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munity in addition to the more advanced normal, college preparatory, and special courses upon which the chief emphasis is placed. More than half the members of the East Tennessee Conference were

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trained here. In order to reach individuals who are employed during the day it is customary to maintain a night school during the winter months.


One of the personal triumphs of President Hill has been his winning of the confidence of the white people in the midst of whom he has labored. When the work was undertaken forty years ago, the atti

tude was one of suspicion. It is interesting to note that President Hill was recently made chairman of a committee to revise the charter of the city of Morristown.


Notwithstanding the beautiful campus and the several buildings, the school is still not in a condition to measure up to its opportunities. Its greatest lack is dormitory space and dining facilities. A new dormitory for boys and a new modern refectory are urgently needed. If these were provided, it would be possible to admit to the advantages of the school a large number of applicants who must now be turned away for lack of space.

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In this matter of building, Morristown possesses some distinct advantages; the timber on Wallace Farm supplies the necessary lumber; an excellent bed of clay on the campus is used with the. aid of student labor to make the bricks; a deposit of limestone provides the necessary lime; an abundance of wood for burning the lime and operating the brick ovens is available; and the school is equipped for the making of flooring, doors, sash, frames, and similar items. The bricks for Crary Hall, the money for the building of which was largely contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crary of Binghamton, New York, and for other buildings were made on the campus. For the proposed new boys' dormitory, refectory, and hospital a quarter of a million feet of lumber have already been cut on the farm and drawn to the campus, and a half a million bricks have been made by student labor. When the funds are made available for the proposed buildings it will be possible to move forward with them promptly, for much of the raw material will be at hand ready for use. Thus by dint of hard work, sacrifice, and wise planning the school, which began in an old building and with an acre and a half of land, has grown from one building to nine and from its original small plot to three hundred and seventy-five acres, with the entire property free from debt. Much of this development has been made possible by friends, some of

them outside of the Methodist Church, whom Dr. Hill has won for the work.

The Walden School

The school so long known as Walden University was started in 1865 in the basement of Clark Memorial Church, Nashville, Tennessee. The following year it was moved to the "Gun Factory," a building erected for the manufacture of munitions. It was never used for that purpose, however, but was occupied by Federal troops. At the close of the Civil War Dr. John M. Walden, the secretary of the Freedmen's Aid Society, secured the use of the building for a Negro school and placed the Rev. John Braden in charge of it. For one year Mr. Braden with his wife and little girl lived in the Gun Factory and conducted the school. In 1867 it became necessary to find a new location, and a piece of property having upon it a two-story brick building was purchased; money was appropriated for the erection of two other buildings, and the school was given the name Central Tennessee College. Later other buildings were added, and the course of study was developed.

In 1876 a Medical Department, now Meharry Medical College, was organized. Three years later a Law Department was added. In 1886 a Dental Department, now Meharry Dental College, was included; and in 1889 a Pharmaceutical Department, now Meharry Pharmaceutical College, was started.

A Theological Department had been included from the early days. An Industrial Department, which taught carpentry, printing, needlework, dressmaking, housework, cooking, millinery, nursing, blacksmithing, tinning, wagon making, and, ultimately, iron, brass, and steel working, was started in 1884.

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An African Training School for those who were considering missionary work to Africa was opened in 1888, and classes in shorthand and typewriting were organized in 1889. Thus, under the wise and efficient leadership of Dr. Braden, the school became in fact a "university." Graduates from its various departments went out in large numbers to occupy important positions with credit to them

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