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burned or demolished, and all the wood- vidence which has brought us so far, and : work about them carried off for fuel by the will help us further. troops in bivouac. The roofs have shared “ Considerable collections, to which peothe same fate; the shells of the houses were ple of all classes hasten to contribute, have converted into forts; and loop-loles made already been made in our city, for assisting in the walls, as every village individually the wounded warriors, and the ruined inhawas defended and stormed. Not a door or bitants in and about Leipsic, Dresden, window is any where to be seen, as those Lauenburg, and Hamburg. A commitmight be remored with the greatest ease; tee, consisting mostly of the old members, and, together with the roofs, were all con- has been formed again for this purpose. O sumed. Winter is now at hand, and its that the generosity of our British fellowrigours begin already to be felt. These subjects, to whom we are re-united by the poor crcatures are thus prevented from re- strongest ties, , might help us in our endeabuilding their habitations, not only by the vours; and that those charitable persons season, but also by the absolute want of who, seven years ago, supplied us with the means; they have no prospect before them, means of doing so much good, might now but to die of hunger; for all Saxony, toge- renew their exertions; the grateful rementher with the adjacent countries, has suf- brance of which remains so strongly inifered far too severely to be able to afford pressed upon our minds, and upou the any relief to their miseries.

hearts of those thousands to whom they “ Our commercial house, God be thank- then administered relief! Anxiously do we ed! has not been plundered; but every expect to receive from you consoling news thing in my private house, situated in the on this subject." suburb of Grimma, was carried off or destroyed, as you may easily conceive, when Extract of another Letter, from the same to I inform you that a body of French troops , the same, dreta Dec. 24, 1813. broke open the door on the 19th, and de- “ How can I sufficiently express the joy fended themselves in the house against the I felt in reading your welcome letter of the Prussians. Luckily I had a few days before 7th iust.! I shall lose no time it preparing removed my most valuable effects to a and forwarding to you the authentic and place of safety. I had in the house one detailed account of the state of misery to killed and two wounded; but, a few doors which the greatest part of our countrymen off, not fewer than 60 were left dead in one have been reduced, by twelve years oppressingle house. --- Almost all the houses in the sion under a foreigu yoke, and by the late suburbs have been more or less damaged events of the war. At present, I can only - by the shower of balls on the 19th.” state, that the inhabitants of the principali

ties of Lauenburg, Bremen, a:rd LuneExtract of a Letter from the Right Rev. burg, have suffered most, and are still suf· Dr. Salfeld, dbbot of Loccum, and First fering dreadfully; but that all over our:

Counsellor of the Consistory, addressed to country poverty and distress is visible to the Rev, IV m. Kuper, dated Hanover, such a degree, as no one would believe who Nov. 6, 1813.

is not an eye-witness. All our funds, of “ At last, niy dear friend, after so many whatever description, have been eshausted, · years of oppression and suffering of every and most of our public institutions for the kind, we can again breathe freely. The relief of the poor destroyed. The number Lord -be praised, whose almighty and gra- of those who are still able and willing to cious hand is so visible in the great events, succour their suffering fellow-creatures bethat have, sooner than we could hope, pro- ing so very small, how shall we bear the duced our deliverance, and restored our sacrifices required for the public safety; and dear country to the pa tral governinent of at the same time save so many wretched our legitimate and beloved sovereigo. You families from perishing with hunger and can hardly imagine the affecting and lively cold! But, we do not despair, while we can manner in which our thanks to God, who iudulge the liope that British charity is ready has wrought such wonders for us, or our to assist us.” loyal joy, is expressed. But how could we, in the midst of our exultations, even for a Extract of a Letter from Jr. Kaufmann, moment, turn away our eyes from the scenes · Consellor of the Regency of Lani'nburr. of horror and 'misery, which present them to the same, uutti Baitseburg, Dec. 17, selves all around us? How much must be 18133.. done, what exertions, sacrifices, and priva “We have suffered bere beyond all her. tions, will be required of us, to assist those lief. Only our lives are saved; and if Prema thousands, and tens of thousands, who, vidence preserves us from the epidemical during this great struggle, have saved no- diseases, which begia to spread around us, thing but their lives! But we do not as the effects of our wants, anxiety, and shrink from the task, we trust in that Pro grief, we shall be thankful. The two last

harvests are entirely lost to us; and many not a shirt, coat, boot, or bed, was left. fields could not be cultivated for vant of Several, who, on account of bodily infirmity, labourers, cattle, and seed. Thousands of were obliged to wear trusses, were thrown horses and waggons, cows and sheep, have down, and had, with the greatest brutality, been taken from us; and we have been for the trusses torn from their bodies, because these three months past exposed to all kinds the French soldiers suspected them to conof exactions and cruelties. Even now we ceal money. Some, far adranced in years, stand helpless aod forsakens. But God will cannot yet recover from the effects of this hive merey upon us, and our countrymen cruel treatment. The wives of some of the will pity and assist us whenerer they can clergymen of my diocese are now lying on reach us. Har we only some money to buy nothing but straw, expeeting the birth of bread and fuel! All our wooden fences infants, for whose covering they have are destroyed by the French in their watch- hardly a few rags left, nor have they even fires. Our situation is such that we scar a the means of keeping a gre in their rooms : famine.”

