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WAR is the solemn and noble object for which the CHAP. soldier is educated and trained, and, whatever may be its cause, it is waged for the good of his native country. The object of war is to destroy as soon as possible the resources of the enemy, and, by rendering him powerless, to oblige him to accede to the claims of our government, or to withdraw his own unjust pretensions.

War is carried on by means of decisive battles, sieges, &c.; what takes place in the time between such operations is expressed by the term minor warfare.

The general object of so-called minor warfare is to pave the way for greater operations, or in conjunction with them to inflict damage on the enemy, or, lastly,


CHAP. to protect from attack masses of troops not yet available. The service which troops have to perform in minor warfare' is called field-duty, and in this light troops are more especially used.

Importance of

field duty.

How field

be learnt.

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It is of the greatest importance to learn thoroughly the principles of field-duty. On the watchfulness, intelligence, and ability of the soldier, depends not only his own welfare, but also that of his officers and his comrades. Even the great object for which the war is being waged is entrusted to his honour and to his


While on service the soldier often finds himself in a position where he can depend only on himself, and must trust to his own judgment, it is on this account necessary that during peace there should be impressed on his mind everything which may serve to guide him in the various circumstances in which he may find himself placed. Thus every young soldier should make the best use of the time of peace, in order that he may be efficient in war.

All the other portions of a soldier's duty are but preparations for what he has to perform on service, and although it is necessary for him to perform these other duties correctly in order that he may be efficient in the field, still he has to learn this field duty, which is more important than all.

Young soldiers should have their attention more duty may especially directed to this subject, and should devote all their energies to mastering it. Theoretical should precede practical instruction, and no pains should be

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