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"He cometh in like a Lion, and goeth out like a Lamb."-OLD SAW.

BLOW on, blow on, thou furious churl,
Who heeds thee in thy wild career?
Old withered leaves may leap and whirl,
But young ones sleep devoid of fear.
Mid leafless branches wildly howl,

Or chase dark clouds along the sky-
In lowering tempests blindly scowl,

Or toss wild waves of dust on high

Yet will we smile to see thy frown:
With jocund songs thy fury hail:
And when the storm comes thundering down,
Exult amidst the shivering gale.

For lo! thy winds, with spendthrift haste,
Exhaust their strength whilst thou art young:

And ere regret observes the waste,

Repentant sighs are feebly flung,

And thou art changed! For savage storms,
Bland, gentle zephyrs, mildly play;

For clouds, of strange portentous forms,
Blue skies prolong the lengthening day.

And Nature hails the genial change,
Exulting through her wide domain :
Invites young lambs new fields to range,
And decks with green the frosted plain.

Then welcome, March! Thy cordial smile,
Though hid beneath a frowning face,

Is free from that deceit and guile,

Which holds, on earth, too high a place.-S. M.


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A DELIGHTFUL thing it is to be sailing with the wind abaft, on the clear, blue, sparkling ocean-the canvas packed upon the craft, taut braces, and flowing sheets-the waters roaring and frothing under the bows, and leaving a long continuous line of foam in the wakethe glorious sun shining in splendour above, the dancing seas glistening below-dry decks, and steady going. Then, again, the heavy gale, in its terrific grandeur, rolling the waves up into mountains, and dashing them about at will, manifests the vast powers of the winds, and the great skill of man in resisting their fury. Harry felt all this; and though the first storm he was in created sensations of awe and wonder, such as he had never experienced before, yet when he saw the judicious application of seamanship to meet every threatening danger, admiration took precedence of alarm, and as soon as the brig was under snug sail he enjoyed the spectacle.

The vessel was bound to Leghorn, and during her run up the Mediterranean, and on her arrival, the varied novelties that were constantly presenting themselves, operated like the spirit of enchantment upon the mind of the youth. And a beautiful place is the Mediterranean, with its pleasant temperature and transparent skies. Lovely are the early mornings as the first blush of rising day throws its faint roseate tint along the horizon; and gorgeous are the sunsets, as the bright orb descends, as if to rest in palaces of gold, which are reflected on the bosom of the pellucid waters in all the richness of their glowing hues. The waking dreamer may there indulge his vivid fancies with romantic fervour, but even the imagination, with all its quick conceptions and delicious visions, must fall infinitely short of the dazzling realities of that brilliant scene, in all its various tones and lustrous colouring.

Harry had ascertained from Lord Eustace de Vere the probability that the Lady Maude and her father were in Rome; and now, being so near the ancient city, strongly did the temptation assail him to quit his vessel and proceed thither in search of her. He was standing on the mole that protects the outer harbour, debating the matter in his mind, whilst warm affection struggled against honour, when a small coaster, bound to Civita Vecchia, got under weigh. The young man knew her destination, and was also aware that he should not be more than forty miles from Rome, and there was a still further chance of getting a passage in some boat that might be ascending the Tiber. Love conquered prudence-it has done so in wiser and older heads than Harry's, from the commencement of the world, and will continue to do so whilst a spark of human feeling remains-he hesitated no longer, but hailing the craft, requested that he might be taken on board—the light skiff was sent for him, and in a short time he was running along the coast. His conduct on board pleased the master, for he had greatly exerted himself during a strong breeze, in which the crew, instead of actively endeavouring to shorten sail, were down on their marrow bones uttering lamentations, and imploring the help of the saints, who did not appear to indulge in any very strong inclination to take in the canvas, though the wind did, and most probably would have borrowed the masts to aid in carrying off the sails; but Harry's energies prevailed over their fears, for, with the assistance of the master, he rattled a rope's-end about the prostrate mariners, and forced them to help themselves. In return, the master understanding that the young man wanted to get to Rome, promised to do all in his power to forward his views.

