Зображення сторінки

XV. in 1622. Paul V. who granted this commissson, died in the very commencement of 1621. The MS. is not dated, but it was most probably written in 1620.

273 Relazione di Precedenza in una Cavalcata in Roma tra il Nunziato di Polonia ed il Ministro di Spagna, 1671,—Relazione per il Titolo di Eccellenza del Duca di Tursi dato a Napolitani e non a Genoesi,-Manifesto di Don Francesco Moles riguardo alla sua Ambasciata alla Corte di Vienna da Carlo II. Re di Spagna, 1701. MANUSCRIPTS, folio, 7s. 6d.

The first two pieces are narratives of disputed cases of precedency; of so much account at that time, and now estimated at its true value. The last piece is the manifesto of the Spanish Ambassador at Vienna, previous to the War of the Succession. These MSS. are from the Colonna Library.

274 Ragguaglio toccante la venuta del nostro Cattolico Monarca Filippo V. et il corrente stato di guerra in Italia. MANUSCRIPT, dated Milano, 20 July, 1702, folio, neatly written, 9s.

The work of a violent partizan against the Archduke Charles. It is dedicated to Ferdinand, Duke of Mantua.

275 Epistola Calpeæ Civitatis ad Serenissimam Elisabetham Hispaniarum Reginam, Febr. 1715. MANUSCRIPT, very neatly written, 4to.

10s. 6d.

A curious Address from the Spanish inhabitants of Gibraltar to Isabella, queen of Philip V. on her arrival in Spain. In it are many lamentations for their subjugation to the English; even at the commencement they state, (civitas loquitur) "quoniam gementi (proh dolor!) sub Britannorum jugo ire non datur, per hasce litteras supplex ad tuos pedes devolvitur. Utinam munitissimi hujus arcis claves, quæ sunt totius Hispaniæ et Civitatis stemmata, paritur devolvere liceret." 276 Materie riguardanti il Cardinale Alberoni. MANUSCRIPT, folio, neatly written,

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Containing the letter written by him, during his forced stay at Sestri di Levante, to Cardinal Imperiali, (see page 49,) the Papal Nuntio at Genoa, dated Mar. 20, 1720. enclosing a copy of his celebrated defence, with copies of the correspondence between Alberoni, the Duke di Popoli, Daubenton, and the Marquis Grimaldo, on the policy of peace or war in 1717.

277 Prammatica di sua Maestà in vigore di Legge per la espulsione da questi Regni della Compagnia, occupazione de❜loro beni temporali, e proibizione del loro ristabilimento, con altre ordinazione. MANUSCRIPT, folio,

7s. 6d.

The decree of Charles III. of Spain, for the expulsion of the Jesuits from that country in 1767.

278 Memoriale presentato a S. M. Cattolica dal Procuratore Generale dell'Indie della Compagna di Gesù. MANUSCRIPT, folio,

7s. 6d.

This memorial was presented to Charles III. of Spain about 1762-5;

in it the Jesuits pray for a confirmation of the decree made in their favour by Ferdinand VI. in 1750, and for the preservation of their property in Mexico and South America. However, in 1767, they were expelled from the Spanish dominions, and in 1773, through Spanish influence, the Order was totally abolished by Clement XIV, (Ganganelli.)

279 Cartas sobre el Capitulo "Espana" de la nueva Encyclopedia, escritas por el Mariscal de Campo Don Geronimo Giron, año de 1728. MANUSCRIPT, 4to. very neatly written,


A severe critique on the falsehoods in the French account of Spain in the Encyclopedie.


280 Memoriale dato dall' Ambasciatore di Portogallo a N. S. Papa Alessandro VII. MANUSCRIPT, folio,

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This memorial, which must have been written 1655-56, is to request the Pope to acknowledge John IV. as King of Portugal. It is of some length, and embraces all the grounds on which the House of Braganza rests its claims to the crown.

281 Osservazioni sopra la condotta tenuta dal Ministro di Portogallo, D. Sebastiano Giuseppe de Carvaglio (Carvalho), primo ministro e primo favorito del Re, nell' affare de'Gesuiti. MANUSCRIPT, neatly written, folio, sewed,

7s. 6d.

An auimated defence of the Jesuits on their expulsion from Portugal and Paraguay by Carvalho, the famous Marquis de Pombal.

282 Memorias para a Historia Genealogica das Casas illustres do Reino de Portugal, no anno 1680. MANUSCRIPT, very neatly written, with an alphabetical index of names, 8vo. in old morocco, gilt leaves,



283 Descrizione di tutte le nazioni della Russia, MANUSCRIPT, neatly written, about 1812, 4to,

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10s. 6d.

A copious geographical and statistical account of Russia, and its dependencies.



284 Brevis Narratio conversionis Regina Sueciæ. MANUSCRIPT, of the seventeenth century, 4to. neatly written,

A portrait of Christina is prefixed.



285 Relatione delle Cose di Modon..

MANUSCRIPT, folio, 4s. 6d.

An interesting narrative of the famous siege and capture of Moden in 1686, by the Venetians under the command of Morosini.

286 Έλεγχος Γενικός,—Ειδύλλιον• Τύχη ἤ Σοφίας κτῆσις, two Greek Poems. MANUSCRIPTS, neatly written, about 1798,-Néa πολιτικὴ διοίκησις τῶν κατοίκων τῆς Ρούμελης, τῆς μικρᾶς Ασίας, τῶν μεσογείων νήσων, και τῆς Βλαχομπογδανίας. Ενετίησι, 1798. A modern Greek manifesto, printed in the form of a 18s.


