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Saviour. We obtained a good deal of information from Mr. Armour, concerning the real state of christianity in Ceylon; and I must conclude that though it is one of the most encouraging places for gospel missionaries; yet the number of professing christians, and their piety, have been greatly exaggerated. Most of the native. christians are Budhites in their hearts; and frequently attend their idol worship, and devil dances; and the Roman Catholics are scarcely a remove in Christian knowledge or practice above them. It is to be regretted that our European christians, by their conduct, rather encourage than discountenance cast.

"Since our arrival, we have had divine service everysunday in thechurch; the congregation is but small; and extempore services did not please at first; but the offence is now ceased, and several people have expressed a desire to have sabbath evening and week day evening meetings. This we rejoice to hear, and intend to comply with their desire, as soon as we can procure a place. We have no doubt that we shall very soon form a class of serious people.

"Our brother Ault at Balticaloe, has a sabbath morning congregation of about 200 hearers; and he is also requested to open evening meetings: be also hopes to open a class of serious persons; and as his tutor in the Malabar understands English and Portuguese tolerably well, he intends to preach to the people through the medium of an interpreter.

"Brother Clough, at Galle, is making considerable improvement in the Cingalese language; he also preaches every sunday to tolerable congregations. He is exceedingly encouraged, very happy in his soul, and appointment; and, at the earnest request of many people, he also is resolved to open evening meetings.

"Brother Erskine has been at Matura for six weeks, and preaches every sunday in the church. There are but few Europeans there. The last account we had from him was very pleasing.

"There is at present in Jaffua, a

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Mahommedan, who was publicly baptized in Columbo church, while we were there, and who came with us from Columbo to this place It is the first Mabommedan that has been known in Ceylon to embrace christianity. He is a man of tolerable good sense, and has great hopes of several more embracing the religion of Jesus, though at the risk of their life; for every moorman or mahommedan who becomes a christian, is in danger of being murdered by any mahommedan he meets."


From Periodical Accounts, No. 72. The missionaries on the coast of Labrador, thus write from Okkak, Aug. 12, 1813. "The whole of last year, but particularly the winter-season, distinguished itself by a remarkable display of the grace and power of the Saviour in their hearts, and we may say, that we have sceu wonders of His mercy wrought among them. We have distinctly perceived, that they not only become better acquainted with themselves, as poor helpless sinners, who, without Jesus, can do nothing; but they show to all around what spirit they are of; and are ena bled to direct their countrymen with much earnestness, to Jesus, as the only Saviour. Among the children, especially among the great girls, and young boys, the Lord has kindled his fire,. and awakened their hearts to serious inquiry what they must do to be saved. We have now 26 communicants in this congregation, which consists of 150 persons, besides whom, 21 new people live here.*

Hopedale, Sep. 9, 1814. "No very remarkable occurrences have taken: place with our Esquimaux; but in general, we have great cause to rejoice over the progress of that work of grace, which by the power of the Holy Spirit, has taken place in their souls. They have become more firmly grounded upon the foundation of the merits of Jesus Christ, as crucí fied for our salvation, and by their walk and conversation have led others to reflect and seek to know how they may be saved from sin and death.

* Thus the brethren designate the heathens who are lately come to reside at the settlement.

"We have been more especially encouraged by perceiving in our young people a renewed awaking, and often seen with astonishment, how powerfully the Spirit of God can influence the hearts of the youth, and lead them from one degree to another, in the knowledge of themselves, as sinners, creating within them a desire to live alone unto Jesus, in the world. He also explains to them the mystery of the cross of Christ, directing them to his wounds for healing and cleansing from all sin and uncleanness."The congregation of Christian Esquimaux, then, at the end of 1813, consisted of 91 persons. The whole number of the inhabitants on our lands is 121,

