Зображення сторінки

Vis, force; violent, -ce, violate, inviolable.

Vita, life; vital, -ity, aquavitae.

Vivo, vixi, victum, I live; revive, sur-, -al, vivid, -acious. -acity, vivify, convivial, viviparous, victuals, viands.

Voco, I call; convoke, in-, pro-, re-, -ation, vocation.

Vox, vocis, a voice; vocal, -able, -abulary, equivocal, -ate, vocifer


Volo, I fly; volatile, volley.

Volo, I am willing; voluntary, in-, volition, volunteer, benevolent, male-, -ce.

Volvo, volvi, volutum, I roll; revolve, con-, de-, e-, in-, circum-, -ution, volume, -uble, -ubility, valve.

Voro, I devour; voracious, -acity, carnivorous.

Voveo, vovi, votum, I vow; vote, -ary, -ive, devote, -ion, -ional, devotee, devout.

Vulgus, the common people; vulgar, -ity, divulge, promulgate.
Vulnus, -eris, a wound; vulnerable, in-.

Zona, a zone, or girdle; zone.




Achos, a pain; ache, head-, tooth-. | Aristoi, the nobles; aristocrat, -cy

Acmè, a point; acme.

A couò, I hear; acoustics.
Aèr, the air; aerial, aeronaut,


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Arithmos, a number; arithmetic,

Aròma, a perfume; aromatic.
Askeò, I exercise; ascetic.
Astèr, a star; astronomy, -ology


Atmos, breath, air; atmosphere.
Aulè, a court; aulic.
Aulos, a pipe; hydraulics.
Autos, one's self; autocrat,
-graph, automaton, autobio

Ballò, I throw; Bolè, a cast
hyperbole, -ical, parabola, par›
able, symbol.

Balsamon, balsam; balm, bai

Baptò, I dip; baptize.
Baros, weight; barometer.
Bia, force; bias.

Biblos, a book: oible, -lical.

Bios, life; biography, amphi-

Boò, I feed; Botanè, an herb;
botany, -ical, -ist.
Bythos, a deep; Abyssos, bottom-
less; abyss.

Charassò, I carve; character.
Charis, favour; eucharist, charity.
Cheir, the hand; chirography,

chiromancy, chirurgeon.
Cheò, I pour; chemist, -stry, -cal.
Chole, bile; choler, -ic, cholera-
morbus, melancholy.
Chriò, I anoint; Christ.
Chronos, time; chronic, -icle,
-ology, -ometer, anachronism,

Gala, milk; galaxy.
Gameò, I marry; bigamy, -ist,
polygamy, amalgamate.
Gaster, the belly; gastric.
Gea, the earth; geography,

-ology, -ometry, -ometrician. Genos, a birth; Genesis, genealogy, homogeneous, hetero-, oxygen, hydro-, genial, generate, gender.

Ginòsco, I know; prognostie,`
Gnostic, gnomon, physiognomy,
Glòssa, -tta, a tongue; gloss,
-ary, polyglot.

Glyphò, I carve; hieroglyphic.
Gònia, a corner; pentagon, di-
agonal, trigonometry.

Chrysos, gold; chrysalis, chryso-Gonos, a birth; cosmogony.


Damaò, I subdue; Adamastos,

that cannot be subdued; adamant.

Deka, ten; decade, -alogue, -agon.

Demos, the people; democrat,

-acy, endemic, epidemic. Despotès, a master; despotic, -ism.

Deuteros, second; Deuteronomy.
Didaskò, I teach; didactic.
Dis, twice; dissyllable, digraph,
diphthong, dilemma.
Dogma, an opinion; dogmatic.
Doxa, glory paradox, doxology.
Draò, I do; drastic, drama, -atic.
Drys, an oak; dryad, druid.
Dynamai, I am able; dynamics,

Echos, a sound; echo, re-.
Eidos, a form; idol, -ize, -atry,
-ator, -atrous, idea, -al, Kaleid

Eikon, an image; iconoclast.
Elaò, I drive; elastic.
Eleos, pity; eleemosynary.
Emeò, I vomit; emetic.
Epos, a word; epic, orthoepy.
Erèmos, a desert; eremite, hermit.
Ergon, a work; energy.
Ethnos, a nation; ethnic, heathen.
Ethos, a custom; ethics, -ical.
Etymos, true; etymology.
Eu, well; eulogy, -phony, -cha-


Exò, out; Exòthen, from abroad; exotic.