Of the two short Greek Poems there is no account. The manifesto is a very singular document. Though bearing the date of Venice, it was clandestinely printed at Vienna, in 1798, by some young Greeks, for the purpose of dispersion in the Turkish dominions, to excite the inhabitants against the government. The police of Vienna discovered the plot, and arrested the conspirators; who, at the instance of the Ambassador of the Porte, were sent to Semlino, and, in pursuance of existing treaties, delivered up to the Pacha in command at Belgrade, where they were executed.

Among its contents are Tà dikala тê àvoρúπ8, under thirty-five heads; ̓Αρχὴ τῆς νομοθετημένης πράξεως, καὶ ψυχὴ τῆς διοικήσεως τάξις, καὶ τρόποι πῶς νὰ ἐπακολεθῶνται παρὰ τῶν πολιτῶν, in 124 heads ; with some poetry. From the above circumstances and the form of its publication, (a large folio sheet,) this document is believed to be UNIQUE, and it is curious as being one of the earliest essays at a Revolution in Greece. It is from the late Earl of Guilford's library.

287 ORIGEN DE LOS TURCOS y Imperio de los Octomanos, conpuesto por Andres Cambino de Florençia. MANUSCRIPT, of the sixteenth century, on paper, 4to. 17. 11s. 6d.

288 Relatione del Clmo. Sr. Marcantjo. Barbaro Proc. ritornato di Baylo di Constantinopoli. MANUSCRIPT, neatly written, folio, sewed,

11. 4s.

Marcantonio Barbaro was brother of Daniele Barbaro, of whom an account has been given, (see No. 93, page 30). The office of Bailo at Constantinople for the Republic was of high dignity: originally it had no relation to political affairs, being somewhat similar to our Consulgeneral, but afterwards became nearly synonimous with our Resident (as used in the East): it must not be confounded with the French

Bailli.' This report is made (to Lodovico Mocenigo, then Doge,) at a very interesting period, that of the great battle of Lepanto, 1571.

Though the Russians were then almost unknown to the rest of Europe, yet it appears the political relations between them and the Turks were matter of consideration, even at that early time, with the far-seeing Venetian Government. This curious relation has not been printed. Mazzuchelli mentions copies of the work as existing in the Riccardi Library at Florence, and the Saibante at Verona. This copy was the late Earl of Guilford's.

289 Relatione del Turco dopo la Pace conclusa con la Signoria di Venetia, l'anno 1574. MANUSCRIPT, neatly written, folio.

17. 4s.

On the conclusion of the peace in April, 1573, Andrea Barbaro was named Ambassador to the Porte, and Antonio Tiepolo, Bailo in Constantinople. The author of this relation was cousin to Tiepolo, whom he accompanied by express permission from the Council de' Pregadi. His work is of considerable length and very curious.

290 DISERTACION DE LA ARABIA, y de las Costumbres y Literatura de los Arabes, &c. por el Dr. Mariano Pizzi. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, 4to.

17. 11s. 6d.

Dr. Pizzi was a very learned Orientalist, and Professor of the Arabic Language at Madrid.

291 Ragguaglio delle cose di Terra Santa, descritte da vista da Giovanni Maronita del Monte Libano, con un Aggiunta di discorso del Monte Libano et della Provincia di Cresman, 1666-67. Lettera del Sig. Lodovico Orsino scritta a sua consorte, per suo testamento. MANUSCRIPTS, very neatly written, folio, . 10s. 6d.

A long and very interesting account of the Holy Land, and of the famous Maronite Establishments on Mount Libanus, written by one of that body. It is unpublished. The will of Orsino, which is curious, was written about 1586.

292 Provisioni per propagare

la fede Cattolica nell' India in qua del Gange, e per piantare profondamente l'autorità della Santa Sede in tutte l'Indie. MANUSCRIPT, folio,

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This is apparently an official document on the subject, as remarks are made in the name of the College de Propaganda fide. There are proposals for establishing Bishops at Surat, Ahmedabad, Agra, Bengal,

&c. &c.

293 Plans of the Citadel and Fortifications of the Town of Colombo, in the Island of Ceylon. MANUSCRIPT, 4to.

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10s. 6d.

These plans, which are accompanied with sections, are very beautifully drawn, and have the appearance of great accuracy. They are twenty-one in number, and seem to have been executed by a Dutchman, whose government long possessed the place.

294 Notizie alla Santità di nostro Signore P. P. Benedetto XIV. per riassumere il Carteggio cogl' Imperadori della Cina. MANUSCRIPT, folio, sewed,

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A very earnest solicitation to the Pope to renew a correspondence with Kien-Lung, then Emperor of China; it seems to have been written about 1744-5, and, to judge from the style, by one who had been a Missionary from the Propaganda College.


295 Itinerarium Alexandri Geraldini, Episcopi Sti Dominici ad Regiones sub Equinoctiali plaga constitutas, 1522. MANUSCRIPT, very neatly written, folio,

31. 3s.

Geraldini, a native of Arnetino in Umbria, was in 1495 Bishop of Monte-cervino, and in 1515, when at the age of 70, he was appointed Bishop of St. Domingo. It was as Bishop of this island, then but recently discovered, that he had the opportunities afforded him of writing this very curious and early account of the West Indies. His brother Antonio Geraldini was also an author of some note, who was crowned as poet at Rome, and was tutor to the Infanta Doña Isabella of Spain.


296 Descripcion de Patagonia y lengua de sus moradores, con algunas particularidades relativas a las Yslas de Falkland, traducida del Yngles de Thomas Falkaner, por D. Manuel Machon. MANUSCRIPT, 1772, folio, very neatly written, 14s. Kitchen's large Map is inserted.

297 The Journal and Courses for Sailing of a Naval Officer about 1804, principally in South America. MANUSCRIPT, very neatly written


A pretty and useful MS. with several neatly executed drawings of head-lands and of costumes,

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