Зображення сторінки

JN 19 1919
mus. Jennie Keyser



WHEN I commenced this work, my object was a mere compilation. There were many excellent books for young men, already in circulation, but none which I thought unexceptionable. One of the best in use, besides being a foreign work, and therefore not quite so well adapted to the United States as to another country, contained many vulgar remarks, and not a little profanity. Others contained sentiments which I could not approve, and was sorry to see widely circulated. I sat down, therefore, intending to make selections from the choicest parts of them all, and prepare an unexceptionable and cheap manual; such an one as I

should be willing to see in the hands of every youth in the United States.


In the progress of my task, however, I found much less that was wholly in accordance with my own sentiments than I had expected. result was that the project of compiling, was given up; and a work prepared, which is chiefly original. There are, it is true, many quotations from 'Burgh's Dignity of Human Nature,' Cobbett's Advice to Young Men,' 'Chesterfield's Advice,' and a few other works; but even these are, for the most part re-written, and so much modified, that it was, in general, thought unnecessary to refer to them in the body of the work.

It will hardly be expected that I should make the lofty pretension of embracing, in the narrow compass of a work of this size, every thing necessary for young men to know and practise, in order to become useful, virtuous and happy, in all the relations of life. A few important topics only,


have been presented; and those with a brevity, which I fear, will detract from their importance. Should the work, however, meet the approbation of those for whom it was prepared, and be a means of improving their character, it is not improbable that another volume embracing several important and interesting topics which were necessarily excluded from this, may hereafter be attempted.

BOSTON, December 9, 1833.



THE rapid sale of a large Edition of this work, and the general tribute of public praise which has been awarded to its merits, instead of closing the eyes of the Author and Publishers against existing defects, have, on the contrary, only deepened their sense of obligation to the community, to render the present Edition as perfect as possible; and no pains have been spared to accomplish this end. Several gentlemen of high literary and moral standing, and good taste, kindly consented to lend their services in suggesting improvements; and the Author has derived from these sources many important hints. Several new sections have been added to the work, and some of the former have been abridged or extended.

February 12, 1834.

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