indced most of the houses of the clergy are

burnt, and they bave been obliged to take Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. shelter in such buts as were too wretched - Imecken, Superintendent of Raíce- to attract the notice of the French soldiers. * burg, to the same, dated Dec. 17, 2813. The churches aflorded no refuge, for even “ I will not hurt your feelings by a mio fra

they were plundered, and the pews used as:

fuel. nute description of the incredible suilerings $6 It is impossible to obtain, in our own of this little country, which bas been occu-, mun

· country, the means of relief; for the dispied these three months past by almost the

tress is too widely extended, and the inhawhole of the French and Danish armies ; bitants too much impoverished.. 11,000 of whom werey in one instance,

“ May we tben Bot hope, that from Engquartered for several days on the small town

land the band of clarity will be stretched of Molln, containing no more than 250

oat of the relief of the distressed; and houses. Our ruin seems inevitable; every that also the suffering clergy of my diocese thing around us is destroyed, our fields and

will find somre alleviation of their misery in gardens laid waste, our houses emptied, the Christian sympathy of our English bre10,000 head of cattle consumed by the

thren?" enemy, who barbarously shot three of our honest peasants for not willingly surrendering the last of their property. Epidemic Extract of a Letter from Frederick Hilldiseases begin to complete our misery; but mer (Counsellor of the Consistory), in God will help us, over the hills, since we the King of Prussia's Dominions, to the have surmounted the rocks, being now free Rev. C. 1. La Trobe. from the enemy."

Neusalz, in Silesia, Ang. 3, 1813.

“ I remember that a society of genuine Estract of a Letter of the Rev. N. N. - Christian philanthropists in England, im

perintendent at Eckhartsberg in Saxong, mediately after the disastrous war between addressed to the Rev. Wm. Kuper, in Germany and France, from 1805 to 1807, London.

collected and transmitted large sums of “ After the battle of Leipsic, the great money to various parts of Germany, to, af-' mass of the retreating, as well as the pur- ford relief to those places and families which suing armies, passed through our neigh- had suffered most by the miseries of war. bourhood, and my diocese, consisting of I have also heard, that, in the beginning of thirty-seven parishes, suffered the most this unhappy war, ręplete with equal hordreadful calamities. The fate of the clergy rors, several partie b' my native country is peculiarly distressing. The doors, shut- have been relieved by gifts from the inhabitters, floors, and even the roofs of the ants of Great Britain, that rioh and noblehouses, weré seized upon by the French, minded nation, and am certain that British and burnt at their bivouacs; who, in their sympathy and benevolence is not weary of fight, also carried off all utensils, beds, well-doing, but delights to wipe off the and clothes. Thorgh the Austrians, Prus- tears of the afflicted. sians, and Russians, deserve high praise “Our town of Neusalz, and the neighfor the discipline which was maintained in bouring settlement of the United Brethren, their armies, yet a great number of marau- being situated so near the fortress of Gloders scoured the country, and took away gau on the Oder, and placed near two of what the inhabitants had endeavoured to the principal military roads, bas, both in. bide in the woods. Many clergyinen were the war of 1806 and in the present, sufpersonally con pelled to drive their cattle fered fourfold more thaw any other town or after the French armies, and, when per- village in this country, Ghafenberg exceptmitted to ictum, were stripped of their ed, which has been twice cruelly plundered. coats, boots, or shoes, To most of them By most enormous contributions and requi

sitions of all kinds, and the quartering of thank God we have escaped with our lives. troops, stationed here for many months, we Provisions are extravagantly dear. A far are now plunged into the deepest misery mine is apprehended." and poverty.

