Зображення сторінки


Abdomen, pulsations of, 60.

Abscesses, sanguineous of the head, 217.
Abstinence in intermittent fever, 214.-
Protracted, case of, 62.

Aconitine, employment of, 205.
Alum, sulph. in sore throat, 281.
Amenorrhoea cured by applications to the
mammæ, 202.

Anasarca, singular case of, 59.

Anatomical cabinet of Breslau, 351.
Andrews, changes of blood by bleeding, 134.
Aneurism of the aorta, diagnosis, 399.-New
method of treating, 359.-Of the arch of
the aorta compressing trachea and nerves,
172.-New mode of treating, 270.-Fe-
moro-popliteal, 75.-Spontaneous cure of,


Antispasmodics, Dunglison on, 1.

Aorta, aneurism of, diagnosis, 399.-Oblite-
ration of, 287.-Aneurism of compressing
trachea, 172.

Aristolochia rotunda in intermittent fever,


Arnold on the treatment of congestive fever,

Arsenic, antidote of, 65.-Poisoning from,
285. In chorea, 378
Arteries, surgical anatomy of, 418.
Articulation, anomaly of, 287.

Asphyxia from foreign body in trachea, 359.
Asthma cured by nux vomica, 358.-From
aneurism of aorta, 172.

Augustine, climate of, 105.

Auricle of the heart, tumour in, 204.
Austrian States, medical education in, 141.

Baker's case of abscess and softening of
the corpora striata, 219, 251.-Case of
calculus in submaxillary duct, 249.-
Case of purpura hæmorrhagica, 248.
Ball in the lungs, 209.


Ballingall's case of rupture of the biceps
tendon, 58.

Bandage, therapeutical use of, 379.

Begin's physiological doctrine applied to
surgery, 193.

Bell on the decussation of the posterior
chords of the medulla oblongata, 133.
Bennett on prunus lauro-cerasus in neural-
gia, 29.

Benzoic acid, new process for purifying,

Biceps tendon, rupture of, 58.

Bile ducts, inordinate dilatation of, 157.
Blood, experiments on, 259, 326.--Free
carbonic acid of, 259.-Changes of, pro-
duced by bleeding, 134.

Bloody abscesses of the head, 217.
Brain, injection of arteries of, in living
animals, 275-Abscess and softening of,
219, 251.-Experiments on, 275.--Effu-
sions in, 429.

Breslau, anatomical cabinet of, 351.
Brodie on hemorrhoids, 184, 331.

Cephalæmatoma, Geddings on, 217.
Calculus in submaxillary duct, 249.
Cancer, hippomanes mancinella in, 286.-
Of duodenum, 157.

Cantharides in diabetes, 175.
Catechu in ptyalism, 431.
Chalybeates in dropsy, 437.

Chatard's case of a disease of the uterus,

Cholera, Roupeli's croonian lectures on, 47.
-Sexton on, 314.

Chorea, case of, cured by arsenic, 378.
Clavicle, fracture, treatment of, 86.
Consumption, residence in, 439.
Cæliacus fluxus, 358.
Coffee, virtues of, 352.

Copper, Kæchlin's preparation of, 356.
Cranium in infants, fissures of, 434.
Creosote as an anti-emetic agent, 273.
Cumming's case of chorea cured by arsenic,

Cuprum ammoniatum in St. Vitus' dance,

Baron's case of elongation of the tibia, 259. Cyanosis from malformation of heart, 270

Baths, Turkish, 341.

Cyclopædia of practical medicine, 51.

Dagger's sulphur springs, 252.
Diabetes, Hall's case of, 175.
Douching, hot, in sprains and bruises, 439.
Dropsy, chalybeates in, 437.

Drowning, case of, in which sand and gra-
vel were found in the trachea, 428.
Dunan's case of rupture of the uterus, 31.
Dunglison on antispasmodics, 1.-On the
climate of St. Augustine, 105.
Duodenum, cancer of, 157.
Dupuytren on wounds in battle, 122.-
Death of, 65.-Ointment to prevent fall-
ing of the hair, 357.

Entozooa in the eye, 67.

Epidemic hemeralopia, 359.

Erectile tumour having a nucleus, 269.
Ergot, poisoning from, 81.
Eye, Entozooa in, 67.

