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cannot, with any justice, be re- | faith of one person ensures the stricted to the former? But salvation of his relatives. But, the word here used is oikos, on this ground, I presume that which the editor of Calmet's pious pædobaptists would not Dictionary asserts, uniformly be supposed to stand.-Now, denotes kindred only. the word used in this passage

But, perhaps, additional light may be thrown on the subject, by examining some of the parallel passages in the different evangelists.

Let us take another exam-is oikos; and, notwithstanding ple.-In Acts, vii. 10, we are the dictum of the editor of Calinformed, that Pharaoh made met's Dictionary, it appears to Joseph "governor over Egypt, me to extend to all the inhabitand over all his house." By ants of the jailor's house. which, I suppose, we are to understand, that the king gave Joseph (not a specific control over his own children and relatives, merely and exclusively, if at all, but) an authority over In Matt. x. 13, it is said, the royal domestic establish-"If the house be worthy, let ment, superior to that of any your peace come upon it; but, other officer. Now, the term if it be not worthy, let your here employed is oikos-the very peace return to you,' term which the editor of Calmet's Dictionary assures us, can signify nothing but kindred only.

To this passage, I presume, Luke, x. 5, is parallel. "Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house. And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it; if not, it shall turn to you again."

In these passages, Matthew has used the term oikea, and Luke oikos; but I cannot conceive any possibility of doubt, whether the same persons are referred to in both. It cannot, surely, be supposed, that our Lord's instructions to his diseiples, as recorded by one evan

When the Philippian jailor inquired, "What must I do to be saved?" the apostles answered," Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." To whom does the word house here refer? To the jailor and his children, his relations, only? Did then the assertion, that those who believe shall be saved, refer to his kindred only? Would not his servants be saved also by faith? And, in pro-gelist, refer to all the inhabitants claiming this general and all- of the houses into which they important truth, can we believe might enter, and, as preserved by the apostles employed a term, another, only to a part of them; which necessarily excluded and, if this be not maintained, some of those whom, in all pro- then the two words are used bability, they then addressed? interchangeably; and are, of I can see but one ground, on necessity, in spite of the editor which the word here used can of Calmet's Dictionary, co-exbe restricted to kindred; it is tensive in their import. on the supposition, that the

Another instance occurs in

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Matt. xii. 25. "Every kingdom divided against itself, is brought to desolation; and every city, or house, divided against itself, shall not stand." The parallel is found in Luke, xi. 17. "Every kingdom divided against itself, is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house, falleth."

It is true, that the expression employed by Luke," a house against a house," differs from that employed by Matthew," a house against itself." But none, I apprehend, will doubt, whether the sentiment conveyed, be the same in both. Here again Matthew has employed the word oukia, and Luke oikos; but it will not, surely, be supposed, that in recording this discourse of our Lord, Luke should have thought it necessary to use a term, which necessarily excludes a part of that collection of persons, of whom Matthew speaks; and, if it be not, then non obstante the editor of Calmet's Dictionary, the signification of aikos, is not more limited than that of oikia.

There are two passages, in which the apostle speaks of "the house of Stephanas;" In 1 Cor. i. 16, he says, "I baptized the house of Stephanas;" and, in 1 Cor. xvi. 15, he says, "I beseech you, brethren, know the house of Stephanas."* Can any question be raised,

Whether he refers to the same persons in both? Does he not, in the latter, plainly commend to the affectionate regard of the church, those whom, in the former, he tells us he baptized? In the former, the apostle uses the term oikos, and, in the lat ter, oikea. Now, admitting, for a moment, the distinction between these words, let us see what will follow. Paul baptized the children (oikos) of Stephanas; but, by his recommending the household (oikea) to the esteem of the church, it appears, that the servants also were baptized; and, as Paul says nothing of baptizing them, it is fair to conclude, that they were baptized at a subsequent period. But the apostle commends them all (oikia) to the church, and calls them all "the first-fruits of Achaia;” which, I suppose, he would not have done, had they not all been baptized, as the house (oikos) was, on his first journey, and at the same time. Hence, I think, it is evident, that he employs the two words interchangeably; and, if so, notwithstanding the support of the editor of Calmet's Dictionary, the distinction falls to the ground.

I trust, that your readers will receive, with candid attention, these plain observations, from one who is not much accus

* With all humility, I would solicit Greek scholars to examine, whether the following rendering of 1 Cor, xvi, 15, 16, which I conceive to be much preferable to the common translation, be not critically accurate:-" I beseech you, brethren, affectionately regard (see Schleusneri Lexicon) the house of Stephanas, because it is the first-fruits of Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the relief of the saints; in order that ye may hold in honour (see Schleusner) such persons, even every fellow labourer."

tomed to critical research; but An exhortation, so introduced one, who is happy to know and so enforced, must necesenough of Greek, to consult his sarily be an object of considerNew Testament, and to try for able interest, not only with himself, by that plain and all- those to whom it was first adsufficient test, the validity of an dressed, but with all, in every argument, though it has been age, who are liable to the erdiscovered by the editor of Cal-rors, which it was intended to met's Dictionary, and, in sup- counteract. port of it, he "defies the utmost severity of criticism!"




REVELATION, III. 2. "Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die."

THAT all the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ, are equally binding on those who profess his name, will be readily admitted; but when he who knows the secrets of all hearts, and in whose hands are the ways of men, thinks proper to communicate some of them in a manner more solemn and majestic than others, we cannot err in concluding, that he intends them to be met with a more than common degree of reverence and attention.

This remark appears to be supported by the exhortation quoted at the head of this paper; it was introduced by all the circumstances, and enforced by all the considerations, that could give it importance. The speaker announced himself, as he that had the " seven spirits of God, and the seven stars;" and his appearance struck his beloved disciple, John, as dead

at his feet!

