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present, and the oxidation is not resumed until the action of the draught changes the conditions of the atmosphere of the furnace, when the lower sulphides remaining are slowly oxidised, the copper sulphide being converted into copper sulphate mainly by the intervention of the sulphuric anhydride formed as indicated. Probably by far the greater part of the iron sulphide only becomes sulphate for a very brief period, being decomposed into the oxides of iron, mainly ferric oxide, the sulphur passing off. Any silver sulphide that is present would have been converted into metallic silver at the outset were it not for the simultaneous presence of other sulphides, notably those of copper and of iron, which enables the silver sulphide to become converted into sulphate. The lead sulphide is also converted into sulphate at this low temperature. The heat is now raised still further with a view to split up the sulphate of copper, the decomposition of which leaves oxide of copper. If, as in this case, the bases are weak, the sulphuric anhydride escapes mainly as such; but when the sulphates of stronger bases are decomposed the sulphuric anhydride is to a great extent decomposed into a mixture of sulphurous anhydride and oxygen. The sulphuric anhydride, resulting from the decomposition of this copper sulphate, converts the silver into sulphate, and maintains it as such, just as, in turn, at a lower temperature, the copper itself had been maintained in the form of sulphate by the sulphuric anhydride eliminated from the iron sulphate. When only a little of the copper sulphate remains undecomposed, the silver sulphate begins. to split up, and the furnace charge must therefore be immediately withdrawn, or the whole of the silver sulphate would be converted into metallic silver, partly by the direct action of heat alone, and partly by reactions such as those shown in the following equations:



Ag2SO, + 4Fe,0 = 2Ag + 6Fe,0, + SO,
Ag2SO, + Cu,O = 2Ag + CuSO, + CuO.

If the charge were not withdrawn, the silver would thus be effectually removed from the solvent action of water, and the smelter's efforts would have failed entirely. The charge still contains lead sulphate, which cannot be completely decomposed at any temperature attainable in the roasting furnace, except in the presence of silica, and it is well to leave it where it is if the residue has subsequently to be smelted with a view to the extraction of the gold. The elimination of arsenic and antimony gives rise to problems of much interest, and again confronts the smelter with a case of chemical equilibrium. For the sake of

brevity it will be well for the present to limit the consideration to the removal of antimony, which may be supposed to be present as sulphide. Some sulphide of antimony is distilled off, but this is not its only mode of escape. An attempt to remove antimony by rapid oxidation would be attended with the danger of converting it into insoluble antimoniates of the metals present in the charge. In the early stages of the roasting it is therefore necessary to employ a very low temperature, and the presence of steam is found to be useful as a source of hydrogen, which removes sulphur as hydrogen sulphide, the gas being freely evolved. The reaction Sb,S,+ 3H,=3H,S+2Sb between hydrogen and sulphide of antimony is, however, endothermic, and could not, therefore, take place without the aid which is afforded by external heat. The facts appear to be as follows: sulphide of antimony, when heated, dissociates, and the tension of the sulphur vapour would produce a state of equilibrium if the sulphur thus liberated were not seized by the hydrogen and removed from the system. The equilibrium is thus destroyed and fresh sulphide is dissociated. The general result being that the equilibrium of the system is alternately restored and destroyed until the sulphide is all decomposed. The antimony combines with oxygen and escapes as volatile oxide, as does also the arsenic, a portion of which is volatilised as sulphide.

The main object of the process which has been considered, is the formation of soluble sulphate of silver. If arsenic and antimony have not been eliminated, their presence at the end of the operation will be specially inconvenient, as they give rise to the formation of arseniate and antimoniate of silver, insoluble in water, which may necessitate the treatment of the residues by an entirely different process from that which has hitherto been considered.

It will have been evident that effecting this series of changes demands the exercise of the utmost skill, care, and patience. The operations beginning at a dull red heat, or a temperature of some 500°, are completed at 700°, within a range, that is, of 200°. Judicious stirring has been necessary to prevent the formation of crusts of sulphates, which would impede the reactions, and, as has been shown, an undue elevation of temperature within a very limited range would, at any stage, have been fatal to the success of the operation. It is difficult to appreciate too highly the delicacy of sight and touch which enables an operator to judge by the aid of rough tests, but mainly from the tint of the streak revealed when the mass is rabbled, whether any particular stage has or has not been reached, and it will be obvious that the

requisite skill is acquired solely by observation and experiment. The technical instructor may impart information as to the routine to be followed, and the appearances to be observed, but scientific knowledge of a high order can alone enable the operator to contend with the disturbing influences introduced by the presence of unexpected elements or by untoward variations in temperature. In the training of a metallurgist it is impossible to separate education from instruction, and the above description of a very ordinary operation will show the intimate relations between science and practice which are characteristic of metallurgical operations. Practice is dependent on science for its advancement, but scientific workers too often hesitate to attack metallurgical problems, and to devote the resources of modern investigation to their solution, because they are not aware of the great interest of the physical and chemical problems which are connected with many very simple metallurgical processes, especially with those that are conducted at high temperatures.


