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HABEANT plenam facultatem et 1Auctoritatem, nomine to

tius Universitatis, respondendi Literis Regiæ Majestatis in hac Congregatione lectis, ac nomine totius Universitatis definiendi et determinandi quæstionem in dictis literis propositam : ita quod quicquid duæ partes eorum præsentium inter se decreverint, respondendi dictis literis, et definierint ac determinaverint super quæstione proposita, in iisdem habeatur, et reputetur pro Responsione, Definitione et Determinatione totius Universitatis, et quod liceat Vicecancellario, Procuratoribus et Scrutatoribus,

f Repps. g Downs. h Middleton. i Latimer. * Hudway, Au



BOOK literis super dictarum duarum partium definitione et determinatione concipienda sigillum commune Universitatis apponere: sic quod disputetur Quæstio publice et antea legatur coram Universitate absq; ulteriori gratia desuper petenda aut obtinenda.

Your Highness may perceive by the Notes, that we be already sure of as many as be requisite, wanting only three; and we have good hope of four; of which four if we get two, and obtain of another to be absent, it is sufficient for our purpose.


July 1. 1530.

A Letter from Crook out of Venice, concerning the Opinions of
Divines about the Divorce. An Original.

Cotton Lib. PLEASE it your Highness to be advertised, That as this day

Vitell. B. 13. Fol. 91.

I obtained the Common Seal of the University of Padua, in substantial and good form; for all the Doctors were assembled upon Sunday, and the Case was amongst them solemnly and earnestly disputed all Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and this present Friday in the morning again and thereupon they concluded with your Highness, and desired a Notary to set his Sign and Hand unto an Instrument, by Leonicus and a Simonetus devised, in corroboration of your Cause, and thereby to testify that this Instrument was their Deed, Device, Act, and Conclusion; and for the more credence to be given to the said Instrument, they caused the Chancellor of the Potestate here to set his hand and Seal for the approbation of the Authority of the Notary: A Copy of all the which things I send unto your Highness by this Bearer, in most humble wise beseeching the same to be advertised, that the General of the Black-Friers hath given a Commandment, That no Black-Frier dispute the Pope's Power; Notwithstanding Prior Thomas Om

a Simonettus


nibonus procureth daily new Subscriptions, and will do till the BOOK Brief of contrary Commandment shall come unto his hands.


My fidelity bindeth me to advertise your Highness, that all Lutherans be utterly against your Highness in this Cause, and have letted as much with their wretched b poor Malice, without reason or Authority, as they could and might, as well here, as in Padua and Ferrara, where be no small Companies of them. I doubt not but all Christian Universities, if they be well handled, will earnestly conclude with your Highness. And to obtain their assent, as well through Italy, France, © Almeyne, Austrich, Hungary and Scotland, I think it marvelous expedient, for the preferment of this your most honourable and high Cause; As from the Seigniory and Dominion of Venice towards Rome, and beyond Rome, I think there can be no more done than is done already. Albeit, gracious Lord, if that I had in time been sufficiently furnished with Mony, albeit I have beside this Seal procured unto your Highness an hundred and ten Subscriptions, yet it had been nothing in comparison of that that I might easily and would have done; and at this hour I assure your Highness, that I have nother Provision nor Mony, and have borrowed an hundred Crowns, the which also are spent about the getting of this Seal; of the which my need, and divers impediments in your Highness's Causes here, I have advertised your Highness by many and Sundry Letters, and with the same sent divers Books and Writings, part to Hierom Molins a Venetian, and Factor to Mappheus Bernardus by the hands of your Subject Edmund Herwel, part directed to Mr. 8 Tuke, whereof I am nothing ascertained whether they be exhibited unto your Highness or not, to no little discomfort unto me; notwithstanding I have reserved a Copy of all things, Letters, and other, and herein inclosed a Bill, specifying by whom and to whom I directed my said Letters, in most humble wise, beseeching your most Royal Clemency, to ponder my h true service and good endeavours, and not to suffer me to be destitute of Mony, to my undoing, and utter loss of your most


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b Power, ‹ Almogn, d neither e Cause f Harwel, Toke,

sure, and

h true,


BOOK high Causes here: for of my self I have nothing whereby to help my self. And thus the most Blessed Trinity keep and preserve your Highness in his most Royal Estate. At Venice, the first day of July at night, Anno ixxx. k Your Highness shall receive a Letter herewith from Simonetus.


