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sumptuous confidence in his abili- city perhaps unequalled, and which ties, or from being puffed up by' often surprised even his most intihis riches, that he was condescend, mate acquaintance, though they so ing to all, and remarkably diligentiell knew his talents. in his profession; and he often. Being once asked by a friend, used to say, that the life of a pa- who had often admired his patience tient (if trifled with or neglected) under great provocations, whether would one day be required at the he knew what it was to be angry, hand of the physician. He always and by what means he had so encalled the poor his best patients; tirely suppressed that impetuous for. God, said he, is their pay- and ungovernable passion ; Dr. master.

Boerhaave answered, with the utThe activity of his mind sparkled most frankness and sincerity, that yişibly in his eyes : he was always he was naturally quick of resentcheerful, and desirous of promoting ment, but that he had, by daily every valuable end of conversa- prayer and meditation, at length tion; and the excellency of the attained to this mastery over himChristian religion was frequently self; but this, he said, was the the subject of it; for he asserted, ' work of God's grace ; for he was on all proper occasions, the divine too sensible of his own weakness authority and sacred efficacy of the to ascribe any thing to himself, or Scriptures; and maintained that to conceive that he could subdue they only could give peace of mind, passion, or withstand temptation, that sweet and sacred peace which by his own natural power : he atpasseth all understanding, since tributed every good thought and none can have it but by divine every laudable action to the Father communication. He never regard- of goodness. ed calumny nor detraction (for To the will of God he paid an Boerhaave himself had enemies), absolute submission, without ennor ever thought it necessary to deavouring to discover the reasons confute them. “ They are sparks," of his unsearchable determinations; said he, “ which, if you do not and this he accounted the first and blow, will go out of themselves. most inviolable duty of a ChrisThe surest reinedy against scan- tian. dal, is TO LIVE IT DOWN by à About the middle of the year perseverance in well-doing, and 1737, he felt the first approaches Dy praying to God that he woult of that fatal illness which brought cure the distempered minds of him to the grave, viz. a disorder in those who traduce and injure us.” his breast, which was at times very An excellent method this, especi- painful, often threatened him with ally as it keeps our minds content immediate suffocation, and termied and unruffled, whilst the hearts nated in an universal dropsy ; but 'of our enemies are overflowing during this afflictive and lingering with rancour, envy, and other dia- illness, his constancy and firmness bolical passions.

did not forsake him. He neither inHe was not to be overawed or termitted the necessary cares of life, depressed by the presence, frowns, nor forgot the proper preparations or insolence of great men, but of death. About three weeks before persisted, on all occasions, in do his dissolution, when the Rev. Mr. ing what was right, regardless of Schultens, one of the most learned the consequences. He could too, and exemplary divines of the age, with uncommon readiness, and al- attended him at his country-house, most to a certainty, make a con- the Doctor desired his prayers, and jecture of men's inclinations and afterwards entered into a most reCapacity by their aspect : a saga, markably judicious discoursa with

him on the spiritual and, immate., man, as frequently inculcated in rial nature of the soul; and this his First Epistle, particularly in he illustrated to Mr. Schultens the fifth chapter. . with wonderful perspicuity, by a.. . Such were the qualities of the description of the effects which the great BOERIAAVE. So far was infirmities of his body had upon this eminent man from being made his faculties, which yet they did not imious by philosophy, or vain by 80 oppress or vanquish, but his soul his extraordinary genius for phy. was always master of itself, and al- sic, that he ascribed all his abiliways resigned to the pleasure of ties to the bounty, and all his its Maker; and then he added, "He goodness to the grace of God. who loves God ought to think no. May his example extend its infuthing desirable but what is most ence to his admirers and followers! pleasing to the Supreme Goodness.May those who study his writings These were his sentiments, and as a physician, imitate his life as a such was his conduct in this state Christian! and thus, while they of weakness and pain. As death are endeavouring after his medical approached nearer, he was so far knowledge, be aspiring likewise to from 'terror or confusion, that he his exalted piety, as he was so ad'seemed less sensible of pain, and mirable a pattern of patience, for"more cheerfal under his torinents, titude, cheerfulness, charity, can. which continued till the 230 day dour, humility, and devotion. of September 1738, on which he His funeral oration was spoken died (much honoured and lament- in Latin before the university of ed), between four and five in the Leyden, to a very numerous aumorning, in the 70th year of his dience, by Mr. Schultens, and afage, often recommending to the terwards published at their partiby-standers à careful observation cular desire. of St. John's precepts coneerning

. G. B. H. ** the love of God and the love of


ON CHRIST JESUS SAVING look around us and behold the

beauties of the creation-the sun, 1 Tim. i. 15.

the moon, and the other heavenly

bodies, performing each their reChrist Jesus came into the world

gular course, we cannot but adto save sinners.