Fasting, death from, 359.

Fever, continued, Stokes on, 33.-Conges-
tive, treatment of, 83.-Blue, of children,

Fibrinous concretion, pus in, 59.
Fistula, recto-vaginal, 430.
Fluxus cæliacus, 358.

Food, abstinence from, case of, 62.
Foreign bodies in rectum, 281.
Forry's case of limosis expers, 367.

Geddings' contributions to pathology, 152.
-Case of cancer of duodenum, and ob-
struction of vena portæ with cancerous
matter, 157.-On sanguineous tumours of
the head, 217.

Genital organs, extirpation of, by an indivi-
dual affected with delirium tremens, 377.
Gland, submaxillary calculus of, 249.
Gonorrhæa and syphilis not identical, 386.
Grant's comparative anatomy, 215.
Green on the diagnosis of aneurism of the
aorta, 399.

Greetham's case of hydatids of the ovarium,

Gun shot wounds, 122.

Hall on fractured clavicle, 86.-Case of
diabetes, 175.

Hardy on the therapeutical use of the ban-
dage, 379.

Harems, practice in, 348.

Hauff on spontaneous salivation, 110.
Heart, perforation of its septum, 270.-
Tubercles of, 169.

Helleborus niger in intermittent fever, 355.
Helvetius' tincture of copper, 356.
Hemeralopia epidemic, 359.
Hemorrhoidal tumours, Smith on, 10.
Hemorrhoids, Brodie on, 184, 331.
Hippomanes mancinella, 286.

Horton's cases of tumours of the jaws, 298.
Hulse's case of poisoning from ergot, 81.--
On the salubrity of Pensacola, 255.
Hydatids of ovarium, 304.

Hydriodate of potass in periostitis, 272.
Hydrocele, citrine ointment in, 431.

Iliac primitive, ligature of, 84.
Ileo-cæcal valve, obliteration of intestine,

Injection of the liver, Kiernan on, 62.
Insanity, extraordinary cure of, 357.
Intermittent fever, aristolochia in, 352.—
Helleborus niger in, 355.

Iron, carbonate, in difficult menstruation,

Irritation, Smith on, 89, 145.

Itch, remedy for, 360.-Hydrosulphuret of
lime in, 274.

Jackson on poison from lead, 283.
Jaundice cured by venous tincture of wal-
nut leaves, 360.

Jaws, tumours of, 298.

Kidney, absence of, 432.
Kidneys, extirpation of, 326.
Kæchlin's liquor of copper, 356.

Lactation, vicarious, 208.

Lactic acid in medicine, 275.

Lead dressings for ulcerated surfaces, 178.
Lead in sugar, 283.

Legal medicine, establishment for teaching
in the University of Berlin, 427.
Lepra vulgaris, ointment for, 360.
Ligature of the internal mam. artery, 67.
Lime, hydrosulphuret of, in itch, 274.
Limosis expers, Forry on, 365.
Liver, tubercles of, 169.-Extensive disease
of, 157.-Method of injecting, 62.
Louis on Phthisis, translated by Cowen,

Lungs, ball lodged in, 209.-Fibrous cover-
ing of, 57.-Vicarious menstruation from,

Lung, total destruction of, 214.

Mal praxis of an accoucheur, 354.
Mammary artery, method of tying, 67.
Mayer's experiments on the brain,275.
McPherson's case of extirpation of the geni-
tal organs, 377.

Medical education in Austria, 141
Medical science in Turkey, 335.
Medical college of Cincinnati, 361.
Medulla oblongata, decussation of its pos-
terior chords, 133.

Menstruation, vicarious, from lungs, 273.-
At advanced periods, 203.--Difficult, cured
by carbonate of iron, 278.-Precocious,

Midwifery, cases of, by Thomas, 22.
Migraine, seat of, and cured by pressure,

Mississippi, exemption of certain parts of
from endemic fever, 438.
Morphia, curious effects of, 62.
Moultrie's introductory lecture, 144.

Neck, tumours of, 73.

Necrosis, treatment of, with acids, 354.

Nerve, sympathetic, connection with spinal
nerves, 54.

Nitrate of silver in tonsilitis, 437.
Nux vomica in spasmodic asthma, 358.

Obliteration of intestine, 269.
Obliteration of aorta, 287.