Gramma, a letter; grammar, epi

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dios, peculiar; idiom, -atical, | 'Mainomai, I am mad; Ma

idiot, -cy, -tism, idiosyncrasy. Isos, equal; isosceles.

Kaiò, kausò, I burn; caustic,
cautery, holocaust.
Kakos, bad; cacophony.
Kalos, beautiful: Kaleidoscope.
Kalyptò, I hide apocalypse.
Kanon, a rule; canon, -ize, -ical.
Katechesis, an institution; cate-
chism, catechize, catechumer.
Kathairò, I purify; cathartic.
Kenos, empty; cenotaph.
Kephale, the head; cephalic, hy-

Keras, a horn; rhinoceros.
Klazò, I break; iconoclast.
Klimax, a ladder; climax, cli-

Klino, I bend down; incline, de-,
re-, inclination, de-, declension,

Koimaò, I sleep; cemetery.
Kolossos, a huge statue; colossal.
Koma, deep sleep; comatose.
Komè, hair; comet.

Kosmeò, I arrange, adorn; `cos-

Kosmos, order, the world; cos-

Konchè, a shell; conchology.
Krateò, I rule; autocrat, demo-,
aristo-, -cy, theocracy.
Kritès, a judge; Krisis, judg-
ment; critic, -al, -ism, crisis,
-terion, hypocrite.

Kryptò, I hide; crypt, apocry-

Kyclos, a circle; cycle, epi-, cyclopedia.

Kylindò, I roll; cylinder, -rical. Kyòn, kynos, a dog; cynic, -al, cynosure.

Lampò, I shine; lamp.

Laos, the people; laity, layman.
Legò, lexo, I speak; dialect, lexi-

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madness; mania, maniac, monomania.

Manthanò, I learn; Mathèma, learning; mathematics, -ician, polymathy.

Mantis, a prophet, sorcerer; ne


Marainò, I wither; Amarantos,
unfading; amaranth.

Martyr, a witness; martyr, -dom.
Mechanè, an engine; mechanic,
-ism, -ical, machine, -ination.
Melas, black; melancholy.
Melos, a song; melody, -ious,

Metallaò, I investigate; metal,

Meteoros, high; meteor.
Mètèr, a mother; metropolis,

Metron, a measure; metre, di-
ameter, perimeter, thermo-.
baro-, hydro-.

Miainò, I pollute; miasma. Mikros, little; microscope, -cosm Mimeomai, I imitate; Mimos, an imitator; mimic, -ry, pantomine.

Misos, hatred; misanthrope, -py. Mnaòmai, I remember; Mnème, memory; Amnèstia, oblivion; mnemonics, amnesty.

Monos, alone; monopoly, -tony.
Monazò, I dwell alone; Mona-
chos, a solitary; monastic,
-tery, monk.

Morphe, a shape; metamorphose.
Myò, I shut up, mystic, -tery,


Myria, ten thousand; Myrios,
infinite; myriad.

Mythos, a fable; mythology.
Narkè, the torpedo; narcotic.
Naus, a ship; nautical, nautilus.
Neos, new; neophyte.

Nesos, an island; Peloponnesus,

Nomè, a distribution; economy.
Nomos, a law; anomaly, -lous,

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Pallas, goddess of wisdom; Pal-
ladion, image of the Goddess
kept at Troy; palladium.
Pan, all; panoply, egyric, -de-
monium, -theon, -dect, -acea.
Parechò, I furnish; Parochè, a
supply; parish, parochial.
Pated, I trample; peripatetic.
Pathos, a feeling; pathos, -etic,
apathy, sym-, -thize, -thetic,

Peiraò, I try; Empeiros, skilful;

Penès, poor; penury, -ious.
Pente, five, pentateuch, -agon.
Pentèkostos, fiftieth; pentecost.
Peptò, I digest; dyspepsy, -tic.
Petaò, I open; petal.
Petros, a stone; petrify, -ifaction,
Peter, saltpetre.
Phainò, I show; Phainomai,
appear; sycophant, pheno
menon, phantom, phantasm,
fancy, fantastic, -asy.
Pharmakon, a drug; pharmacy.
Phasis, speech; emphasis.
Phèmi, I say; prophet, -etic,

Phero, I bring; periphery, phos-
phorus, metaphor, parapher-

Phileò, I love; philology, -oso-
phy, er, omel, -anthropy,

Phleps, a vein; phlebotomy.