mire the wisdom and goodness of . In these words we are led to the Creator. But when we atten. - eonsider the marvellous love of tively contemplate the wonders of Christ towards sinners. It is in. redeeming love, our astonishment deed a' subject, in the contemplan stretches beyond the confined fation of which, the farthest human culties of humanity, and the greatest researches are lost in the fathom- extent of our imagination is bewil.

less abyss of infinity ; it is a -subdered in the sublimity of the sub, .. *ject into which “ angels desire to ject.. :look."-" O. the depth of the Man rebelled against his God,

riches, both of the wisdom and he incurred the displeasure of the

knowledge of God! how unsearch- Most High ; nor was he able, even i "able are his judgments, and his in the smallest degree, to regain ..Ways past-finding out!" When we that favour which he had so rashly

forfeited. Left to himself, he would remain unaffected? O grace hoy have wandered farther and farther divine! Here we see “ mercy in the labyrinths of sin and sense. and truth' met together, righteous. The Deity perceived this. Jesus ness and peace embracing each Christ, the second Person in the other;" here we perceive " the ever-glorious Trinity, condescend fountain opened for sin and for uns ed to leave “his Father's bosom,” cleanness." O, what encourageto take upon himself “ the form of ment to poor guilty sinners, whose a servant," to dwell with us, not in consciences are troubled with a the pomp and splendour of high sense of their many and great pollife, but in the lowest station--not lutions! How comfortable to their surrounded with flattering cour afflicted souls ! This fountain, tiers, but his only retinue a few il. which is the blood of Christ, is literate men. Such was the bless- able to cleanse from all sin, by the ed Saviour of sinners; but he not divine ordinance and appointment merely came to dwell with us, he of the ever-blessed Trinity, who came to die for us. The divine have given it an almighty power, law was broken-it required satis- in order to its answering ail the faction: this was beyond the power purposes of redemption; and there. of man ; by the fall all his affec. fore it is called, by the Apostle, tions are carnal, he is prone to " the blood of the everlasting coevery thing sinful, and åverse to ' venant.” The eternal Trinity enall that is pure and holy. How, tered into a covenant, and, by an then, shall he appear before that everlasting 'purpose,' decreed to eternal Being, who is “ of purer bring many sons unto glory, eyes than to behold iniquity,"with- through the obedience and bloodout abhorrence and indignation ? shedding of Jesus Christ. He beHe has this sentence pronounced ing a Person in the Godhead, coupon him, “ Cursed is every one equal and co-eternal with the Fathat continueth not in all things ther, undertook, as their reprewhich are written in the book of sentative, to obey the law for the law to do them.” The justice them, and to suffer the penalties, to of God is injured, nor have we shed the blood and to die the death any thing to offer which can make which they deserved, and thus to the least atonement for our trans- satisfy all the demands which his gressions. Not “ thousands of Father's justice had upon them. rams, or ten thousands of rivers The Father accepted him as their of oil," can be of any avail ; pr, substitute, “and was well pleased “ if a man were to give the fruits with them for his sake;" and when of his body for the sin of his soul,” he came “ in the fulness of time,” still his sins would be as black as " he put away sin" by the infinitely ever; if he were to shed rivers of perfect sacrifice of himself; and tears, and tears of blogd, what when upon the cross he exclaimwould they profit in such a case? ed, “ It is finished," then “ the Whither, then, shall we turn? blood of the everlasting covenant" “ Christ hath redeemed us from , made a full and ļasting atonement the curse of the law ;" “ he came for their sins. He rose from the into the world to save sinners;" graye “ as the first fruits of them she was led as a lamb to the that sļept, and afterwards “asslaughter." The cross was erected cended up on high," to giye “gifts

the hand of the executioner unto men." According, therefore, raised against him--and, as a will.. to his true promise, the Holy Ghost ing victim, he yielded up his life ! is sent to awaken sinners, dead in Can we consider these things, and guik, to convince them of their danger, and to bring them to and nation ; and hath made them “ the blood of sprinkling” to be kings and priests unto God and his made clean.

Father, to whom be glory and Thus we see that the blessed and praise, for ever and ever. Amen." glorious Trinity have covenanted

AMZI. to give an infinitely purifying vir tue to “ the blood of the Lamb.” Jesus shed the precious stream,

LETTER ON THE RELIGIOUS EDUthe Father covenanted to accept

CATION OF THE Poon. it, and the Holy Spirit to apply it, To the Editor of the Christian and to make it effectual to sinners;

Guardian. so that the whole Trinity have SIR, appointed it to be infallible; the It is impossible not to be fordivine virtue and almighty power cibly struck by the bold assertions of the Godhead now works with of your correspondent in Septem" the blood of the everlasting co ber, who signs himself “ A Friend venant,” to make it effecțual for to the Religious Education of the every end and purpose for which Poor.” He charges home upon it was shed.

