Зображення сторінки

and stains these mosses green and gold
will still as he hath done incline

his gracious ear to me and mine

After the sentences in the preceding list are punctuated, use them in reviewing any of the work of the preceding chapters.

In about what proportion do these kinds of sentences occur? Could the thought of either of these selections be expressed exclusively in simple sentences or in compound sentences, or in complex sentences? What is the advantage in using all three kinds?

Work in Composition

Description (continued).


What feeling do you get from looking at the picture called "The Day's Work Done," facing page 76. What is pictured? What season of the year is suggested by it? What time of day?

Write a description of the picture.

The Four W's. Notice how in "The Eagle” Mr. Tennyson has presented a picture by making clear what he is talking about, the eagle; by naming the occasion, the eagle first watching and then plunging; the place, the crag close to the sun in lonely lands; the time, suggested by the position of the sun. We see that four elements have been named or suggested: the what, the where, the when

and the why (the occasion). These are called the four W's.

Read your paper. Have you either expressed or suggested the four W's?


Study the picture called "In the Pasture," facing page 188.

What impression does the picture make upon you? Name the four W's.

Write a description of the picture a paragraph long. Let the first sentence characterize the picture by giving the general impression which you received from it, and the others name the four W's. Decide whether you want to describe the picture as if you were now looking upon it, or as if you had looked upon it in the past and then keep your verbs all in the same tense. For knowledge of tense see section 266, page 298.


Study the picture called "The Woods in Winter", facing page 1.

The season of

The Four W's Suggested. the year, the time of day, the place, the people and the occasion may be suggested in a description. Gaily colored leaves fluttering to the ground suggest fall; burning sand and glaring sun suggest a desert; a person riding a broomstick suggests a

[graphic][merged small]

witch, and some one running excitedly down a street suggests that there is trouble somewhere.

Write a description of the picture. Try to suggest some of the four W's.

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