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LXXXIV. Who is it that fays moft? which can fay more
LXXXV. My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still
LXXXVI. Was it the proud full fail of his great verse
LXXXVII. Farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing
LXXXVIII. When thou shalt be difpof'd to set me light
LXXXIX. Say that thou didst forfake me for fome fault
xc. Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now
XCI. Some glory in their birth, some in their skill
XCII. But do thy worft to fteal thyself away

XCIII. So fhall I live, supposing thou art true

XCIV. They that have power to hurt and will do none

xcv. How sweet and lovely doft thou make the shame

XCVI. Some fay, thy fault is youth, some wantonnefs

XCVII. How like a winter hath my absence been

XCVIII. From you have I been absent in the spring

XCIX. The forward violet thus did I chide

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No edition of Shakfpere's Sonnets,1 apart from his other writings, with fufficient explanatory notes, has hitherto appeared. Notes are an evil, but in the case of the Sonnets a neceffary evil, for many paffages are hard to understand. I have kept befide me for several years an interleaved copy of Dyce's text, in which I fet down from time to time anything that seemed to throw light on a difficult paffage. From these jottings, and from the Variorum Shakspeare of 1821, my annotations have been chiefly drawn. I have had before me in preparing this volume the

1 The poet's name is rightly written Shakespeare; rightly alfo Shakspere. If I err in choofing the form Shakfpere, I err with the owner of the name.

To which this general reference may fuffice. I often found it convenient to alter flightly the notes of the Variorum Shakspere, and I have not made it a rule to refer each note from that edition to its individual writer.

editions of Bell, Clark and Wright, Collier, Delius, Dyce, Halliwell, Hazlitt, Knight, Palgrave, Staunton, Grant White; the tranflations of François-Victor Hugo, Bodenftedt, and others, and the greater portion of the extenfive Shakspere Sonnets literature, English and German. It is forrowful to confider of how fmall worth the contribution I make to the knowledge of these poems is, in proportion to the time and pains bestowed.

To render Shakspere's meaning clear has been my aim. I do not make his poetry an occasion for giving leffons in etymology. It would have been eafy, and not useless, to have enlarged the notes with parallels from other Elizabethan writers; but they are already bulky. I have been sparing of such parallel paffages, and have illuftrated Shakfpere chiefly from his own writings. Repeated perusals have convinced me that the Sonnets ftand in the right order, and that fonnet is connected with fonnet in more instances than have been obferved. My notes on each fonnet commonly begin with an attempt to point

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