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The citizens of
Manfoul must

fuit, and that will moft faithfully ferve in the wars of SHADDAI against the Diabolonians, for the prefervation of the town of Manfoul. I charge you, therefore, faid he, O'ye inhabitants of the now flourishing town of Manfoul, that you carry it not untowardly to my captains or their men; fince they are picked and choice men, men chosen out of many for the good of the town of Manfoul. I say, I charge you, that you carry it not untowardly to them; for though they have the hearts and faces of lions, when at any time they shall be called forth to engage and fight with the King's to the captains. foes, and the enemies of the town of Manfoul, yet a little discountenance caft upon them from the town of Manfoul will deject and caft down their faces, will weaken and take away their courage. Do not, therefore, carry it unkindly to my valiant captains and courageous men of war, but love them, nourish them, fuccour them, and lay them to your bofoms, and they will not only fight for you, but caufe to fly from you all those Diabolonians that feek, and will, if poffible, prove your utter destruction.

behave kindly

If, therefore, any of them should at any time be fick, or weak, and fo not able to perform that office of love which with all their hearts they are willing to do (and will do also when well and in health), Heb. xii. 12. Ifa. xxxv. 3, flight them not, nor defpife them, but rather ftrengthen and encourage them, though weak and ready to die; for they are your fence and your guard, your walls, gates, locks, and bars, Rev. iii. 2. 1 Theff. v. 14. (a) And altho' when they are weak they can do but little, but rather need to be helped by you, than that you should then expect great things from them; yet when well, you know what exploits and warlike atchievements they can do, and will perform for you. • Befides,

(a) Gofpel minifters are to be esteemed, for their eminent usefulness.

"Befides, if they be weak, the town of Manfoul cannot be ftrong; if they be ftrong, then, Manfoul cannot be weak your fafety therefore doth lie in their health, and in your countenancing them. Remember alfo, that if they be fick, they catch that difsease of the town of Manfoul itself.

A caution about

the Diaboloni

ans that yet

remain in Man


"These things I have faid unto you, because I love your welfare, and your honour: obferve therefore, Oh my Manfoul, to be punctual in all things that I have given in charge unto you, and that not only as a town corporate, and fo to your officers and guard and guides in chief, but to you as you are a people whofe well-being, as single perfons, depends on the observation of the orders and commandments of their Lord. Next, Oh my Manfoul, I warn you of that, of which, notwithstanding the reformation that is at prefent wrought among you, you have need to be warned about; wherefore hearken diligently unto me. I am now fure, and you will know hereafter, that there are yet fome Diabolonians remaining in the town of Manfoul; (a) Diabolonians that are sturdy and implacable, and that do already while I am yet with you, and that will yet more when I am from you, study, plot, contrive, invent, and jointly attempt to bring you to defolation, and fo to a statefar worse than that of Egyptian bondage; they are the avowed friends of Diabolus, therefore look about you, Matt. vii. 21, 22. They used, therefore, to lodge with their Prince in the castle, when Incredulity was lord-mayor of this town; but fince my coming hither, they lie more in the outfides and walls, and have made themselves dens, and caves, and holes, and strong holds therein, Rom. vii. 18. Wherefore, Oh


(a) The Canaanites are ftill in the land; the love and dominion of fin can only be fubdued by divine grace, through faith and prayer.

No. 6.


Manfoul, thy work as to this, will be fo much the more difficult and hard; that is, to take, mortify, and put them to death, according to the will of my Father. Nor can you utterly rid yourfelves of them, unless you should pull down the walls of your town, the which I am by no means willing you thould. Do you ask me, What shall we then do? Why, be you diligent, and quit you like men; obferve their holds, find out their haunts, affault them, and make no peace with them: wherever they haunt, lurk, or abide, and what terms of peace foever they offer you, abhor; and all fhall be well betwixt you and me. And that you may the better know them from the natives of Manfoul, I will give you this brief schedule of the names of the chief of them; and they are these that follow: The lord Fornication, the lord Adulfome of the Ditery, the lord Murder, the lord Anger, the abolonians in lord Lafciviousness, the lord Deceit, the lord Manfoul. Evil-eye, Mr. Drunkenness, Mr. Revelling, Mr. Idolatry, Mr. Witchcraft, Mr. Variance, Mr. Emulation, Mr. Wrath, Mr. Strife, Mr. Sedition, and Mr. Herefy. (a) Thefe are fome of the chief, O Manfoul, of thofe that will feek to overthrow thee for ever: thefe, I fay, are the fkulkers in Manfoul; but look well into the law of thy King, and thou fhalt find their phyfiognomy, and fuch other characteristical notes of them, whereby they may be known.

