Зображення сторінки

The Fourth Section.

Chapter 13


We have been studying sentences as wholes and we have discovered the different classes of sentences on the basis of their chief purpose and on the basis of the number and relation of thoughts expressed. In studying the organic parts of sentences, the subject, predicate and copula, we have learned how all the different kinds of words which we have in our language are used in these different kinds of sentences and all the modifiers which belong to them.

We are now to study these classes of words more in detail. We have in the English language more than two hundred thousand words; but, as we have seen, we can arrange them all in a few classes according to their uses in expressing thought.

These classes of words which we have already discussed and defined are called parts of speech.

Chapter 14


124. The Noun Defined. A noun is a substantive word which expresses an object of thought by naming it; as, The gallant crew rowed against a heavy sea.

125. Classes of Nouns. In the sentence, The Wabash flows south along the western boundary of the state of Indiana, the nouns, state and Indiana, express the same object of thought, but in different ways. The noun, state, expresses the object of thought by calling attention to or emphasizing the attributes which it has in common with other objects of thought in that class; while the noun, Indiana, expresses the object of thought by calling attention to or emphasizing the attributes peculiar to it. We call the first a common noun and the second a proper noun.

126. Proper Noun Defined. A proper noun is a noun which expresses an object of thought by emphasizing the attributes peculiar to it; as, Minneapolis is a beautiful city.

127. Common Noun Defined. A common noun is a noun which expresses an object of

thought by emphasizing the attributes which it has in common with the members of its class; as, The city is beautiful.

Exercise 56

Write seven proper nouns which are suggested by the following common nouns: river, book, girl, tree, building, man, woman.

Write common nouns which are suggested by the following proper nouns: Chicago, Iowa, Harry, France, Monday, Mary, June.

Write ten sentences containing proper nouns and ten containing common nouns.

128. Classes of Common Nouns. In the sentences, The horse is a useful animal. The school was dismissed for a holiday. Iron is heavy. The nouns, horse, school, and iron, are all common nouns. The word, horse, however, expresses an object of thought which is composed of individuals thought together on the basis of their common attributes; the noun, school, expresses an object of thought made up of a number of individuals thought together in space; while the noun, iron, expresses an object of thought which is the material or substance out of which other things are made. This difference in common nouns gives us three classes: class nouns, collective nouns, and substance nouns.

129. Class Noun Defined. A class noun is a

common noun which expresses an object of thought made up of individuals that are thought together on the basis of their common attributes; or it may express one or more than one of these individuals; as, The horse is a useful animal. The horse is tied to the post. The horses are in the field.

130. The Collective Noun Defined. A collective noun is a common noun which expresses an object of thought made up of a number of individuals thought together in space; as, The jury was dismissed.

131. The Substance Noun Defined. A substance noun is a noun which expresses an object of thought that is the material out of which other things are made; as, The spoon was made of pew


132. Other Classes of Nouns. The division. of nouns into common and proper is on the basis of the kind of attributes emphasized. Nouns may be divided on another basis. In the sentence, The city was destroyed by fire, the noun, city, expresses an object of thought which was first known by its attributes. We call this a concrete noun.

In the sentence, Truth will triumph in the end, the noun, truth, expresses an object of thought which was first known as an attribute. We call this an abstract noun.

133. Concrete Noun Defined.

A concrete noun is a noun which expresses an object of thought that was first known by its attributes; as, The money was stolen. New York is the metropolis of the United States.

134. Abstract Noun Defined. An abstract noun is a noun which expresses an object of thought that was first known as an attribute; as, Justice is a virtue which includes many others. Christian was on his way to the Holy City when he met with Patience.

Exercise 57

In the following sentences point out the nouns and classify them into the smallest known classes on each basis, stating the basis in each case.

I. The house is made of brick.

2. The cup and spoon were presents.

3. Iron is a useful metal.

4. The girl's cheeks were rosy.

5. The man placed his hand on the boy's head.

6. The boat turned on her side.

7. Such a banner was long since waving over the portal

of the Province House.

8. Silver and gold have I none.

9. The odor of the flower was pleasant.

10. The articles were made of wood and iron.

II. Do you like the flavor of the fruit?

12. Thunder and lightning are frightful.

13. "Another trump for the Lady Eleanore!" he cried.

14. The man is six feet in height.

15. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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