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that lay a view of great extent and beauty. In the wood, upon a plot of turf, an altar to Gratitude, made of white marble, was raised; on the top of such altar the words "To Gratitude," in very large letters, were written, and below another inscription signified how the children of the Duchess de Chartres had traced the walks and cleared the woods "with more assiduity than the workmen who laboured under their orders." Upon the day of the fête Madame de Genlis invited all the prettiest persons at Spa to come to the fountain at one o'clock in the afternoon, dressed in white; she hired a band of music, and . caused the royal children to carry hoes, to signify that they had just finished the walk, which they devoted to their mother; a sentiment which, we are told, "young Louis Philippe expressed with great grace and effect." Then the children disappeared, and the mother, by a circuitous route, was conducted to the altar. There she saw standing four of her children, "forming a charming group," whilst the eldest boy, Louis Philippe again, was seated at the foot of the monument, holding a chisel in his hand, with which he seemed to write on the altar the word "Gratitude." "Every one," naively adds Madame de Genlis, "burst into tears; which proved that the most lively emotions are often produced by the most simple means."

Louis Philippe passed from the hands of his sentimental, but by no means incompetent or unskilful tutor, to step at once into the thorny path of active. life. At an early age he entered the army, and on the 20th of November, 1785, inherited the colonelcy of the regiment of cavalry which bore his name.



1791 we find the Duc de Chartres at Valenciennes, as senior colonel, taking the command of the garrison. His attention to military duty had acquired for him the respect of his superiors, and was held up as a pattern to the service. War at this moment had become inevitable. The emigrant nobles, who had left Louis XVI. to make his own terms with his people, had formed an army at Coblentz, and were openly supported by Austria and Prussia. French Assembly, alarmed by the prospect of invasion, without waiting for attack, resolved to act upon the offensive, and, much against his will, compelled the King, on the 20th of April, 1792, publicly to declare hostilities against Austria and her allies. The campaign was intrusted to Dumouriez, and under this general the Duc de Chartres served. Dumouriez and the young Duc de Chartres were bound together by ties stronger than those that ordinarily attach the soldier to his superior officer. The general had no particular regard for the many-headed master whose orders he obeyed. The Duke, despising the weakness of the King, had no desire whatever to see the monarchy trampled under foot. To preserve the throne in its integrity, and at the same time to give assurance to the people of liberal institutions by taking bodily possession of that throne himself, was an idea worthy of the descendant of the Regent, and as full of promise as of rare temptation. Dumouriez and the Duc de Chartres fought the battles of their country bravely, but the zeal of both found no spur in the love they bore to their immediate employers.

The trial and murder of the King served still further to estrange Dumouriez and his friend from



the Assembly, but also put an end immediately to the intentions of the former in favour of the Duke. For the son to aspire to the vacant throne would have been to seal the fate of the father, who had not yet fallen. Even to whisper the desire would have been sufficient to secure the blow which a smaller offence afterwards called down. Dumouriez, in his disgust, contented himself with ostentatiously disregarding the instructions of the Executive Council, and with treating commissioners sent to remonstrate on his disobedience with the most ineffable disdain. Greater prudence would have been more serviceable to his royal protegé, who was finally compromised by the general's indiscretion. A defeat, chiefly occasioned by the suicidal rage of the authorities in Paris, who refused to send reinforcements to Dumouriez, brought matters to a crisis. The French commander, burning with vexation and disappointment, proposed to the Austrian colonel to unite with the imperialists, and to march with them upon Paris forthwith. News of his intended desertion reached Paris, and four commissioners, accompanied by the minister-at-war, were directed to proceed to the camp to arrest the traitor. The commissioners reached the army on the 2nd of April, 1793, and on the same evening they were quietly arrested themselves by order of Dumouriez. The very next morning the army revolted against their general, and Dumouriez and the young Duke with difficulty escaped with their lives. The Duke pushed on to the head-quarters of the Austrian army at Mons, and, after declining an offer to serve in the ranks of his country's foes, made the best of his way to Switzerland, disguised as an English traveller.

It was not too soon to attempt concealment and disguise. The name of Orleans stood throughout civilised Europe for bloody and unnatural murder. Men shrunk from contact with it, and the very atmosphere was deemed polluted that received the breath of Egalité's unoffending offspring. No wonder that the children themselves were eager to remove from their forehead the sign which made them hateful in the sight of man. The journey to Switzerland was not easy, and the most minute precautions were necessary to avoid detection and insult. Never venturing to appear publicly in the streets or to dine at the table d'hôte, Louis Philippe contrived eventually to join his sister and Madame de Genlis at Schaffhausen, and to conduct them in safety to Zurich. At Zurich, the Princess, being recognised in the public square, was openly insulted by an emigrant, who rudely tore away part of the poor girl's dress with his spur. Almost immediately afterwards, the authorities waited upon the exiles, and told them they must find a resting-place elsewhere. Brother, sister, and governess departed, and secretly retired to Zug, where they took a small house in a secluded situation on the banks of the lake, not far from the town. It was not secluded enough. One night some villains, mistaking the bonnet of the Princess for the Princess herself, threw some heavy stones through the window, which would no doubt have done their work had not Mademoiselle Adelaide fortunately quitted her usual seat for a moment to confer with Madame de Genlis. The notice to quit was emphatic enough. Upon the following morning the ladies sought refuge, under assumed names, in a



convent near Bremgarten, and Louis Philippe, the better to insure their safety, became himself a solitary wanderer.

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Leaving his sister at the convent, the Duc de Chartres went to Bâle; his means were reduced; he was obliged to sell his horses, and to dismiss all his domestics except one, who had formerly saved his life. Master and servant reached the celebrated hospice of St. Gothard, tired and footsore; the Prince rang the bell, and craved refreshment. "There is no admittance here for travellers on foot," was the reply; certainly not for men of your appearance. Yonder is the house for you," and the monk pointed with his finger to a shed in which some muleteers were eating cheese, and slammed the door in the Prince's face. At Gordona, on another occasion, during a bitter night, Louis Philippe presented himself at a farmhouse without luggage, and in somewhat damaged attire. He asked hospitality, and, after much demurring, he was allowed to have a bed of straw in a barn. The future King slept soundly till the break of day, when he awoke to find a young man armed with a gun pacing the floor as sentinel. The appearance of the traveller had excited suspicion in the house, and orders had been given to shoot him if he attempted mischief.

It was whilst pursuing this somewhat ignoble course of life that a plan was suggested to the young Duke which promised immediate if not lasting relief from his great embarrassment. A gentleman named ChabotLatour had been invited from Paris to take a professorship in the College of Reichenau. M. ChabotLatour failed to keep his engagement, and, by the

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