" I was this day walking in my garden, Subscriptions for the relief of the disa bemoaning the wretchedress to which we tresses on the Continent received at the are reduced, when suddenly, a hope arose in Stock Exchange, at Lloyd's Coffeehouse, my mind: "Perhaps,' said I, the hearts and at the Commercial Sale Rooms Coffee and hands of British Christians will again house, Mincing Lane; also by the Comopen towards us, when they hear our case, mittee-Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. and they will again fly to the assistance of Treasurer; Wm. Alers, Esq. Fenchurch their poor suffering German brethren. If Street; Mr. R. Ackermana, Strand; Jos so, I will also put in my humble petition, and seph Benwell, Esq. Battersea; the Rev. , supplicate for the town and country, the Dr. Brunnmark, Wellclose Square; Jos. welfare of which, as one of the magistrates, Butterworth, Esq. M. P.; George Cowie, I am doubly bound in duty to proinote; Esg. Russel Square; L. A. Goldsmichdt, and will write to my friend Mr. La Trobe, E .; Jos. Hardcastle, Esg. Old Swan wbo surely is acquainted with those benevo- Stairs; Wm.-Henry Hoare, Esq. Fleet lent men, that he may recommend the town Street; the Rev. Mr. Halle, Pimlico; Mr. of Neusalz, as well as the settlement of Jacob Hagen, jun. Mill Street, Dock Head: the United Brethren here, to their chari- the Rey. Wm. Kuener. E

the Rev. Wm. Kueper, Eaton Street, Piin. table notice, and perhaps move them to lico; the Rev. C. 1. La Trobe, Neville's grant is also to partake of their bounty, Courty Fetter Lane; Ambrose Martin,

o Impressed with this idea, I sit down Esq. Charlotte Street; Zachary Macaulay, to lay our supplications before you; and if Esq. Birchin Lano; James Meyer, Esq. my confidence is not put to shame, and I Leadenhall Street; Samuel Mills, Esa. may be the happy almoner of your noble Finsbury Place; Wm. Foster Reynolds, and generous countrymen, O what joy am! Esq. Great St. Helens; the Rev. Dr. Row preparing for my, dear inhabitants of Schwabe, Goodman's Fields; Henry SiffNeusalz, and what fervent thanksgiving ken, Esq. Bush Lane; Róbert Steven, Esq. shall I have to transmit to you and your so- Old Swan Lane; Christopher Sandius, Esq. ciety! I can add no more, being sure that Devonsbire Square; the Rev. C. F. Steinthe knowledge you have of our deplorable kopff, Savoy; Henry Schultze, Esq. Geo. case, and the love of Christ within you, Oppenheimer, Esq. Committee of Finance will cause you to act with much more zeal, Joseph Reyner, Esq. Mark Låne;. Sathan any persuasion by inanimate words. muel Mills, Esq. Finsbury Place; George “I remain erer yours,

Meyer, Esq. Salvarlor House. Secretaries

“ C. F. HILLMER. Mr. R. H. Marten, America Square ; Mr. • «P.S. Not only the fugitive French army Luke Howard, Tottenham. from Russia, but the greater part of the Russians, passed through our town and country in pursuit. Thus we had to find EXTRACTS FROM THE SECOND NEPORT OF

THE BRISTOL CHURCH OF ENGLAND quarters and provisions for French, Ita- '

TRACT SOCIETY. lians, German auxiliaries of all kinds, Poles, Prussians, Russians, Cossacks, Cal This Society has our most cordial support, mucks, Bashkirs, and other Asiatic troops, and we earnestly recommend it to the who all came in succession upon us.”

patronage of our readers.

PRESIDENT– The Hon. and Very Rev. Extract of a Letter from Dohna, near

the Dean of Wells. Treasurer-John S. Dresden, December 5, 1913.

Harford, jun. Esq. Secretaries ---Rev. J. « It is calculated, that, on an average, T. Sangar; Rev. John Swete. Committee no less than 500,000 soldiers passed -Rev. N. Bridges, D.D.; Rev. T. T. Bidthrough Dohna, at different periods. Four dulph, Rev. J. Bull; Rev. T. C. Cowan; engagements took place near it. At the Rev. W. Day; Rev. F. Elwin ; Rev. J. Emfirst, nine farms and five houses were ra; Rer. S. Feild; Rev. W. L. Glover; burnt down. The corn was destroyed; Rev. J. Hensman; Rev. J. Hall; Rev. J. partly while standing in the fields, partly Neilson; Rev. T. B. Simpson; Rev. T. after it had been housed in the barns. Sims; Rev. M. R. Whish; Rev. W. Wait; Cattle of every description were forcibly Messrs. S. Brice, D. Brice, I. Cooke, A. taken away. In some large stables, which Foulks, J. George, jun. G. Meares, G. contained no less than forty or fifty horses, Thorne, J. Willis. Depositary to the Seoxen, &c. not one is left. Our fields and ciety -- Mr. Richardson, Bookseller, No. 6, gardens, are laid waste. Some villages Clare Street, Bristol. have been entirely burnt; others in part. At the second Annual Meeting of the We have been plundered three times: but Bristol Church of England Tract Society, held at No. 42, Wine Street, on Wednes- ing, for his kind acceptance of the office of day the 17th of Nov. 1813; the Hon. and President to this Society, and for his able Very Rev. the Dean of Wells in the Chair; and obliging conduct in the chair. the Report of the Committee, and the In entering upon their annual duty of reTreasurer's audited account, having been porting the state of the Society, and the tead by the Rev. J. T. Sangar, Secretary, proceedings of the past year, the Committhe following resolutions were unanimously tee are happy to meet the friends of the inadopted

