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THE internal political affairs of the United States of North America are so little understood in this country, that we are compelled to go back to the very establishment of the Republic, in order to obtain a just appreciation of the principles at work. The thirteen States which originally formed the Union lay in different latitudes, and their products were consequently different. To England's disgrace, African slavery had been forced upon them when colonies; but negro labour quickly succumbed to the white man in the white man's climate of the north. The country became divided into two sections-the Farm, and the Plantation: in the former, the Caucasian braved the snows of an almost Arctic winter; in the latter, the African toiled and sang beneath a


torrid sun. But when these colonies united in one common aim of independence, and resolved to form a separate and distinct nation and government, it was necessary to balance their diverse interests. fathers of the Republic effected this in the only manner possible. The Constitution of the United States provided that where Slavery already existed— where it had been forced upon them by the mother country, and still lived-it should not be interfered with. But in process of years the far-spreading territory of the Republic became peopled with the white man. New communities formed, and applied for admission into the Confederation; and the question presented itself of the extension or non-extension of Slavery. The original compromise necessitated further compromises, and what was at first a social accident resolved itself eventually into a means of political domination.

In order to balance the power of the Free States with that of the Slave, the authors of the Constitution had given the white men of the latter an additional vote, equal to three-fifths of their negroes. But in process of time, immigration caused the Northern States to increase in an unexpected ratio, and the balance of power became destroyed. Then commenced the struggle which is still pending-that

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