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the stretch in extension, and which recover their original form and position in flexion (fig. 98, c, p. 181). This simple experiment shows that the various inclined surfaces requisite for flight are produced by the mere acts of extension and flexion in the dead bird. It is not, however, to be inferred from this circumstance that flight can be produced without voluntary movements any more than ordinary walking. The muscles, bones, ligaments, feathers, etc., are so adjusted with reference to each other that if the wing is moved at all, it must move in the proper direction—an arrangement which enables the bird to fly without thinking, just as we can walk without thinking. There cannot, however, be a doubt that the bird has the power of controlling its wings both during the down and up strokes; for how otherwise could it steer and direct its course with such precision in obtaining its food? how fix its wings on a level with or above its body for skimming purposes? how fly in a curve? how fly with, against, or across a breeze? how project itself from a rock directly into space, or how elevate itself from a level surface by the laboured action of its wings?

The wing of the bird is elevated to a certain extent in flight by the reaction of the air upon its under surface; but it is also elevated by muscular action-by the contraction of the elastic ligaments, and by the body falling downwards and forwards in a curve.

That muscular action is necessary is proved by the fact that the pinion is supplied with distinct elevator muscles.1 It is further proved by this, that the bird can, and always

1 Mr. Macgillivray and C. J. L. Krarup, a Danish author, state that the wing is elevated by a vital force, viz. by the contraction of the pectoralis minor. This muscle, according to Krarup, acts with one-eighth the intensity of the pectoralis major (the depressor of the wing). He bases his statement upon the fact that in the pigeon the pectoralis minor or elevator of the wing weighs one-eighth of an ounce, whereas the pectoralis major or depressor of the wing weighs seven-eighths of an ounce. It ought, however, to be borne in mind that the volume of a muscle does not necessarily determine the precise influence exerted by its action; for the tendon of the muscle may be made to act upon a long lever, and, under favourable conditions, for developing its powers, while that of another muscle may be made to act upon a short lever, and, consequently, under unfavourable conditions.-On the Flight of Birds, p. 30. Copenhagen, 1869.

does, elevate its wings prior to flight, quite independently of the air. When the bird is fairly launched in space the elevator muscles are assisted by the tendency which the body. has to fall downwards and forwards: by the reaction of the air; and by the contraction of the elastic ligaments. The air and the elastic ligaments contribute to the elevation of the wing, but both are obviously under control-they, in fact, form links in a chain of motion which at once begins and terminates in the muscular system.

That the elastic ligaments are subsidiary and to a certain extent under the control of the muscular system in the same sense that the air is, is evident from the fact that voluntary muscular fibres run into the ligaments in question at various points (a, b of fig. 98, p. 181). The ligaments and muscular fibres act in conjunction, and fold or flex the forearm on the arm. There are others which flex the hand upon the forearm. Others draw the wing towards the body.

The elastic ligaments, while occupying a similar position in the wings of all birds, are variously constructed and variously combined with voluntary muscles in the several species.

The Elastic Ligaments more highly differentiated in Wings which vibrate rapidly.—The elastic ligaments of the swan are more complicated and more liberally supplied with voluntary muscle than those of the crane, and this is no doubt owing to the fact that the wings of the swan are driven at a much higher speed than those of the crane. In the snipe the wings are made to vibrate very much more rapidly than in the swan, and, as a consequence, we find that the fibro-elastic bands are not only greatly increased, but they are also geared to a much greater number of voluntary muscles, all which seems to prove that the musculo-elastic apparatus employed for recovering or flexing the wing towards the end of the down stroke, becomes more and more highly differentiated in proportion to the rapidity with which the wing is moved.1 The reason for this is obvious. If the wing is to be worked at a higher speed, it must, as a consequence, be more rapidly flexed and

1 A careful account of the musculo-elastic structures occurring in the wing of the pigeon is given by Mr. Macgillivray in his History of British Birds, pp. 37, 38.


extended. The rapidity with which the wing of the bird is extended and flexed is in some instances exceedingly great; so great, in fact, that it escapes the eye of the ordinary observer. The speed with which the wing darts in and out in flexion. and extension would be quite inexplicable, but for a knowledge of the fact that the different portions of the pinion form angles with each other, these angles being instantly increased or diminished by the slightest quiver of the muscular and fibro-elastic systems. If we take into account the fact that the wing of the bird is recovered or flexed by the combined action of voluntary muscles and elastic ligaments; that it is elevated to a considerable extent by voluntary muscular effort; and that it is extended and depressed entirely by muscular exertion, we shall have difficulty in avoiding the conclusion that the wing is thoroughly under the control of the muscular system, not only in flexion and extension, but also throughout the entire down and up strokes.

An arrangement in every respect analogous to that described in the bird is found in the wing of the bat, the covering or web of the wing in this instance forming the principal elastic ligament (fig. 17, p. 36).