stitution with the language of congratulaist. On a motion by Arthur Foulks, Esq. tion; and call upon them to rejoice and be seconded by Isaac Cooke, Esq.; That the thankful for the success with which the graReport now read be received, and printed cious Giver of all good hath hitherto crownunder the direction of the Committee. ed their undertaking. Still, indeed, its fea

2d. On a motion by the Rev. George Ba tures are those of infancy, and its operations ring, seconded by James George, jun. Esq.; comparatively weak; but it is confidently That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be hoped, that, when it shall be fully pregiven to the Committee for their judicious, sented to their view, they will acknowledge, zealous, and successful labours. . that at least it has not been neglected; that

3d. On a motion by the Rev. W. Day, it not only lives, but thrives; and, judging seconded by the Rev. F. Elwin ; That the from its present powers, promises in macordial thanks of this Meeting be given to turer age to be an instrument of great and J. S. Harford, jun. Esq. Treasurer of this extensive usefulness. Society, for his services during the past Pursuing the plan adopted in the first Reyear; and that he be requested to continue port, the Committee will begin by menthe same.

tioning the state of the Society's funds. 4th. On a motion by the Rev. T. T. Bid- The number of annual subscribers is condulph, seconded by the Rev. W. Glorer; siderably increased, even after filling up the That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be vacancies made by those whom the Society given to the Rev. J.T.Sangar, and the Rev. has lost by death or other causes. The J. Swete, Secretaries of this Society, for sum, moreover, arising from the sale of the zeal and assiduity with which they have Tracts, has almost equalled the amount of gratuitously discharged the duties of their the donations which formed so large a proottice; and that they be requested to con- portion of the funds of this institution for tinue the same.

the first year. Still, however, it will be 5th. On a motion by the Rev. J. Swete, found, that there is a considerable balance seconded by the Rev. J. Bull; That the against the Society; a balance occasioned, cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to as it is hoped will upon further information those persons who have favoured the Society readily be allowed, not by any want of ecowith Tracts; and that they be requested to nomy on the part of the Committee, but continue their useful labours.

by the vigorous endeavours which they have 6th. On a motion by the Rer. M. R. made to promote the important cause in Whish, seconded by the Hon. and Rev. L. which the Society has embarked. The Powis; That the Hon. and Very Rev. stock of Tracts on band will indeed meet Henry Ryder, D. D. Dean of Wells, be that balance; but in suggesting this the requested to accept the office of President Committee would press upon every member to this Society.


and friend of the Society the duty and ne7th. On a motion by Mr. Sheriff Bickley, cessity of promoting the sale of their publiseconded by the Rev. T. Spencer; That the cations, by making known and recommende following clergymen and gentlemen shall ing the object and plans of tlie Society, constitute the Comiittee for the ensuing each within his own sphere of action. It year: the Rev. N. Bridges, D.D. T.T. is by individual exertion that the work will Biddulph, J. Bull, T. C. Cowan, W. Day, prosper on an enlarged scale. F. Elwin, J. Emra, S. Feild, W. L. Glover, But reserving some further observations J. Hensman, J. Hall, J. Neilson, T. B. on this point to another part of their ReSimpson, T. Sims, M. R. Whish, W. Wait; port, the Committee proceed to detail what Messrs. S. Brice, D. Brice, I. Cooke, A. has been done in the past year in prosecu. Foulks, J. George, jun. G. Meares, G.. tion of the Society's designs. During the Thórne, J. Willis.

first year of its existence fifteen Tracts were (Signed) Henry Ryder, Chairman. published, and No. XVI. was prepared for · The Chairman havirig left the Chair, it the press. This, together with eleven more, was taken by Arthur Foulks, Esq.; and, has appeared in the course of the year just on the motion of the Rev. T. C. Cowan, se- ended, and there are three almost ready for conded by George Thorne, Esq. it was fur- publication; in addition to which, the first ther resolved unanimously, That the cor- eight numbers lrave been republished, an dial thanks of this Meeting be given to the edition of five thousand of each having Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Wells, for been 'completely sold. Thus fifteen' new the honour of his attendance at this licet- Tracts have been added to the Society's list

during the year, and the whole number of by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, M. A.; it was Tracts published within that period amounts unanimously to ninety-two thousand.

