Зображення сторінки

hoppers, &c.), Neuroptera (may-flies, &c.), and Hymenoptera (bees, &c.). These are furnished with mandibles. The Haustellata, which live by suction, form five orders, as follows:

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Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), Diptera (oak-fly, &c.), Homoptera (cicada, &c.), Heteroptera (known as "heavy cavalry," &c.), and Aphaniptera ("light infantry," &c.). These, then, are our nine orders of insects, to be still subdivided into families, genera, and species.

To descend to minor matters, the Hooks referred to below are those of Messrs. Hutchinson and Son, Kendal (successor and late partner of the famous Adlington), of the sneckbend form, longs and shorts, with two Nos. of Grayling Hooks, finer in the wire, and two of Double Hooks, for Palmers, made expressly for this edition. Should description, after all, fail to convey the minute instruction requisite for the beginner, he is recommended to seek the aid of some proficient, who will kindly examine and correct his first essays at fly-making, and send him patterns to copy, with the exact materials for each fly.*

* Mr. Edward Moore, of Stanton Ford, Baslow, Derbyshire, kindly permits a reference to be made to himself, as willing to afford assistance to the beginner, either by letter, or by receiving a visitor into his house on the Derwent, and imparting a few practical instructions by the water-side.

No. 1. THE RED FLY. (Old Joan.)

Order, Neuroptera

Family, Perlida

Genus, Nemoura

Species, nebulosa.


Order, Neuroptera

Family, Ephemeridæ

Genus, Potamanthus

Species, rufescens (Pseudimago).


Order, Neuroptera

Family, Ephemeridæ

Genus, Potamanthus

Species, rufescens (Imago).

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