The names of

"Thefe, O my Manfoul, (and I would gladly that you fhould certainly know it,) if they be fuffered to run and range about the town as they wifh, would quickly, like vipers, eat out your bowels, yea poison your captains, cut the finews of your foldiers, break the bars and bolts of your gates, and turn your now most flourishing Manfoul into a barren, defolate wilderness and ruinous heap. Wherefore,


(a) See thefe enemies (till lurking within) noticed in Gal. V. 19-21.

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that you may take courage to yourselves to apprehend thefe
villains wherever you find them, I give to
you my lord-mayor, my lord Will-be-will, A commiffion
to deftroy the
and Mr. Recorder, with all the inhabitants Diabolonians.
of the town of. Manfoul, full power and com-
miffion to feek out, to take, and caufe to be put to death
by the crofs, all manner of Diabolonians, wherever you
fhall find them lurk within or without the walls of the
town of Manfoul. I told you before, that I had placed
a ftanding miniftry among you; not that you have but
thefe with you, for my four firft captains, who came
against the master and lord of the Diabolonians that was in
Manfoul, they can, and (if need be) if they be required,
will not only privately inform, but publicly preach to the
corporation, good and wholfome doctrine: yea, they will
fet up a weekly, and, if need be, a daily lecture in thee,
Oh Manfoul! and will inftruct thee in fuch profitable
leffons, that, if attended to, will do thee good at the end.
And take good heed that you fpare not the men whom you
have a commiffion to take and crucify.

A caution.

"Now as I have set before your eyes the
vagrants and runagates by name, fo I will
tell you, that among yourselves fome of them shall creep
in to beguile you, even fuch as would feem, and that in
appearance are, very rife and hot for religion: (a) and they,
if you watch not, will do you a mischief, fuch an one as
do not think of. Thefe will fhew themselves to you
in another hue than thofe under the defcription before;
wherefore watch and be fober, and fuffer not thyfelf to be

When the Prince had thus far new-modelled the town
of Manfoul, and had inftructed them in fuch matters as
were profitable for them to know; then he appointed ano-


(a) Such are felf-righteousness, spiritual pride, vain-glory, and the like,

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ther day, on which he intended, when the townsfolk came
Another privi- together, to beftow a further badge of honour
lege in Man- upon the town of Manfoul: a badge that
fhould diftinguifh them from all people, kin-
dreds, and tongues, that dwell in the kingdom of Universe.
Now it was not long before the day appointed came, and
the Prince and the people met in the King's palace, where
first Emanuel made a fhort fpeech unto them, and then
did for them as he had faid, and unto them he had pro-

His speech to

My Manfoul, faid he, that which I now am about to do, is, to make you known to the world to be mine, and to diftinguish you alfo in your own eyes, from all false traitors that may creep in among you.'

Then he commanded that thofe that waited upon him fhould go and bring forth out of his treasury thofe white glittering robes that I, faid he, have provided and laid up in flore for my Manfoul. So the white garments were fetched, and laid forth to the eyes of the people, Rev. xix. 8. Moreover, it was granted to them, that they should take them and put them on. So the people were put into white, into fine linen, white and clean. (a)

Then faid the Prince unto them, This, O Manfoul, is my livery, and the badge by which mine are known from the fervants of others. Yea, it is that which I grant to all that are mine, and without which no man is permitted to fee my face. Wear them, therefore, for my fake who gave them unto you; and alfo if you would be known by the world to be mine.'

But now, can you think how Manfoul fhone? It was fair as the fun, clear as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners.

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The Prince added further, and faid, No prince, potentate, or mighty one of Univerfe, giveth this livery

(a) Holiness, imputed and imparted.


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