Зображення сторінки

by the word, a, a limiting adjective modifier, and by the word, pleasing, a descriptive adjective modifier.

The principal part of the copula is the word, was. It is modified by the word, certainly, an adverbial modifier expressing the adverbial idea of certainty.

Thus we see that each organic part of the sentence consists of a principal part and its subordinate parts which are modifiers. The principal part of the subject is always a noun or a pronoun or some expression used substantively; as, Interesting books were furnished. He, himself, spoke to me.

The principal part of the predicate may be substantive; as, This man is an excellent lawyer; or it may be attributive; as, Birds sing sweetly. The woman was very kind.

The principal part of the copula is always a relational word; as, The child is not well.

Exercise 22

In the following sentences point out the principal word in each organic part and explain the uses of the other words:

I. Tabby, the house cat, lay on a soft rug by the open door.

2. There was a robin's nest in that tree.

3. The tail feathers of these birds were a dark brown. 4. Presently they would come flying back to their leafy home, bearing in their yellow bills some choice tidbit for the little ones in the nest.

The Organic Parts of the Sentence


5. Suddenly she made a spring to seize the helpless baby bird with her sharp claws.

56. Compound Subjects. Sometimes instead of having one principal part or word in the subject, we have two or more; as, Bread and milk is a good food.

We call this a compound subject. We must be careful, however, to distinguish this kind of sentence from a compound sentence; as, James and Harry study.

This sentence does not contain a compound subject, but it is an abridged compound sentence. It expresses two thoughts of equal rank for it means, James studies and Harry studies; while the sentence with the compound subject cannot be expanded. It does not mean, Bread is a good food and milk is a good food.

We often have

57. Compound Predicates. two or more principal words in the predicate; as, The flag is red, white, and blue.

The expression, red, white, and blue, is a compound predicate. It does not mean, The flag is red and the flag is white and the flag is blue. It means that red, white, and blue are the colors of the flag.

This is entirely different from the sentence, The violet is blue, beautiful, and fragrant.

This sentence means, The violet is blue and the

violet is beautiful and the violet is fragrant. It is an abridged compound sentence.

Exercise 23

Tell which of the following sentences contain compound subjects or predicates and which are abridged compound sentences. Expand the abridged compound sentences and show that the others cannot be expanded:

1. Justice and Mercy are desirable qualities.

2. Health and wealth are desired by all.

3. Five and four are nine.

4. The Puritan and the Indian are fast passing.

5. Yellow and blue makes a pretty badge.

6. A desirable combination is elegance and ease.

7. The first sure symptom is love of ease and pleasure felt at home.

8. His principle is justice and fairdealing.

9. The parrot talks and sings.

10. Mercy and truth have met in the way.

II. Pinks and roses are fragrant.

12. The sign is red and white.

13. Birds chirp and sing.

14. The moon and stars are shining.

15. The scholar and poet was also a Christian and patriot.

Chapter X


58. Uses of Words in Simple Sentence. We are now prepared to examine a number of simple sentences in order to discover the following points:

1. The kind of words used in forming the simple sentence.

2. The exact use of each kind of word in the simple sentence.

3. The modifiers which may belong to each kind of word in the simple sentence.

We have seen in the last two Sections that there are two kinds of simple sentence, the regular simple sentence and the simple sentence with a compound part.

A regular simple sentence is a simple sentence which has only one principal word in each of its principal parts; as, His son is now entering college.

A simple sentence with a compound part is a simple sentence some principal part of which contains two or more principal words; as, A combination much to be desired is health of body and beauty of soul.

59. To find the kind of words in a simple sentence. In working out the kinds of words found in the simple sentence, their uses and modifiers, let us take the following steps:

1. Classify the word in the smallest known class; as, noun, adjective, pure verb, etc.

2. Give its exact use in the sentence; as, subject, principal part of the subject, appositive modifier, principal part of an appositive modifier, limiting adjective modifier, etc.

3. Draw a conclusion with regard to the class of words to which it belongs.


To make this clearer, let us take the sentence, The big Indian rose from his seat.

The word, the, is an adjective. It is used as a limiting adjective modifier of the word, Indian. Therefore, an adjective may be used as a limiting adjective modifier in the simple sentence.

The word, big, is an adjective. It is used as a descriptive adjective modifier of the word, Indian. Therefore, an adjective may be used as a descriptive adjective modifier in the simple sentence.

The word, Indian, is a noun. It is used as the principal part of the subject of the sentence. Therefore, a noun may be used as the principal part of the subject of a simple sentence.

used as the

The word, rose, is an attributive verb. It is principal part of the predicate of the sentence. It also expresses the thought relation. Therefore, an attributive verb may be used as the principal part of the predicate of a simple sentence. It also expresses the thought relation.

The word, from, is a preposition. It is used as the relational word of the prepositional phrase, from his seat. Therefore, a preposition may be used as the relational word of a prepositional phrase in the simple sentence.

The word, his, is a pronoun. It is used as a possessive.

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