Зображення сторінки

Homer, 438; Switzerland,
438; Tristram and Iseult,

Art of Poetry, Boileau, 193,

Arthur, King, 54; epic of,
55, 58, 59, 69

Aryan, table of, races, note, 12
Ascham, 123, 155, 162
Asser, 42

Astrolabe, treatise on, 76
Athelstane, 45

Athelwald, 45; as a reformer,

Athenæum, The, 400

Austen, Jane, 439; Sense and
Sensibility, 439
Avignon, 72
Avon, 136


Bacon, Sir Francis, 112, 154,
198; Advancement of Learn-
ing, 157; Essays, 158, 159;
Henry VIII., History of,
158; his life, 156; New
Atlantis, 158; Lord Chan-
cellor, 156, 157
Bæda, see Bede
Bailly, Harry, 82, 83
Balaclava, 16

Balder, 22

Ball, John, 71

Ballades, John Gower, 78
Bannockburn, 307

Elizabeth (Mrs.
Browning), 484; Sonnets,

Bastille, the, 308

Beattie, James, 271; The
Minstrel, 271, 272
Beaumont, 169

Becket, St. Thomas à, 70, 81
Bede, 40, 43
Beowulf, 25

Bible, the English, 167;
translation of, 103

[blocks in formation]

Brindley, James, 261
Brink, Ten, note, 59
Brithnoth, Death of, 44
British Kings, History of, 55
Britons, the, 12, 17, 18
Brooke, Henry, The Universal
Beauty, 264

Brooke, Stopford, translation,
note, 14

Browne, Sir Thomas, 155
Browning, E. B., 406
Browning, Robert, 320, 406,
452, 462, 482; Abt Vogler,
494; Andrea del Sarto, 490,
502; as a poet, 473, 485;
as teacher, 491; Asolando,
485; By the Fireside, 485,
495; Christmas Eve, 488;
Cleon, 491; compared with
George Eliot, 493; com-
pared with Milton, 493;
compared with Shakes-
peare, 493; criticism of his
poetry, 486-491; dramatic
monologue, 489; Epistle of

Karshish, 412; Fra Lippo
Lippi, 489; his dramatic
power, 493; his genius,
482; his intellectual force,
496; his marriage, 485;
his metaphors, 489; his
optimism, 491; his view of
life, 492; his work, 495;
Ivan Ivanovitch, 489; life
in Florence, 485; main
points in his teaching, 494;
Martin Relph, 489; Master
Hugues of Saxe Gotha, 490;
Men and Women, 495; My
Last Duchess, 489; Old
Pictures in Florence, 486-
490; One Word More, 484;
Pacchiarotto, 486; Pauline,
406, 485; personal traits,
482, 484; Pippa Passes,
483; Prospice, 496; Red
Cotton Nightcap Country,
486; "Rephan" in Aso-
lando, 495; The Ring and
the Book, 485, 495; Saul,
note, 484; Youth and Art,

Bruce, Robert, 307

Bruges, Red Cross, Sign of
the, 102

Brunanburh, Song of, 44
Brut, Layamon's, 56
Bunyan, John, 169, 191
Burbage, James, 139
Burbage, Richard, 139
Burke, Edmund, 265, 292;
and American Colonies,
294, 295; and Goldsmith,
292; Annual Register, 294;
as a man of letters, 298;
as a political thinker, 299;
biography and criticism,
300; death of his son, 297;
his career as an author,
293; his conservatism, 296;
his death, 298; his life,
292; in Parliament, 294;

Letters on a Regicide Peace,
297; literature and politics,
293; Philosophical Inquiry
into the Origin of our Ideas
of the Sublime and Beauti-
ful, A, 293; Reflections on
the Revolution in France,
297; Speech on Concilia-
tion with America, 295;
Speeches on America, 295;
Study List, 300; Thoughts
on the Present Discontents,
295; trial of Hastings, 296;
Vindication of Natural
Society, A, 293
Burney, Frances, 446; Eve-
lina, 446

Burns, Robert, 278, 300, 305, ·
307, 453; at Edinburgh,
304; biography and criti-
cism, 308; Carlyle on, 302;
Cotter's Saturday Night,
Dumfriesshire, 304;
life of, 300; love songs,
305; poems, 307; songs,
307-308; Study List, 307;
sympathy with nature and
animals, 307; Tam
Shanter, 303; Wordsworth
on, 301