Power of the Wing-to what owing.-The shape and power of the pinion depend upon one of three circumstances-to wit, the length of the humerus,1 the length of the cubitus or forearm, and the length of the primary feathers. In the swallow the humerus, and in the humming-bird the cubitus, is very short, the primaries being very long; whereas in the albatross the humerus or arm-bone is long and the primaries short. When one of these conditions is fulfilled, the pinion is usually greatly elongated and scythe-like (fig. 62, p. 137) -an arrangement which enables the bird to keep on the wing for immense periods with comparatively little exertion, and to wheel, turn, and glide about with exceeding ease and grace. When the wing is truncated and rounded (fig. 96, p.

1 "The humerus varies extremely in length, being very short in the swallow, of moderate length in the gallinaceous birds, longer in the crows, very long in the gannets, and unusually elongated in the albatross. In the golden eagle it is also seen to be of great length."--Macgillivray's British Birds, vol. i. p. 30.

176), a form of pinion usually associated with a heavy body, as in the grouse, quail, diver, and grebe, the muscular exertion required, and the rapidity with which the wing moves are very great; those birds, from a want of facility in turning, flying either in a straight line or making large curves. They, moreover, rise with difficulty, and alight clumsily and somewhat suddenly. Their flight, however, is perfect while it lasts. The goose, duck (fig. 107, p. 204), pigeon (fig. 106, p. 203) and crow, are intermediate both as regards the form of the wing and the rapidity with which it is moved.

The heron (fig. 60, p. 126) and humming-bird furnish extreme examples in another direction, the heron having a large wing with a leisurely movement, the humming-bird a comparatively large wing with a greatly accelerated one.

But I need not multiply examples; suffice it to say that flight may be attained within certain limits by every size and form of wing, if the number of its oscillations be increased in proportion to the weight to be raised.

Reasons why the effective Stroke should be delivered downwards and forwards.-The wings of all birds, whatever their form, act by alternately presenting oblique and comparatively nonoblique surfaces to the air,-the mere extension of the pinion, as has been shown, causing the primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers to roll down till they make an angle of 30° or so with the horizon, in order to prepare it for giving the effective stroke, which is delivered, with great rapidity and energy, in a downward and forward direction. I repeat, "downwards and forwards;" for a careful examination of the relations of the wing in the dead bird, and a close observation of its action in the living one, supplemented by a large number of experiments with natural and artificial wings, have fully convinced me that the stroke is invariably Idelivered in this direction.1 If the wing did not strike

1 Prevailing Opinions as to the Direction of the Down Stroke.—Mr. Macgillivray, in his History of British Birds, published in 1837, states (p. 34) that in flexion the wing is drawn upwards, forwards, and inwards, but that during extension, when the effective stroke is given, it is made to strike outwards, downwards, and backwards. The Duke of Argyll holds a similar opinion. In speaking of the hovering of birds, he asserts that

downwards and forwards, it would act at a manifest disadvantage :

1st. Because it would present the back or convex surface of the wing to the air a convex surface dispersing or dissipating the air, while a concave surface gathers it together or focuses it.

2d. In order to strike backwards effectually, the concavity of the wing would also require to be turned backwards; and this would involve the depression of the anterior or thick margin of the pinion, and the elevation of the posterior or thin one, during the down stroke, which never happens.

3d. The strain to which the pinion is subjected in flight would, if the wing struck backwards, fall, not on the anterior or strong margin of the pinion formed by the bones and muscles, but on the posterior or weak margin formed by the tips of the primary, secondary, and tertiary feathers—which is not in accordance with the structure of the parts.

4th. The feathers of the wing, instead of being closed, as they necessarily are, by a downward and forward movement,

"if a bird, by altering the axis of its own body, can direct its wing stroke in some degree forwards, it will have the effect of stopping instead of promoting progression ;" and that, "Except for the purpose of arresting their flight, birds can never strike except directly downwards—that is, directly against the opposing force of gravity."-Good Words, Feb. 1865, p. 132.

Mr. Bishop, in the Cyc. of Anat. and Phys., vol. iii. p. 425, says, “In consequence of the planes of the wings being disposed either perpendicularly or obliquely backwards to the direction of their motion, a corresponding impulse is given to their centre of gravity." Professor Owen, in like manner, avers that " a downward stroke would only tend to raise the bird in the air; to carry it forwards, the wings require to be moved in an oblique plane, so as to strike backwards as well as downwards."-Comp. Anat. and Phys. and Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 115.

The following is the account given by M. E. Liais :-" When a bird is about to depress its wing, this is a little inclined from before backwards. When the descending movement commences, the wing does not descend parallel to itself in a direction from before backwards; but the movement is accompanied by a rotation of several degrees round the anterior edge, so that the wing becomes more in front than behind, and the descending movement is transferred more and more backwards. When the wing has completely descended, it is both further back and lower than at the commencement of the movement."-"On the Flight of Birds and Insects." Annals of Nat. Hist. vol. xv. 3d series, p. 156.

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