industry. The government refused absolutely to intervene protect private property. As a matter of fact it did not dare inter vene. The troops could not have been moved. The Railway t would have struck. The soldiers might have refused. There would have been civil war. The workers took steps by the use


achine guns and wire entanglements to protect the factories from attack. The Federation took every possible step to insure gainst destruction of machinery and stock. It was obliged to ht against the campaign for violence organized by the rival rganizations to the Chambers of Labor and the General Conederation of Labor. This rival is the anarchist syndicalist organEzation led by Enrico Malatesta. Malatesta has been the great rouble breeder of Italy during and since the war. He has bored From within into the Socialist Party and the trade unions. It as Malatesta who stood most in the way of the final settlement of The labor troubles through the acceptance of the government plan. The appeal which Malatesta issued to the workers on Septemr11th illustrates his plan. It reads:

"Metal Workers: Whatever your leaders may be deciding upon, do not abandon the factories, do not return the mills, do not deposit your arms. If today you leave the factories, you will return tomorrow decimated after having passed under the yoke prepared for you by the employers.

"Workers of all Industries, Arts and Commerce: Follow immediately the example of the metallurgical workers by accupying all establishments, warehouses, naval yards, bakeries and markets.

"Peasants: Occupy the land.
"Sailors: Occupy the ships.

"Railwaymen: Allow the trains to run only for the com

mon cause.

"Postal and Telegraph Workers: Suppress the corre spondence of the bourgeoisie.

"An unforeseen possibility is in prospect through the occupation of the factories; that of accomplishing a great revolution without the shedding of blood or the destruction of national life.

"Do not allow this opportunity to get away from you. "And you, soldiers, our brothers, remember that the arms which the masters have given you to defend privilege and to massacre the workers struggling for their emancipation can also be used against the oppressors and for the triumph of the proletariat."

I should be noted that Malatesta's activities after the settlent of the strike have led to his arrest.

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