The Jealousy of the Gods and Criminal Law at Athens: A Contribution to the Sociology of Moral Indignation, Том 1Williams & Norgate Limited, 1933 - 462 стор. |
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5th century Achaians Agamemnon Aias Aischylos Amasis Antigone Apollo Astyages Athenian Athens avenge befall belief cause chorus say citizens committed crime Dareios death Deianeira disaster disinterested tendency divine jealousy divine powers Elektra Erinyes Eteokles Euripides evil explanation expressed fact fate father fear feeling fortune gods Greek guilt Gyges happiness Hektor Hellas Hellenes Herakles Herodotos honour Howald human Hybris idea Iliad inflict punishment innocent Iphigeneia Iphigeneia at Aulis jealous justice Kambyses killed king Klytaimestra Kreon Kroisos Kyros Laïos means mentioned merely misfortune modern moral murder Neoptolemos Odysseus offence Oidipus oracle Orestes Ostracism passage Periandros Perikles Persians Philoktetes Pindar poet Polykrates possible Professor Calhoun Professor Drachmann Prometheus purple carpet Pyth question reason regard revenge Rhesos seqq Seven against Thebes sins sociological Solon Sophokles Sophokles and Herodotos suffer tendency to inflict thinks thought threatened Thukydides Trojan Troy Tuxen Type tyrant Women words wrong Xerxes Zeus