Oiled silk and warm water dressings, 428.
Ophthalmic ointment, Carron de Villard's,

Ophthalmia, blennorrhagic, of infants, 273.
Oppenheim on the state of medical science
in Turkey, 335.

Ossification of the spleen, 61.
Ozana, treatment of, 432.
Ovarium, hydatids of, 304.

Parise on sheet lead dressings, 178.
Parotid gland, extirpation of, 61.
Paroxysm of the night, causes of, 214.
Pearson's case of schirrhus uteri, 86.
Penis, horny excrescence of, 434.
Pensacola, salubrity of, 255.
Perineum, suture of, 351.
Perineoraphy, 351.

Periostitis, hydriodate of potass in, 272.
Peritonitis, diagnosis of, 205.

Pettit on chalybeates in dropsy, 437.
Phillips' new mode of treating aneurism,

Phlebitis, death from, 77.

Phlebolitis, observations on, 68.
Poisoning with strychnine, 137.
Poisoning from lead, 285.—From arsenic,


Potass, sulph. in sore throat, 281.

Potter on the non identity of gonorrheal
and syphilitic virus, 386.

Prize questions of New York Medical So-
ciety, 361.-Of Editors Medical Maga-
zine, 361.

Prunus lauro-cerasus in neuralgia, Bennett
on, 28.

Pulsations of the abdomen, 60.
Purpura hemorrhagica, 248.

Recto-vaginal fistula, treatment of, 430.
Rectum, foreign bodies in, 281.
Re-union after complete separation, 61.
Reynolds' translation of Begin, 193.
Roupell on cholera, 47.

Roux's travels in Switzerland, 137.

Salivation, spontaneous, 110.--Catechu in,

Schneiderian membrane, physiology of, 278.
Scrofulous conjunctivitis, 273.
Scrofula, copper in, 356.
Sexton on cholera, 314.

Smith's case of extirpation of the thyroid
gland, 308.--On irritation, 89, 145.-
Cases in surgery, 73-Surgical Anatomy
of the Arteries, 418.-On hemorrhoidal
tumours, 10.

Spina bifida, case of, 66.

Spleen, ossification of, 61.

Sprains and bruises, hot douches in, 439.
St. Vitus' dance cured by cuprum ammonia-
tum, 201.

Stokes on continued fever, 33, 111.-On a
fibrous tunic of the lungs, 57.
Strychnine, poisoning with, 137.
Sugar poisoned with lead, 283.
Sulphur Springs, 252.

Surgery, cases in, Smith's, 73.

Surgical Anatomy of the Arteries, 418.
Syphilis and gonorrhea not identical, 386.
Syrup, depurative, 359.

Tan water in tinea capitis, 201.
Testis, extirpation of, 77.
Thomas' cases in midwifery, 22.
Thyroid gland, extirpation of, 308.
Tibia abnormal, elongation of, 289.
Tiedemann and Gmelin's experiments to
discover urea in the blood, 326.-Experi-
ments on the blood, 259, 326-Views of
respiration, 265.

Tinea capitis treated with tan water, 201.
Tonsilitis, nitrate of silver in, 437.
Trachea, foreign body in, 359.-Sand and
gravel in, 428.

Tracheotomy, extraordinary case of, 59.
Travels in Switzerland and Italy, 137.
Tubercles of the liver and heart, 169.
Tritoxyde of iron, antidote of arsenic, 65.
Turkish baths, 341.

Turpentine, method of administering, 208.
Turkey, Medical science in, 335.

Urea in the blood, 326.

Urine, retention of from calculus in kidney,

Urtication, virtues of, 354.

Uterus, scirrhus of, successfully treated, 80.
-Dunan's case of rupture of, 31.-A
disease of, 299.--Double, case of, 433.

Vaccination, results of, in the Prussian
army, 209.

Varicocele, radical cure of, 353.

Veins, ossification of, 435.--Calculus con-
cretions of, 436.

Vena portæ, obstruction of, 157.
Venereal, prophylactic against, 214.

Walnut leaves in jaundice, 360

Warm water and oiled silk dressings, 428.
Whooping cough, plaister for, 274.
Wounds received in battle, 122.
Wulzer on the sympathetic nerve, 54.

Zittmann's decoction, 213.

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