It was addressed to one of the seven churches of Asia, to a church which had been planted, and watered, by apostolic care, and supernatural gifts; there apostles had laboured, and martyrs had bled; and it had ranked as a candlestick among the seven golden candlesticks before the throne of God. The Sun of Righteousness had blessed it with his meridian beams, but clouds of error had now arisen to involve it in obscurity; the form of sound words still remained, but so mutilated and disguised, by the errors which sin had introduced, that even "the things which remained, were ready to die." It was at this period of their history, that Jesus himself arose, to awake them from their lethargy, to convince them of their danger, to bid them " be watchful."

But the church of Sardis no longer exists to profit by the injunction; let us, then, apply it to ourselves, to our own churches, and we shall readily perceive with what painful accuracy it may be adapted, with all its awful enforcements, to the present day.

Here we look round, and see a church, where the truth of God indeed " remains," but so fettered, or so distorted, by erroneous representations, or


treated so like speculative opi- the barrenness of his soul and his want of enjoyment, in the work of God; and while he observes, with pain, the coldness and indifference of many around him, he feels deeply solicitous to impress on his own mind, and on the minds of his fellow Christians and fellow labourers, the importance of the solemn exhortation, addressed to the church of Sardis, but preserved, as a warning, to every other-"Be watchful!"

nions, that it is most truly "ready to die;" instead of distilling as the dew," and "dropping as the rain," it sinks unnoticed and unfelt, as lead amid the mighty waters, while (to preserve the original metaphor,) the gladdening light, which once beamed from the golden candlestick, has gradually declined, till the expiring spark glimmers in the socket, and serves to mark the total gloom which threatens soon to ensue.

Sometimes we find, here and there, scattered and lost, amid the frigid body, a few that retain their youthful warmth, their pristine vigour; they meet often together, but, alas! their book of remembrance is so sad, when comparing the once flourishing state of the church, with its subsequent barrenness, that even these are " ready to die."

We meet with another, where the doctrines of religion, pure and undefiled, are still honestly maintained, and faithfully preached; but here, the covetousness of the one part, the censoriousness of another, and the indifference and neglect of all, so counteract its influence, that he who depended on the co-operation of their prayers, and exertions in promoting their spiritual prosperity, faints, at length, amidst baffled exertions and disappointed hopes, and overwearied with his labour, lays down his burden, and is ready to die."

That this picture, however melancholy, is but too correct, will need no proof; and, while the writer feels, and laments as a Christian, and as a minister,


Feeling the evil, let us endeavour to analyze it, let us find what things remain, which may be strengthened, and by exertion and prayer, prevent the death which threatens them. Let us endeavour to strengthen the purity which remains. A laxity of discipline has insinuated itself into our churches, and into our hearts: let us be watchful; our own conduct, and the conduct of our brethren, alike require our attention.

As individuals, let us recollect, that lusts, however dear, must be sacrificed; and, as church members, that roots of bitterness, however fair the flower, must be plucked up; that wealth and consequence are unavailing, if humble piety be wanting; and, that right eyes must be plucked out, and right hands cut off, if we would preserve the body from death.

Let us strengthen the spirit of prayer which remains :-He that said, "Be watchful," holds in his hand "the seven spirits of God:" the residue of the spirit is with him, and he can, according to his will, supply, or withhold, its influence. In his hand, too, are the "seven

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stars," the ministers of his|ject, and ardent to promote, the

churches, whom he can, at his benevolent exertions of the age; will, remove, or continue; whose every one has his talent, let it labours he may permit to be be thrown into the treasury. unavailing, by withholding those Let the old contribute their adinfluences, or by bestowing vice, the young their strength, them, render abundantly useful. the rich their property, the Let us look up to him; the efpoor their prayers: let us learn fectual fervent prayer of a righ- the value of life, the value of teous man, availeth much; and, money, from its application. not individually only, but as Bible and missionary societies churches, the heart is warmed invite the concurrent support by association; and, as iron of all ranks. Schools, with all sharpeneth iron, so doth the their incalculable advantages to countenance of man his friend. the child, the parent, the When Jesus promised to an- teacher, the world, demand the swer his disciples' prayers, it support of the young. Let was when, in his name, two or pastor and people be of one three should agree to ask. When heart and one mind, and whatPeter was delivered from pri-ever their hands find to do, do it son, it was in answer to the with all their might. prayer of the "whole church." Let ministers, let deacons, let the people cherish this spirit, as that which will most assuredly rekindle the dying flame, and open the broadest channel of divine communications.

Do we need any further stimulus thus to strengthen the things which remain? We shall find one in our Lord's warning: "If, therefore, thou shalt not watch, I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know in what hour I will come upon thee." Where now is the church of Sardis? Lost in oblivion? The candlestick is removed out of its place, and darkness covers the land it illumined. Where are now many of our churches that were once the glory and light of our own country? They declined by imperceptible de

Let us strengthen the spirit of benevolent exertion which may remain. Some of our churches appear to have declined, from an inattention to the general character of the age; while the preacher has contented himself with laying down the beneficent principles of the gospel, his more adventurous fellow labourer has ex-grees, grew weaker and weakhibited them in action; while er, till, at length, the last the one has been descanting on faithful minister, the last godly the moral beauty of our Savi- hearer, was, as by the hand of our's golden rule, the other has a thief, removed from them; acted it out; and, by a sym-and, ere they were aware that pathy of feeling, has attracted around him almost all those who, till then, had remained with this warmth latent in their bosoms. Let us dread this; rather let us be ingenious to pro

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the anger of the Lord was awakened against them, Ichabod was written on their doors; and now, the place that once knew a flourishing church of Christ, knows it no more. .... .IOTA.

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