Resolved, That the cordial thanks of the Society be presented to the various friends

who have assisted in the formation of . RESOLUTIONS OF THE CHURCH MIS

Church Missionary Associations since the SIONARY SOCIETY.

last anniversary; particularly in Yorkshire, Ar a special General Meeting of the at Norwich, and in Norfolk; at Ipswich, Church Missionary Society, held at Free- and in Suffolk; at Leicester, and in Leicesmasons' Hall, on Friday, the 7th of Ja tershire; and in the Borough of Southwark, nuary 1814; present, -the Right Hon. and its vicinity; and that such friends be Lord Gambier, Vice-patron and President, hereby requested to accept the same. in the chair; with upwards of 1300 mem On the motion of H. Hoare, Esq. Vicebers of the Society, and their friends ; president; seconded by Mr. Wilberforce; it

His Lordship, the President, having was unanimously opened the Meeting by stating, that it had Resolved, That the cordial thanks of the been called to deliver instructions and an Meeting be presented to his Lordship, the address to some of the Society's Mission President, for his kind services rendered to aries, the Secretary, the Rev. Josiah Pratt, this Society, in the Chair, this day.--Adu delivered the instructions of the Committee journed.

to the Rev. Thomas Norton, and the Rev. · William Greenwood, destined as Missionaries for Ceylon; and to the Rev. John

Christian Schnarre, and the Rev. Charles

T. E. Rhenius, about to sail, under license . THE Rev. Thomas Cobbold having intro-
of the Hon. the Court of Directors of the duced the business, at the Meeting held at
East India Company, as Missionaries to the Shire Hall, with some appropriate re-

marks, the Rev. Josialı Pratt pleaded the The Rey. William Dealtry, in the un cause of the Parent Society. It being una avoidable absence, through indisposition, of derstood that many members of the Society the Rer. Dr. Claudius Buchanan, then de- of Friends were liberally disposed to aid the ļivered an Address to the said Missionaries, plans of the institution, so far as it.cou drawn up at the request of the Committee be done consistently with their principles by Dr. Buchanan.

Mr. Pratt remarkedThe Rev. Thomas Norton, in his own “If indeed any sincere Christian find him name, and in that of his companion, the self bound by principles which preclude Rev. William Greenwood, read à Reply to him, as he conoeives, from rendering direct the said Address.

support to those who exercise the sacred The Rer, C. T. E. Rhenius, in his own Ministry, yet there are considerations which name, and in that of his companion, the may meet his difficulties :, and we bear our Rev. J. C. Schnarre, also read a Reply to willing testimony to the great body of the Address.

Friends, to whom I have alluded, that their On the motion of Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. zeal for the diffusion of the Scriptures, and DI. P. Vice-president, seconded by H. their successful efforts to civilize a part of Thornton, Esq. M. P. Treasurer, it was una the heathen world, demonstrate how nimously

gladly they would assist in the Missionary · Resolved, that the said Instructions, cause, if they could reconcile such assistAddress, and Replies, be printed at the dis ance with their views. But, Sir, we offer eretion of the Committee.

to this respected body of Christians an ac• On the motion of the Rev. Wm. Dealtry, cess to the Heathen, which they may ocM, A. rector of Clapham; seconded by the cupy, as we conceive, without any derelicRev. John Wm. Cunningham, M. A. vicar tion of principle. --The "brethren and of Harrows it was unanimously

strangers who go forth, for his Name's sake, Resolved, That the cordial thanks of the take nothing of the Gentiles, nor do they Society be presented to the Rey. Dr. take any thing of us, as a compensation for Buchanan, for his ready compliance with preaching the word : yet we feel it our duty the request of the Committee in drawing to bring such forward on their journey! up his able and interesting Address to the But if difficulties still remain on this suba Missionarios ; and for the zeal with which ject, surely none can object to assist us in he has answered every call of this Society, the support and Christian education of and of the Christian church at large, under those multitudes of African and Asiatic many infirmities, to assist in diffusing the children who are intrusted to our care! knowledge of divine truth through the The small sum of five pounds will clothe, world.

maintain, and educate a child : and we canOn the motion of the Rev. Basil Woodd, not but hope that many will be induced to M.A. Honorary Life-Governor; seconded assist in this labour of love, and rejuice to


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