Turning Inside Out

Передня обкладинка
Xulon Press, 2007 - 184 стор.
Every one of us, if choosing to live a Christian lifestyle, wants to grow and become fruitful in our Christian walk. This book identifies five growth steps towards total Christian maturity. This book will serve as a road map showing where you currently are, and where you can expect to grow. It will highlight some basic early Christian experiences, and give constructive direction pointing towards the maturity for which we were created. It's vital that we identify our current growth position in the Body of Christ; it's only then that we can determine how to approach the road that lies ahead of us. Let this book help you begin your search for Christian maturity. Ann M. Gurath has been a born again Christian since 1978 after receiving Jesus as Lord in an auditorium in Milwaukee, WI. She has been an active student of the Scriptures endeavoring to just not know about God's Word, but to actively practice and apply the principles on a daily basis. She has spent the majority of her working career in the role of mentor, trainer, and business analyst in the insurance and business industry. Her dream is now to educate, enlighten, and share basic principles about what God can do, and is doing, in the world today. If there ever was a time in history where we need to awaken ourselves as Christians, the time is now. Her passion to share the Word of God is also supported and assisted by her husband, Jeff.

Вибрані сторінки


In The Beginning
Entry Level
Basic Training
Some Realities of Christianity
Knowing What Belongs To Us
Practice Makes Perfect
Weve Been Raised Up
Be Strong In The Lord
Sitting Down
Make A Choice
Recommended Reading
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