The Judgment of the Universities concerning the King's Marriage; taken from the Printed Edition of them. London, 1532.

Censura Facultatis Sacræ Theologiæ almæ Universitatis Parisiensis. DECANUS et Facultas Sacræ Theologiæ almæ Universitatis Parisiensis, omnibus, ad quos præsens scriptum pervenerit, salutem in eo qui est vera Salus. Cum nuper suborta magnæ difficultatis controversia super invaliditate Matrimonii, inter Serenissimum Henricum Octavum Angliæ Regem, Fidei Defensorem, et Dominum Hiberniæ, ac Illustrissimam Dominam Catharinam Angliæ Reginam, claræ memoriæ Ferdinandi Regis Catholici Filiam contracti, et carnali copula consummati, illa etiam nobis Quæstio in justitia, et veritate discutienda et examinanda proposita fuerat, videlicet, An ducere relictam fratris mortui sine liberis sic esset jure divino et naturali prohibitum, ut interveniente summi Pontificis Dispensatione, non posset fieri licitum, ut quis Christianus relictam fratris ducat, et habeat in Uxorem; Nos Decanus et Facultas antedicta, cogitantes, quam esset pium et sanctum, nec-non debito charitatis, et nostræ Professioni consentaneum, ut his, qui in lege Domini secura, tranquillaq; conscientia vitam hanc ducere, et transigere cupiant, viam justitiæ ostenderemus, noluimus tam justis et piis votis deesse. Hinc more solito, apud ædem S. Mathurini per juramentum convenientes, et solemni Missa cum Invocatione Spiritus Sancti ob hoc celebrata, nec non præstito juramento de deliberando super præfata quæstione, secundum

i 30. R. Crook. * Your Highness shall receive a Letter herewith from Simonetus. om.


Deum et Conscientiam; Post varias et multiplices Sessiones, BOOK tam apud ædem S. Mathurini, quam apud Collegium Sorbonæ, ab octava Junii usq; ad secundum Julii habitas, et continuatas, perscrutatis prius excussisq; quam diligentissime, ac ea qua decuit reverentia et. Religione, Sacræ Scripturæ Libris eorumq; probatissimis interpretibus, nec-non Sacro-sanctæ Ecclesiæ generalibus ac Synodalibus Concilii Decretis et constitutionibus longo usu receptis et approbatis: Nos prædicti Decanus et Facultas de prædicta Quæstione disserentes, et ad eam respondentes, sequentes unanime judicium et consensum Majoris partis totius Facultatis, Asseruimus et determinavimus, prout et in his Scriptis per præsentes Asserimus et Determinamus, quod prædictæ nuptiæ cum relictis fratrum decedentium sine liberis, sic naturali jure pariter et divino sunt prohibitæ, ut super talibus Matrimoniis contractis, sive contrahendis, Summus Pontifex dispensare non possit. In cujus nostræ Assertionis et Determinationis fidem et testimonium, sigillum nostræ Facultatis cum signo nostri Notarii, seu Bedelli præsentibus apponi curavimus. Datum in generali nostra Congregatione per juramentum celebrata apud S. Mathurinum. Anno Domini Millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo, Mensis vero Julii die secundo.

Censura Facultatis Decretorum almæ Universitatis Parisiensis.

IN Nomine Domini Amen. Cum proposita fuisset coram nobis

Decano et Collegio Consultissimæ Facultatis Decretorum Parisiensis Universitatis Quæstio; An Papa possit Dispensare, quod Frater possit in Uxorem ducere, sive accipere relictam Fratris sui, Matrimonio consummato per Fratrem præmortuum? Nos Decanus et Collegium præfatæ Facultatis, post multas Disputationes et Argumenta hinc inde super hac materia facta ac habita, cum magna et longa librorum, tam divini, quam Pontificii et Civilis, jurium revolutione consulimus, et dicimus, Papam non posse in facto proposito dispensare. In cujus rei testimonium, has præsentes Sigillo nostræ Facultatis, et signo nostri scribæ primi Bedelli muniri fecimus. Datum in Congregatione nostra apud Sanctum Joannem Lateranensem, Parisiis die vicesima tertia mensis Maii, Anno Dom. millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo.

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