Proceeding yet one step further, suppose that the copper smelter takes possession of the residual mass, consisting mainly of oxide of copper, he would smelt it with fresh sulphide ores and obtain, as a slag from the earthy matters of the ore, a ferrous silicate containing some small proportion of copper. displacement of the copper from this silicate may be effected by fusing it with sulphide of iron, a fusible sulphide of iron and copper being formed which readily separates from the slag. By this reaction some twenty thousand tons of copper are added to the world's annual production. Proceeding a step further, suppose the smelter to have reduced his copper to the metallic state. If arsenic had been originally present in the ore, and had not been eliminated entirely in the roasting, extraordinary difficulties would be met with in the later stages of the process, in extracting small quantities of arsenic which resist the smelter's efforts. Copper, moreover, containing above one per cent. of arsenic cannot be 'overpoled,' as the presence of arsenic hinders the action of gases on the copper. The amount of arsenic which the copper smelter has to remove may vary from mere traces up to one per cent., and if the copper is destined for the use of the electrical engineer, he will insist on its being as pure as possible, for the presence of a trace of arsenic would materially increase the electrical resistance of the copper, and would be fatal to its use in submarine telegraphy. If, on the other hand, the copper is intended for the maker of locomotive fire-boxes, he will encourage the retention of small quantities of arsenic, as it is found to actually increase the endurance of the copper, and the

smelter will in such a case have no inducement to employ a basic furnace lining, nor will he care to use the special methods for the removal of arsenic with which he is familiar. It may all seem simple enough, but the modern process of copper smelting has been laboriously built up, and has a long and interesting pedigree which may be traced to at least the eighth century, when Geber described the regulus 'coarse metal' as being black mixed with livid,' and our familiar 'blue metal' as being of a most clean and pleasant colour,' and indicated the reason for the difference.

It must not be supposed even when commercially pure copper lies on the furnace bed, ready to be transferred to moulds, that its turbulent career of reactions is over. It might be thought that the few tenths per cent. of impurity, dissolved oxide, and occluded gas, are so far attenuated by distribution that their interactions must be insignificant. This is far from being the case. The bath of metal is seething from its reactions until the copper is solid, and then polymerization begins. There may not be a sharply defined critical range of temperature within which the metal can alone be successfully worked, which varies, as regards its starting point, with the kind of impurity present, as is the case with steel; but evidence of molecular change in the solid metal is afforded by the pyrometric curves of cooling to which subsequent reference will be made in this work, and by the singular behaviour, as regards electrical resistance, of various samples of copper, in which chemical analysis hardly reveals a difference.

The above description of a very ordinary set of operations will serve to indicate the general nature of the problems with which the metallurgist has to deal.



Molecular Structure.-The physical aspects of metals are so pronounced as to render it difficult to abandon the old view that metals are sharply defined from other elements, and form a class by themselves. The term metal is in fact somewhat arbitrary. Zinc and bismuth, when they were first discovered, were considered to be semi-metals, and it was not until mercury was frozen by Braune in 1759 that it was recognised as a metal. Like all other elements, metals are composed of atoms grouped in molecules, and any force that alters the relations of the atoms in the molecules modifies the physical properties of the metals. Indeed, it would be easy to show that the physical constants of each metal vary with its degree of purity. The molecular grouping of metals is doubtless very varied, and little definite is known regarding the structural stability of most of them; but it may be assumed that it is not very great, as some metals split up into single atoms when they are volatilised, and most of them unite readily with chlorine and with oxygen.* It is probable that in many pure metals, such as gold, silver, copper and iron, the individual molecules are of simple atomic constitution, and that these fundamental molecules bear a uniform relationship to one another. Consequently, any mass, of which the fundamental molecules are the constituent particles, may practically be regarded as a single molecule. Two fundamental molecules must, however, be held to be capable of uniting to form complexes that have less power of cohering, and any circumstance tending to bring about the formation of such complexes would also tend to make the material less tough. This may account for the extraordinary alteration in the properties of many metals produced by very small quantities of incompatible foreign matters. It will be shown in a future chapter that the effect produced by a small quantity of an im

Lothar Meyer, Modern Theories of Chemistry, English translation, 1888, p. 568. + H. E. Armstrong, Min. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xciii. (1888), p. 112.

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