Зображення сторінки

According to the number of organized workers in any one group, it will be entitled to proportionate representation on the Branch Executive Board.1

The general officers include a Secretary-Treasurer, a General Organizer, and a General Executive Board. There is no president. They take office ten days after election and serve for one year. The Secretary-Treasurer and General Organizer are nominated by the annual convention, elected by referendum vote, and at any time are subject to recall by special election, called upon petition of ten per cent of total membership or twenty-five per cent of membership of each of three Branches.


Each Branch elects representatives to the General Executive Board on a graduated basis of membership.3 Each member of the General Executive Board is responsible to the 4 Branch he represents and is subject to recall at any time. The General Executive Board is expected "to control all matters of general interest to the organization,"

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and it

passes upon disputes between Branches.

The general officers have no power. They "advise" shops or branches; it is the workers who issue instructions.

The editor of the official organ says: "Many of our members have asked us why a Federation is needed in our


1. The Hotel Worker, January 1, 1920.

2. Constitution, § 31.

3. Ibid, § 8.

4. Ibid, § 16.

5. Ibid. § 34.

6. The Hotel Worker, September 10,1919, "Effectiveness of the Shop Committee System at the Hotel Pennsylvania."


trade," and he explains that "it attends to the wants of the Branches; it guides and supports the Branches; "it is in constant contact with all Branches, and keeps one Branch informed of what other Branches are doing"; there must be "concerted action and mutual understanding between all Branches. The Federation says: "Work in harmony with your officers and „2 concert measures together in organized co-operation.


That "liberty" of the membership has its problems is indicated by the report of a former General Secretary, who said: "I found......lack of self-discipline, self-control and license instead of democracy on the part of a big amount of the members a pronounced handicap on the efficient execution of the duties of my office and the work in general... ....They must.....understand that the membership pays the official for a conscientious performance of his duties, and they must have more confidence in these officials, or else give up the right to demand efficient work and responsibility for action. It can't be done, and I, for one, would rather decline .,3 to assume any responsibilities under such circumstances. Whenever a worker has any grievance, he reports it immediately to the representative or assistant-representative of his department, who, in turn, reports it to the Shop 4 Delegate to be taken up with the parties concerned. If the Shop Committee is unable to secure a satisfactory settlement,

1. Ibid, December 1, 1919.

2. Ibid, "Harmony in Unions."

3. Ibid. Oct. 15, 1919, "To the Members."

4. Ibid, Dec. 15, 1919, "The Shop Committee System."

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