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$ READING.—A few lines of poetry from a reading-book used in the

first class of the school.

WRITING.-A sentence slowly dictated once, by a few words at a

time, from a reading-book used in the first class of the school. ARITHMETIC.—A sum in compound rules (common weights and measures).


I. The reading lessons are intended to be read consecutively. II. The words and meanings at the head of the reading lessons are intended to be learnt before the lesson is read; the teacher first directing the attention of the pupils to the accented syllables, which have been marked in every case. III. The meanings given in the spelling lessons are in explanation of the sense in which they are used in the corresponding reading lessons.

IV. Exercises in Reduction are given; and they are placed advisedly after the exercises in Addition and Subtraction,

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mump'-ing, sulking

threat'-en, to promise punishment ab'-so-lute-ly, positively

awk'-ward, troublesome, clumsy

im-me'-di-ate, happening now
re-flect'-ive, thoughtful

ques'-tion-ing, asking questions
in-quis'-i-tive, prying

• What's the matter?' said Growler to the black cat, as she sat mumping on the step of the kitchendoor.

'Matter enough,' said the cat, turning her head the other way. Our cook is very fond of talking of hanging me. I wish heartily some one would hang her.'


Why, what is the matter?' repeated Growler. 'Has n't she beaten me, and called me a thief, and threatened to be the death of me?'

'Dear, dear!' said Growler, 'pray what has brought it all about?'

'Oh, the merest trifle-absolutely nothing; it is her temper. All the servants complain of it. I wonder they have n't hanged her long ago.'

'Well, you see,' said Growler, 'cooks are awkward things to hang; you and I might be managed much more easily.'

Not a drop of milk have I had this day!' said the black cat; and such a pain in my side!'


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'But what,' said Growler, what is the immediate cause?'

Haven't I told you?' said the black cat, pettishly; it's her temper—what I have had to suffer from it! Everything she breaks she lays to meeverything that is stolen she lays to me-such injustice-it is unbearable!'

Growler was quite indignant; but, being of a reflective turn, after the first gust of wrath had

passed, he asked, 'But was there no particular cause this morning?'

'She chose to be very angry because I-I offended her,' said the cat.

'How? may I ask,' gently inquired Growler. 'Oh, nothing worth telling-a mere mistake of mine.'

Growler looked at her with such a questioning expression, that she was compelled to say, 'I took the wrong thing for my breakfast.'


'Oh!' said Growler, much enlightened.

Why, the fact was,' said the black cat, 'I was springing at a mouse, and I knocked down a dish, and not knowing exactly what it was, I smelt it, and just tasted it, and it was rather nice, and

"You finished it,' suggested Growler.

'Well, I should, I believe, if that cook had n't come in. As it was, I left the head.'

The head of what?' said Growler.

"How inquisitive you are!' said the black cat. Nay, but I should like to know,' said Growler. Well, then, of some grand fish that was meant for dinner.'

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Then,' said Growler,' say what you please; but, now I've heard both sides of the story, I only wonder she did n't hang you.'-Leisure Hour.

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King Bruce of Scotland flung himself down in a lonely mood to think;

'Tis true he was monarch, and wore a crown, but his heart was beginning to sink.

For he had been trying to do a great deed, to make his people glad,

He had tried and tried, but could n't succeed; and so he became quite sad.

He flung himself down in low despair, as grieved as man could be;

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And after a while as he pondered there, I'll give it all up,' said he.

Now just at the moment a spider dropped, with its silken cobweb clue,

And the king, in the midst of his thinking, stopped to see what the spider would do.

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