the Lancasterian school near FinsThink of this, thou afficted soul, bury a complete dereliction of tossed with doubts and fears, and many of the primary and most egnot comforted, why cannot that sential principles of a Christian þlood satisfy thy conscience, which education ; and it will be for the has satisfied the infinite justice of managers of that establishment God? The Lord deliver thee from either to rebut the charge, or vir. unbelief, and help thee to rely on tually to admit a grievous deficienthe blood of the Saviour, until cy in their system. thou find every thing that is said It is my intention, however, only of it in Scripture to be infallibly to notice the concluding inquiry of true by thine own experience! his letter, wherein he expresses Then, indeed, thy conscience will hinuself ready to support any sys-þe at peace all thy comforts will tem of education which does acbe derived from it: thy love, thy tually inculcate those principles peace, thy joy will flow from this whose absence in the above insti. fountain. This will be thy conti- tution he so justly laments: I feel nual matter of rejoicing, that the very happy, therefore, in being blood of Christ was shed for thee: able to invite his attention to the this will bear thee up under trials, City of London National School in strengthen thee against tempta- Coleman Street Buildings. This tions, support thee in sickness, and school is conducted upon the Ma. arm thee against death itself. Thou "dras, or Dr. Bell's system, and in, wilt know that all these things are culcates the principles of the working together, under God, for Church of England. But I will good; and that will make thee hap- enter into a few particulars, and py, happy here, and happy in hope I shall be able to conyince eternity: there thy joys shall be your correspondent that the sys. full, when thou shalt join “ that tem here adopted comes very near

innumerable company, whom no to his requisitions: it has also : man can number; and, with them, some children from the populous

give honour, and glory, and bless- neighbourhood to which he has ing, and praise to Him that was stated himself as belonging. slain, and hath redeemed them un. On the ground-floor of the build

to God by his blood, out of every ing, which is capable of accom* kindred, and tongue, and people, modating about two hundred boys,

the actual average attendance made by the parents ; but, on the morning and afternoon is 192; in contrary, they have generally atthe rooin above there is an average · tended to express their thankful. attendance of ninety-eight girls; ness for the advantages their chil. which number is daily increasing, dren have received when they are *as the girl's school is not yet filled. obliged to take them to other em

Every morning the school opens ployments. with a repetition of one or two If any child in this school han. collects and the Lord's Prayer by pens to conduct itself in an unbe. one of the children, the whole coming manner in the streets, or school kneeling, and joining in the to keep improper company, the Amens and the Lord's Prayer : circumstance generally reaches the the school also closes at five with committee through the medium of the same ceremony.

other boys, and on investigation After morning prayers succeed the child is punished or admonishthe religious exercises for about an ed, according to circumstances ; bour, which consist of the Church but if incurable, is expelled, as a Catechism, collects, shorter cate source of corruption to others. chisms, and other formularies; in The last demand of your corretheir knowledge and understandspondent is the most difficult to ing of which the children are free answer, namely, whether the chilquently examined by those mem- dren have made proficiency in the bers of the committee whose turn Christian grace of humility: and it is to visit : the rest of the day is I can only satisfy his demand by devoted by the boys to the com- informing him that subordination mon occupations of a school; but is a main feature in the system, and the girls devote the whole after- ' that all dress beyond plainness and noon to the learning of plain nee- simplicity is strictly prohibited. dlework.

But the latter remark is exempliEvery Sunday morning and af- fied chiefly in the girl's depart: ternoon the children assemble in ment; they and their parents are,

the school-rooms, and proceed to informed that only such dress as . church, where they may be seen, becomes the humble situation they ... and thcir conduct judged of, at the hold in society can be allowed to be

churches of St. Mary Aldermary, 'worn. Bow Lane, and St. Mildred's, in I presume, however, Sir, it is un. the Poultry, in the morning; and necessary to enter into every item St. Peter's, Cornhill, in the after- of this system of education; I do noon. Those who omit attending most earnestly court the attention on the Sunday are brought before of your correspondent, and all the committee, who meet every others who, in his spirit, “ have Monday at twelve o'clock, and if the real good of the poor at heart,"

no sufficient reason, such as ill- to examine for themselves into the ·ness, or one of the like absolute effects which this school, as far as nature, can be given, they are pu- it has had opportunity, has pronished in such a manner as the duced; and, beyond that, after system allows; the parents are ge- considering the principles on which nerally sent for, and themselves it acts, let them estimate the proadmonished to compel their chil, bable future effects. dren's observance of the sabbath; The school in Coleman Street but if incurable, the child is ex, Buildings being full, the commit,

pelled from the school. : tee established another about six ... No complaints of any bad effects 'weeks ago in Shoe Lane, Holborn,

upon the children have yet been 'where nearly two hundred children

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