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THUS was every thing accommodated, and Shenstone Green went on more briskly than ever. In truth, every man appeared to do his utmost, and the progress of this united effort, became in a fhort time fo apparent, that my village affumed a regularity and fplendour which attracted the curiofity of the adjacent counties. Sir Benjamin's new town was a popular fubject, and the echo of his good intentions reverberated from shire to fhire.

Amongst others who had particularly contributed to this popularity,


was the little Welch doctor, mentioned in the laft chapter. This man was fo ftruck with the novelty of the project, that he took care to blazon it forth through all the families into which his loquacity or his fkill could gain him accefs; and a talkative creature of his character and profeffion, in a dull part of the world too, where a little run-about thing skips from mountain to mountain to pick up news, is always welcome in one fenfe or another. By fuch means, therefore, I was at once celebrated and delighted, for I will not attempt to conceal the fatisfaction I received from this innocent flattery, and it fo endeared to me, Mr. Elixir, (whom I looked upon as in a great measure the fource of it) that I cultivated his

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acquaintance, and had him with me at the manfion-house almost every evening.

Now then it was that I began to think my scheme in fufficient forwardness to give the finer and more affectionate finishes. The houses being nearly completed, I imagined it time to think about getting them occupied; and in the mean time I gave directions for fuch embellishments in point of gardening as might leave nothing undone that could add elegance to convenience. At an incredible charge I enriched a land, naturally unfruitful, till it was flowing with fragrance and breathing perfume. Rofes, jeffamines, pinks, honeyfuckles, and lillies, embroidered every


part, and, in the space of fix months after the rubbish was removed, it would have been difficult to find in any part of Europe a spot more agreeably cultivated, or more adorned with beauties artificial and natural than Shenstone-Green.

This then was the period to bring down first my daughter, and then fuch of my friends as I thought would be most happy in fuch an afylum. Paradife is here regained, faid I.

Matilda, in confequence of these refolutions, was with me in a few days, and the emotions of her furprize, on her first fight of ShenstoneGreen, does fo much honour to human nature, of which fhe is an or

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nament, and of her father, who doats upon her, that it would rob the reader of entertainment, not to give them in her own language, juft as they were conveyed in a letter to a lady, who afterwards became, and indeed is to this hour, a penfioner.

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"WELL, dear Eliza, the laft polishes are now giving to The I am just come from a


“ first view, and from walking round the enchanting circuit. The foul "of Shenstone and of Sir Benjamin, "fhines through every part. I was "in this very spot about two fum"mers ago, and remember it was impaffible by means of weeds and



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