Phobos, fear; hydrophobia.
Phonè, a voice, sound; euphony,


Phòs, light; phosphorus.
Phrazò, I speak; phrase, para-,
periphrasis, -astic, phraseology.
Phròn, the mind; phrenology,
frenzy, frantic.

Phthongos, a sound; diphthong,

Physis, nature; physics, meta-,
-ical, physician, physiology.
Phyton, a plant; zoophyte.
Piptò, I fall; Ptòma, a fall;

Planè, a wandering; planet,

Plassò, I form; plastic.
Pleos, full; pleonasm.
Plèssò, I strike; Plèxis, a stroke

Pneuma, breath, air; pneuma-

Poieò, I make; poem, -et, -esy.
Polemos, war; polemic, -ical.
Poleò, I turn; pole, -ar.
Pòleò, I sell; monopoly, -ize,
-ist, bibliopole.

Polis, a city; metropolis, politic,
-ical, -ician, police, -cy, -ty.
Polys, many; polypus, -anthus,
-gamy, syllable.
Potamos, a river; hippopotamus,

Pous, podos, a foot; tripod, an-

Poros, a passage, gain; Empo-

ros, a merchant; emporium.
Prassò, I do; practical, prag-
matic, practice, -icable, -ition-


Presbys, an elder; presbyter, -y.
Protòs, first; protocol, -type.
Psallò, I play on a musical in-

strument; psalm, -ody, -ist.
Pyr, fire; pyramid, pyrites, em-

Rhaptò, I sew; rhapsody.
Rhassò, I dash upon; Kataraitò,
I tumble down; cataract.
Rheò, I flow; rheum, diarrhoea,

Rhin, the nose; rhinoceros.
Rhythmos, harmony rhythm.
-ical, rhyme.

Sarx, flesh; Sarkazò, I tear off
the flesh; sarcasm.
Satrapas, a viceroy; satrap.
Schema, habit, arrangement;

Schizo, I split; schism, -atic.
Scholè, leisure, school, scholastic.
Sepò, I rot; antiseptic.
Sitos, meat; parasite.
Skelos, a leg; isosceles.
Skeptomai, I look around; sceptic.
Skopeò, Iview; telescope, micro-,
episcopacy, bishop.
Sophos, wise; sophist, -ism, -istry,

Spaò, I draw; spasm, -odic.
Sphaira, a globe; sphere, -ical.
Splèn, the spleen, anger; splen-

Staò (histèmi), I stand; system, stamina (see Sto, Lat.)

Stasis, a station; apostasy, ecStellò, I send; apostle, epistle, peristaltic.

Stenos, narrow; stenography.
Stereos, solid; stereotype.
Stethos, the breast; stethoscope.
Sthenos, strength; calisthenics.
Stizò, I prick; stigma, -tize.
Stoa, a portico; stoic.
Stoma, the mouth; stomach.
Stratos, an army; Stratègos,
leader of an army; stregy,

Strephò, I turn; Strophè, a turning; strophe, apo-, cata-, anti-.

Sykon, a fig; sycophant.
Syle, a prey; asylum.
Taphos, a tomb; epitaph.
Tassò, I arrange; tactics, syn-


Tauto, the same; tautology. Technè, art; technical, polytechnic.

Tele, afar off; telescope, -graph. Temnò, I cut; Tomè, a cutting;

anatomy, -ize, -ist, atom, -y. Terma, an end; term, terminus. Teuchò, I fabricate; Tekton, an artificer; architect, -ure, -ural.

Theaomai, I see; theatre.
Theò (Tithèmi), I put ; epithet,

thesis, hypo-, theme, hypothec. Theos, God; theology, atheist. Thoreo, I see; theory, theorem. Thermos, hot; thermometer. Topos, a place; topography, topical.

Trepò, I turn; Tropos, a turning; tropic, -al, trope. Trephò, I nourish; atrophy. Tribò, Íbruise; tribulation, diatribe.

Typtò, I strike; Typos, an impression; type, proto-, typify, typography.

Tyrannos, a prince; tyrant. Zelos, ardent desire; zeal, -ous, -ot, jealous, -y.

Zoon, an animal; zoology, -phyte.

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