[ocr errors]

Butler, Bishop, 257
Butler, Samuel, 191
Byrhtnoth, Death of, 44
Byron, Lord, 261, 306, 360,
361, 406, 461, 474, 476;
biography and criticism
369; his death, 365; his
marriage, 363; his work,
criticism of, 365-368; life
of, 361-365; list of works:
Bride of Abydos, 367; Cain,
364, 368; Childe Harold,
261, 363, 364; Don Juan,
364; English Bards and
Scotch Reviewers,
Giaour, The, 363; Hours
of Idleness, 362; Manfred,

364; Prisoner of Chillon,
369; Vision of Judgment,
366; Study List, 369


Cabots, the, 102
Cadwallon, 58

Cædmon, 32, 34, 79; Crea-
tion, 47, 49; Paraphrase of
the Scriptures, 32, 35;
story of, 34; the England
of, 58
Calais, 361

Cambridge, 7, 175; King's
College, 100; Queen's Col-
lege, 100

Campbell, Thomas, 399, 469
Canterbury, 31, 70; Canter-
bury Tales, Chaucer, 72,
80, 81; prologue to, 81, 83-
87, 93; school at, 31
Canute, 61

Carew, Thomas, 171, 173
Carlyle, Thomas, 2,


368, 400, 406, 410, 432,
453, 468, 492; Essays, 416;
French Revolution, 2, 419,
422, 423; Heroes and Hero-
Worship, 421; his life, 413-
419; his style, 422-425;
his work, 420; his works,
416-425; Life of Cromivell,
421; Life of Frederick the
Great, 419; Reminiscences,
419; Sartor Resartus, 413,
415, 417; Study List, 498
Castle, Baynard's, 113
Catholicism, Roman, 107
Caxton, William, 102

Celt and Teuton, 50; union
in Shakespeare, 20
Celtic stock, 12, 17; humor,
19; literature, 46, 67; love
of nature, 19; poetry and
legend, 17; romances, 18
Celts, the, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20

[blocks in formation]

Charles I., 165, 168, 180
Charles II., 7, 180, 191
Chatterton, Thomas, 279
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 10, 65, 66,
68, 72, 79, 80, 81, 123; and
his time, 93; biography
and criticism, 98; dramatic
power, 92; editions of, 97:
England of, 68; his cen-
tury, 68, 70; his life, 74,
75; his verse, 73; his
works, 78, 93; history,
manners, and customs, 98;
language, 98; lover of
nature, 76; man of the
world, 75; poet of the
Court, 92; student, 76;
Study List, 93

Chivalry, 70
Christianity, Irish, 31
Christ's Hospital, 324
Chronicle. The, 43, 44, 46;
Anglo-Norman, 53; Anglo-
Saxon, 53; English, 57
Chrysoloras, 101
Church, the, 72
Civil War, 170, 198
Clarence, Lionel, Duke of,
Clarkson, 258

Classic school, 279
Cleopatra, 110

Clerk, Oxford, Canterbury
Tales, 72, 76

Clerk's Tale, Chaucer, 88, 89,
Clive, 261
Clough, 461

Cobbett, William, 400
Cockermouth, 310

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,

278, 279, 329, 359, 361, 399,
401, 406, 476; and Lamb,
his death, 329; his
life, 324-329; works: An
cient Mariner, 279, 326; An-
cient Mariner, criticism of,
332 334; Biographia Lite-
raria, 330; Christabel, 280,
330; Kubla Khan, 331;
Ode to France, 336; Wal-
lenstein, 326; Youth and
Age, 327; joins Words-
worth, 326; poems of the
supernatural, 336, 337;
return to England, 326;
Study List, 336; visit to
Germany, 326

Colet, John, 101, 162
Colleges, foundation of, 100
Collier, 198

Collins, William, 271, 272,
273; Odes, 271, 272, 275;
Swinburne on Ode to Even-
ing, 273
Columbus, 102
Commerce, growth of, 108
Complaint of Deor, 24, 25
Comus, see Milton