Bogue, Jamaica, March, 1, 1814,"The brethren Lang and Becker set out for Kingston, on business, and were glad of several opportunities afforded them during the journey, of bearing witness to the truth as it is in Jesus. At Kingston they visited the methodist minister, and were sorry to find, that these good people are still prohibited from holding any public meeting, and not likely to obtain leave for it. Though, in general, Kingston appears to be a place of no religion, yet they found several worthy characters there, who value the word of God. Accidentally they came into conversation with a merchant, who manages the concerns of the British and Foreign Bible Society. He gave us an account of the means which operated to bring about the act forbidding the methodists to preach and assemble the negroes. We are sorry that any circumstances should have led to this result, as by this means, the knowledge of the gospel would have been still more widely diffused in this island.


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April 11, being Palm Sunday, brother Becker went to Elim, where he began to read the history of the Passion week. After a short discourse, he knelt down, and offered up a fervent prayer, during which there arose a general weeping, among the negroes, that he could not proceed, nor

recover from the emotion of his mind, for some time. He writes, "I have served 12 years as a missionary among the negroes, but never before have I been witness to such a powerful melting of all hearts, on hearing the simple account of the sufferings of our Saviour, for our salvation. Hitherto, I have rather felt afraid and mistrustful of the Jamaica negroes, but on this occasion, all my doubts vanished. I do believe that the time of harvest, so long prayed for, is approaching for Jamaica also."

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The missionaries Messrs. J. Ch. Schnarre and Charles T. E. Rhenius, landed at Madras, the 4th of July, 1814, and were received with christian cordiality by the Rev. Marmaduke Thompson, chaplain of the Hon. East India Company. They were entertained in his own family, during their stay at Madras. “We thank the Lord," say they, " for his good providence in bringing us acquainted with one of his most faithful and zealous servants in promoting his everlasting kingdom."

From Madras they proceeded to Tranquebar, recommended to Dr. Caemmerer, who, by the death of Dr. John, had become senior chaplain of the Royal Danish Mission at that place. The stipend allowed them is £100 per annum, each, which, notwithstanding they will be obliged to have five servants, is said by Mr. Thompson to be a liberal average of two single missionaries' expenses, in any part of the South of India.

At Tranquebar, where they were kindly received by Mr. Caemmerer, they were diligently employed in learning the Tamul language. The new testament in this language is printed at Serampore, at the charge of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society.

A corresponding Society has been formed at Madras. The Rev. Mr. Thompson has written an animated letter to the secretary, in which he

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* The methodist missionaries have not been permitted to preach for nearly five years. Some of them have been imprisoned. One of them who was promised his liberty by the Assembly, on condition he would promise them not to preach again; nobly replied, "I will be crucified first."

calls upon the English elèrgy to devote themselves to missionary labours in India. Speaking of the men whom India needs, he observes, "Singleness of eye, and entire devotedness, somewhat of maturity in the graces of the christian temper, and a cultivated mind, with an aptness for acquiring languages, are here peculiarly requi site. Send me such men, and I will receive them indeed, as brethren beloved, and will shew them stations of an extent and importance for a very apostle to rejoice in! If possible, I would also recommend that they should be Englishmen. I have looked repeatedly with a longing eye at the names of your Greenwood and Norton, and could almost quarrel with you that their destination is not Madras. English missionaries are by no means of equal importance at Ceylon, as in India Foreigners are even preferable with reference to the European inhabitants, Dutch and Portuguese. A church-of-England ENGLISH missionary in India, would yet be, I believe, an entire new thing! Proclaim it-and let us sec whose shall be the honour to be the first-an English Schwartz, and Gericke, and John, to the natives of India."

Our readers are informed that though there has been no clergyman of the church of England, employed as a missionary in India; yet there are many evangelical ministers of that church appointed to different sta-. tions in the Company's dominions, several of whom, wc are happy to find were sent to India during the last year. We are sorry to

observe that Mr. Corrie, who has been doing so much good at Africa, is obliged to return to England on account of ill health.

LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. A letter from Mr. Read to Mr. Campbell, dated at Bethelsdorp, Oct. 10, 1814, mentions a missionary conference, held at Graaf Reinett, and an auxiliary society established; and four natives of Africa appointed itine rant preachers. "On my arrival at Bethelsdorp, I found affairs in an unpleasant state. I had been sighing, crying, and looking to the Lord for support, and he has been so kind as to be intreated. A work is begun among us which appears to me like a dream. Previous to my going to Graaf Reinett, I observed that the word seemed to have more than a common effect; and within the last three weeks, it has increased to such a degree that I am really at a loss what to say of it. I dare say, we shall have plenty of chaff, but you know where there is much chaff, there must be some wheat. We use no means to work on the passions-simply preachi ing the gospel-our school flourishes -every thing has turned out well with the undertaking of brother Smith. He has at length departed to commence a mission among the wild Bushmen, Five hundred of whom were collected to receive him. Considerable success is also mentioned to have attended Messrs. Albricht, and Ebner, missionaries at Pella, Namacqualand, South Africa.



A special general meeting of this Society was held at the New London Tavern, Cheapside, on Monday, Monday, March 6th; W Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. in the Chair; when the following resolution was unanimously adopted, viz.

The British and Foreign Bible Society, participating in the general sorrow occasioned by the death of the

late Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. discharge a mournful duty in expressing their veneration for his memory, and their gratitude for the eminent services which, as Treasurer, he rendered to the interests of this Institution, from its commencement in the year 1804, to the period of his lamented decease.

Sensible of the importance of those duties which attach to the office thus

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painfully vacated, and convinced, from their knowledge of his character, and experience of his attachment to their object, that he will discharge them with fidelity and zeal; Unanimously resolve, that John Thornton, Esq. be appointed to succeed his late rovcred uncle, as Treasurer to their Institution, for the remainder of the current year of the Society.

While the British and Foreign Bible Society bow with due submission, to that dispensation which has inflicted upon them so severe a loss, they desire to acknowledge at the same time, the goodness of Providence in directing them to the means of repairing it with such unanimity, promptitude, and real satisfaction.

The British and Foreign Bible Society cannot but regard it as a circumstance peculiarly favourable to their Institution, that the office of treasurer should be permitted to remain in a connection, from which it has derived so much credit and ad vantage; and devolve upon an individual, whose past conduct has afforded a pledge that he will emulate the virtues associated with his name, and reflect that integrity, candour, and persevering philanthropy, of which his revered predecessor and relative furnished so illustrious an example.

which the building will be carried forward, till the edifice is completed. There are, however, in the East, many languages still remaining, in which no translation of the scriptures exists, and no attempt to translate into them has yet been made. I trust the Lord will smile on the work, till the whole these also be added to the list of the of languages in which the word of God is given to men.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Dr. Carey. Calcutta, Aug. 26, 1814 In all parts of India, the call for the Holy Scriptures is so great, that cvery exertion to print them sufficiently fast to answer the demands, has hitherto been inadequate. The dominions of the bible are advancing daily; and new tribes hear, in their own tongues, the wonderful works of God. Beside the Tamul, Cingalese, Persian, Malayala, and Malay, (which we have not translated, but only printed,) the word of God is now translated, or under translation, into twenty-five languages, by us; twentyone of which are actually in the press, and nothing hinders the remaining four from going to press, but some trifling work to complete the founts for them. This is a work, upon the accomplishment of which my heart has been long set; whether I shall live to see its completion, I know not, But I trust a foundation is laid, upon

IRISH BAPTIST SOCIETY. Extracts from the Journal of Mr. M Carthy.


