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bite, or annoy in any way. The buds of the sa fraga oppositifolia, and of the dwarf-willow, w observed to be opening out, and some of the sor to be in flower; a plant with a lilac-coloured flow having a very sweet smell (supposed to be a drab was also observed to be pushing out its blosso about this time, but none of these plants were so f ward as the saxifrage. Among the sea birds observ in the Arctic regions, the following are enumera in a poetical address to the feathered tribe, inserted the North Georgia Gazette: awks, dovekies, loon mallemukes, tern, kittiwakes, ice-gulls, and the glo cous gull, king of the Hyperborean main,' a little inferior in size to an eagle.

June 14.-The first rein-deer seen from the shi this day.

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An interesting anecdote of the docility of the re deer is given by Captain Parry, as witnessed on visit to Melville Island. Captain Sabine and m self' (he observes) being considerably ahead of rest of the party, had sat down to wait for them, wh a fine rein-deer came trotting up, and played rou us for a quarter of an hour within thirty yar On hearing our people talk on the opposite si of the ravine, the deer immediately crossed ov and went directly up to them, with very little ca tion: on one or two shots being fired at him with effect, he again crossed over to the spot in which were, and approached nearer than before. As so as we rose up and walked on, he accompanied like a dog, sometimes trotting before us, and then turning within 40 or 50 yards. When we halted 6 A.M. to make the usual observations, he remain by us till the rest of the party came up, and th trotted off. The rein-deer is by no means a grace animal; its high shoulders, and an awkward stoop its head, giving it rather a deformed appearan

Our new acquaintance had no horns: he was of

à colour with a black saddle, a broad black d the eyes, and very white about the tail. rved that, whenever he was about to set off, a sort of playful gambol by rearing on his s.'-(Journal, p. 184.)

Cheir rein-deer form their riches. These their tents,
Their robes, their beds, and all their homely wealth
Supply, their wholesome fare, and cheerful cups.
Obsequious at their call, the docile tribe


Yield to the sled their necks, and whirl them swift D'er hill and dale, heaped into one expanse Of marbled snow, as far as eye can sweep, With a blue crust of ice unbounded, glazed. enterprising naturalist Mr. BULLOCK (the sale persion of whose admirable Museum must considered a national misfortune) lately paid. to Norway, in the interior of which he found herds of rein-deer. They had been brought heir native Lapland, experimentally, by goent, with a view of domesticating them, and ng their extraordinary powers available to es of general service and economy. How has succeeded we know not, but it naturally ed to our distinguished compatriot, that what desideratum in Norway could not be less urious, ornamental, and most probably useful, gland. With his well-known zeal, he soon red a herd of twenty, and brought them down the inland hills and lakes to the coast for em tion. They were followed all the way by a of wolves, against which it was difficult to ct the deer. At length, however, they reached ea-shore in safety, and for security they were ported to an island surrounded by salt water. rtunately the precaution led to the worst of ts-in three days every one of these fine creahad perished. This mortality was occasioned heir eating a poisonous plant, with which the d abounded, and which the people about it told, a too late, was so fatal as to have destroyed


all the cattle put upon it, so that none had been su fered to feed there for many years.

Thrown again on his resources, and unwilling abandon a favourite design, our indefatigable cou tryman determined on another trial. He once mo went into the interior and bought another herd, twel in number. With these he was more fortunate, a not only succeeded in embarking them in safety, b in bringing them alive and well to the Thames. T extraordinary sagacity displayed by the deer in tr velling is worthy of notice. They were completely u der the command of a leader or captain, who not on headed their march, but seemed upon every difficul to issue his orders, which were promptly and imp citly obeyed. This was most remarkable when th came to the boat for embarkation. A new situati required a stronger exercise of instinct, approachi to reason, and of courage than had previously be called forth. The conductor of the herd, a Norw gian, got into the boat, and invited the captain the deer to follow him. Generally obedient to wishes, the noble animal approached, and put 1 foot from the pier into the vessel. It was the fi unsteady ground he had ever trod, and he recoiled alarm. Fresh invitations, and fresh investigatio of the boat ensued; the whole herd looking on a watching these, to them, as well as to the hum spectators, interesting proceedings. At last the ca tain felt assured; he entered the boat, and he tr upon and examined every plank. When fully sat fied he uttered a kind of snort, and in three minu the hitherto-passive herd had bounded into and fill the boat. Nor was this all the wonderful display animal intelligence; the vessel was overloaded, a as he had intimated other things, he also intimat this to his followers: no sooner was this done, th the individual deer he appeared to address leap into another boat.


of some delay at the Custom-house, eight twelve deer fell victims to the confinement board; three full-grown animals and a fawn nded, but the latter is since dead. One of the nich has been saved is the captain before of, and the largest of the animals, being about ds high and proportionably stout. The others and or two lower. Their fur is astonishingly very fine, and delicately soft and warm. The ranch in a singular and beautiful manner, and irely covered with a short fur. Those of the form almost a perfect coronet, above a foot ht, and her head is of the most elegant shape. -ptain's antlers are three feet in length; on one anching from a single root, on the other having anches bending forwards over the nose, issuom the head with the main branch. Their are very broad, and flexible between the diviThis enables them to clamber up precipices ng on rocks inaccessible to all other animals. speed is prodigious. They seem to be recono hay, as food; like brandy, which is admied as a medicine; and there is nothing, at t, to cause a doubt of the practicability of lizing them in England. A Laplander, his nd child, were imported along with the deer'.


now conclude our extracts from Capt. Parry's sting book, which we have made with a view to stimulate, than gratify curiosity; trusting many of our readers will recur to the volume for additional gratification. As this indefatiman has before this (Sept. 1821) probably made urther discoveries in the Arctic regions, which add much to the science and the fame of his try, we sincerely offer up our aspirations for the


Literary Gazette, Sept. 15, 1821, p. 591...


entire success of his adventurous undertaking; a the same time convinced, that, whatever may be th ultimate result of Captain Parry's discoveries, the can be but onc opinion as to his zeal and abilities.

APRIL is derived from Aprilis, of aperio, I oper because the earth, in this month, begins to open h bosom for the production of vegetables.

Remarkable Days


On this day every body strives to make as man fools as he can: the wit chiefly consists in sendin persons on what are called sleeveless errands, f the history of Eve's mother, for pigeon's milk, stirru oil, and similar ridiculous absurdities. Fools, in th modern or dramatic sense, were known in the churc and called also the Vice. Shakspeare makes Ric ard the Third say,

Thus, like the formal Vice, Iniquity,
I moralize two meanings in one word.

The Fool, Vice, or Iniquity, was a character in th antient Mysteries. There is a Fool introduce among the persons at the Crucifixion, in the gre window at the east end of King's College Chapel, Cambridge. Thus, perhaps, All Fools' Day w set up by the common people, or by scoffers, in o position to, or ridicule of, All Saints' Day and A Souls' Day, which happen on the 1st and 2d November in the opposite season of the year.-F some further observations on this day, see our la • volume. pp. 90-92.

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