Consolations of Philosophy,
Boethius, translated
Alfred, 43; translated by
Chaucer, 76

Constantinople, 101

Copernicus, 103

Corneille, 7, 192

Corot, 273

Coverdale, 162

Courtly Makers, 105

Coventry, 447

Cowper, William, 306, 308;
The Task, 271, 308

Crabbe, George, 271, 277
Craik, George L., 401
Cranmer, 162

Crashaw, Richard, 171
Crécy, battle of, 71
Cromwell, 165, 169, 191

[blocks in formation]

Daily Courant, 200
Danes, the, 12; coming of,
Daniel, Samuel, 128; Civil
Wars, 128

Dante, 72, 93, 424; Divine
Comedy, 72

Darwin, Charles, 264, 404,
Decamerone, the, 73, 82
Defoe, Daniel, 200, 215, 450;
as a novelist, 221; biog-
raphy and criticism, 225;
criticism on, 223; Daudet
on, 222; death, 221; death
of William III., 217; in-
fluence of his death on
Defoe's fortunes, 217; his
fecundity, 220; his stories,
criticism on, 222; his time,
215; History of Colonel
Jack, 1 he, 219: interest in
politics, 216; Journal of the
Plague Year, The, 223;
journalistic spirit, 220;
Lamb on, 221; last years,
221; Leslie Stephen on,
221; life, 216; Life of
Captain Singleton, The,
219; Memoirs of a Cavalier,
The, 219; Mr. Minto on,
Moll Flanders, 219;
novels, 219; position of
Dissenters, 217; Review,

200, 218; Robinson Crusoe,
219, 450; foundation for,
220; Shortest Way with
Dissenters, The, 218; Study
List, 224; True Born Eng-
lishman, 217
Dekker, 169

Democracy, advance of, 396;
age of, 262; rise of, 281
De Natura Rerum, Bede, 40
De Quincey, Thomas, note,
2, 346, 401, 435; a writer
for magazines, 349; ap-
pearance and character,
346; as a man of letters,
350; as an opium eater,
347, at Worcester College.
Oxford, 348; biography
and criticism, 355; com-
pared to Addison, 351;
Confessions of an English
Opium Eater, 349, 353;
death, 350 Dream-Fugue
on the Theme of Sudden
Death, 353 entrance into
literature, 349; Flight of
a Tartar Tribe, The, 352,
353; his diversity, 351;
his place in English prose,
352 his style, 354; Laocoon,
translation of, 349; Levana
and Our Ladies of Sorrow,
352; life, 347; marriage,
Murder Considered as
One of the Fine Arts, 352,
353; Study List, 355; Sus-
piria de Profundis, 353;
works, 353
Devonshire, 324

Dialect, East Midland, 64, 65;
Northern, 64; Southern,

Diaz, 102

Dickens, Charles, 406, 442,
447, 453; early years, 441
works: Bleak House, 441
David Copperfield, 441, 443;

Edwin Drood, 442; Little
Dorrit, 441; Oliver Twist,
441; Our Mutual Friend,
441; Pickwick, 441; Tale
of Two Cities, 443
Divine Comedy, see Dante
Don Quixote, 122
Donne, Dr. John, 171
Dowden, Edward, note, 2
Drake, 111

Drama, English, 106; before
Shakespeare, 124; begin-
ning of regular, 127; Eliza-
bethan, preparation for,
125; growth of, 127
Drayton, Michael, 128; Bat-
tle of Agincourt, 129;
Heroical Epistles, 129;
Polyolbion, The, 129, 469
Dress, 109
Drummond, William, 161;
Sonnets, 161
Drury Lane, 275

Dryden, John, 194, 263, 271,
273, 366, 496; Alexander's
Feast, 196; and his time,
197; as critic, 194; as satir-
ist, 195; Essay on Dramatic
Poetry, 194; The Hind and
the Panther, 196; his power
of reasoning in verse, 196;
lyrics, 196; Mac Flecknoe,
196; The Medal, 196;
Mistress Anne Killegrew,
196; Religio_Laici, 196;
St. Cecilia's Day, Ode on,
Dumfriesshire, 304, 413
Dunstan, 45; educational and
monastic reformer, 46
Durham Place, 113


East India Company, 109
East Midland English, see

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