Whilst activity was required Harry had but little time to think of the consequences of his rash step, but when the loneliness of night had spread over him he began to reflect upon the position in which he had placed himself. Thoughts of the discreditable act he had committed, together with the probable misery it might bring to his mother, should she come to the knowledge of it—as well as the difficulties he must necessarily encounter in a strange country, amongst a people of whose language he was entirely ignorant-these, and many other unpleasant cogitations, rendered him restless, sleepless, and unhappy. The lady Maude might not be in Rome, and if she was he knew of no plan which he could adopt for the purpose of finding her; all was doubt and uncertainty. But the young man had run more desperate risks than the present undertaking threatened, and as the bright morning arose to cheer the heart, he banished useless regret; for though he sometimes wished he was once more on

board the brig, yet as he knew it to be impossible, he strove to subdue dark remembrances of the past, and tried to look forward to a more joyous future.

They arrived at Civita Vecchia without accident, and the master, unlike the generality of his countrymen, kept his word; he procured the young sailor a passage in a boat that would convey him within three miles of Rome, and he also gave him a token (for he could not write) which, presented to any one amongst the lazzaroni who sought to molest him, would have the effect of converting them to friends. He arrived safely in "the city of the world," but unable to make himself understood, he wandered about for several days, disregarded or only laughed at by the heedless and light-hearted populace, most of whom revelled in the luxury of unrestricted idleness and a profusion of unclean rags, as they basked in the warm sun and ate maccaroni. Harry had brought but little money with him, but the cravings of hunger could be satisfied for a mere trifle, and there was no very great hardship in that climate, especially to a young sailor, in sleeping without the shelter of a roof. But still the life he was leading did not accord with his views of propriety, nor yet with his comforts; and the thoughts of home, and the "trim-built wherry" would intrude, and as yet he seemed to be as far from attaining the object of his search as ever.

Carnival time came, and this both amused and annoyed him; he was highly diverted with the merry and grotesque groups that thronged the streets, but frequently became the subject of mirth and ridicule to the rabble, who would have used him roughly, but that, on showing the token, it had an instantaneous effect on some one or other of the party, and they immediately desisted. On one occasion, however, instead of this result he was forcibly seized, and would have been hurried away, but that a group of jovial masquers, habited as bacchanals, hearing the appeal of an Englishman for protection, suddenly rallied round the youth and rescued him—not from the hands of bandits, but the Officers of Justice, who had been watching his proceedings with suspicion, and to whom, on being addressed, he had displayed the token, which turned out to be a sign of recognition and protection amongst the thieves of that huge district.

The masquers having released the youth, placed him in their centre and pursued their way, but Harry felt no confidence in the friendly aid he had received, and he would gladly have escaped from their riotous and boisterous pastimes, but they seemed to be determined not to part with him, and resistance against so many would have been vain. At length he resolved to free himself, and assuming

a threatening aspect he was about to fling himself from their company, when a voice in good English uttered, in a low tone, "Keep where you are if you wish to be in safety-you have a friend at hand, who does not care to be found amongst the revellers-you will know him presently."

Thus assured in his native tongue, Harry at once yielded to the suggestion, and continued with the masquers, who entered an ancient Palace-like building, where wines and refreshments were awaiting them, and Harry was invited to partake of the good cheer. As his daily fare had been meagre and scanty, the youth did not wait for a second bidding, but applied himself most diligently to the solid viands and the savoury meats, qualifying his food with gladness. At the close he was summoned into another room, where one of the masquers was seated alone.

"And who would have thought of ever seeing Harry Paulet in Rome!" exclaimed the man, whose voice the youth immediately recognized as that of Sir James Trelawney. "What brings you here, my lad? Has the Pope promised you a Cardinal's hat—or do you expect the expatriated King to grant you a patent of nobility? Alas! Harry, the Apostolic Vicar has given the last of his old hats to the Duke of York, and Charles's patents would be nothing better than so much waste paper. But what brings you here?"

Thus questioned, Harry felt somewhat puzzled for a reply—the delicacy of his regard would not permit him to mention the lady Maude, and so he frankly stated that, having arrived at Leghorn, and desirous of learning something of his former friends, he had quitted his vessel and come to Rome


And you have turned deserter, Harry, eh? that is a bad beginning, young man. And what friends are there of whom you would

be informed ?"

"Need I say, Sir James, that supposing you were here, I felt most anxious to see one to whom I am under lasting obligations?" responded the youth.

"Tut, tut, boy-no subterfuges-they will not do for me," exclaimed Sir James smartly-" old heads seldom fascinate young hearts-the witch spell is of a different caste-youth and loveliness! but there must also be an equality of station, my young friend. Ay, I see you understand me, by that red upon your cheeks your secret is safe, nor was the fault your own, for none could long behold the lady Maude without loving her. Harry, you must think of her no


"Then should I despise the lessons you have taught me, when, as

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