"Lord's day, Octr. 10, 1814. This morning preached at Portarlington, at 11 o'clock. The congregation moderately large, although they had heard nothing of my coming; as the person who engaged to deliver a message, had neglected to do it. We had a most blessed time indeed. After preaching, I informed the congregation that there would be baptizing in the river Barrow, which runs through the town, and is one of the chief rivers in the kingdom. The part of the river I chose for administering the sacred ordinance formed a crescent, with a beautiful green bank equal to a gallery; where the surrounding and much amazed multitude stood, who had never seen the like before. low the bank by the side of the river, on a high gravelly part perfectly dry, I stood with the candidate, and a few religious friends. I then addressed the astonished assembly composed of very genteel persons. I spoke first of the fallen state of man-then on the manner of his recovery by the righteousness of Christ-and lastly--on the nature of the ordinance I was about to administer. All present heard with the greatest attention; not one ill-behaved spectator. So I baptized our dear brother B, the first person ever baptized in that genteel town.. Mr. B. told me several weeks before I baptized him, that he had found my preaching peculiarly serviceable to him--that he had experienced an inward change of heart-that he considered himself by nature a child of wrath and an heir of hell-that he had no righteousness of his own--that he depended by faith on the the righteousness of Jesus; that he may thus be justified from all things

from which he could not have been justified by the law of Moses.-and that all his trust was in him that justifieth the ungodly-and further, that by the grace of God, he was determined to obey his will, not only by being baptized, but by walking in all his commandments. In the evening I preached again to a greater number of people than I had ever seen in the meeting-house before..

Lord's day, Sept. 17th. This morning at 8 o'clock I preached at Thurles, to a large and attentive congregation. Truly it was good for us to be there. In the evening the house was so full as to render it unpleasant to bear the heat of the place; several people were in an adjoining house: all heard as for eternity.

Monday, 18th. At seven o'clock, this morning I baptized Mr. C. a respectable inhabitant of the town. His experience of divine things is deep-his love to Christ and his people great-his resolutions to serve his Saviour strong-his faith in Christ Jesus unshaken; and his moral conduct such as must unquestionably adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour. In the evening, I preached again from Ezekiel 13, 1. In that day there shall be a fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. We had a most blessed time. On Tuesday 17th, I preached again at seven o'clock in the morning: the people expressed themselves well satisfied, and said they longed for my return. I then set off for Templemoor, and preached in the Barracks to a large congregation of respectable persons, inhabitants and soldiers. After preaching was invited to spend the remainder of the evening with Lieut. G. P. who treated me with great politeness.


Tuesday, 25th. Went to Moate, and held a meeting for conversation with such persons as I had reason to think were desirous of being instrueted in the truth, as it is in Jesus.

Wednesday, 26th. Went to Athlone, and preached to a large and attentive congregation, my hearers in crease here.

"Lord's day, 30th. Went to Portarlington, preached at 11 o'clock. We had a blessed shaking among the dry bones. In the evening preached to about 100 persons, on the second

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Extract of a Letter from one of the Society's Readers in the province of Connaught, dated Feb. 24, 1815. "I will now give you an account of my progress since my last letter, which I then hinted was very encouraging-I, however, desire always to be cautious of boasting too suddenly. I could refer to many who hear the word of God patiently, and who will soon throw off the yoke of popery: the following instance occurred within my own personal knowledge. neighbour of mine, four months ago, was one of the strongest advocates for popery, and consequently, a great enemy to the truth; this man, through many conversations I had with him, has been convinced of all the abominations of popery, except the ointment; and latterly, it has pleased the Lord to let him see that also: the consequence is, he is now contending for the faith he not long since endeavoured to destroy. He has been reading the scriptures to an acquaintance of his, and invited him to bring the priest with him; but adding, "Tell the priest to bring the scriptures with him, and I will meet him at any time." This man has a fine hopeful family rising into life; but he has to lament the condition of his kindred, who will not listen to the gospel.

"Our brother, B. H. has long pressed me to go to that part of the country where his people live. I urged him that it was the more unnecessary, as he was there himself: but, says he,


A prophet hath no honour in his own country." So I promised, as soon as I got a little strength, to take that direction. On my way to that part, I called on F. who is employed as a

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