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already obferve in too many poor vicarages in this nation. And there"fore, as you are by a late act or acts entrusted with a great power to "preferve or wafte the church's lands; yet difpofe of them for Jefus' fake "as the donors intended: Let neither falfehood nor flattery beguile you to "do otherwise, and put a stop, I beseech you, to the approaching ruins of "God's church, as you expect comfort at the laft great day; for kings "must be judged. Pardon this affectionate plainnefs, my moft dear So"vereign, and let me beg to be ftill continued in your favour, and the "Lord ftill continue you in his."

The Queen's patient hearing this affectionate fpeech, her future care to preferve the church's rights, which till then had been neglected, may appear a fair teftimony, that he made her's and the church's good, the chiefeft of his cares, and that she also thought fo. And of this, there were fuch daily teftimonies given, as begot betwixt them fo mutual a joy and confidence, that they seemed born to believe and do good to each other; fhe not doubting his piety to be more than all his opposers, which were many, and those powerful too; nor his prudence equal to the chiefeft of her council, who were then as remarkable for active wisdom, as thofe dangerous times did require, or this nation did ever enjoy. And in this condition he continued twenty years, in which time he faw fome flowings, but many more ebbings of her favour toward all men that oppofed him, especially the Earl of Leicefter: fo that God feemed ftill to keep him in her favour, that he might preferve the remaining church lands and immunities from facrilegious alienations. And this good man deferved all the honour and power with which fhe trufted him; for he was a pious man, and naturally of noble and grateful principles: He eased her of all her church-cares by his wife manage of them'; he gave her faithful and prudent counfels in all the extremities and dangers of her temporal affairs, which were very many; he lived to be the chief comfort of her life in her declining age; to be then moft frequently with her, and her affiftant at her private devotions; to be the greatest comfort of her foul upon her death-bed; to be prefent at the expiration of her laft

P Mr. Hooker gave this character of Whitgift. "He always governed with that moderation, which useth by patience to fupprefs boldnefs, and to make them conquer that fuffer; "which I think well fuited with his poefy or motto, VINCIT QUI PATITUR.” (Sir G. Paul's Life of Whitgift, p. 25.)

laft breath, and to behold the closing of those eyes that had long looked upon him with reverence and affection. And let this alfo be added, that he was her chief mourner at her fad funeral; nor let this be forgotten, that within a few hours after her death, he was the happy proclaimer, that King James (her peaceful fucceffor) was heir to the crown.

Let me beg of my reader, that he allow me to fay a little, and but a little more of this good bishop, and I shall then presently lead him back to Mr. Hooker; and, because I would haften, I will mention but one part of the bifhop's charity and humility; but this of both. He built a large alms-house near to his own palace at Croyden in Surry, and endowed it with mainte nance for a mafter and twenty-eight poor men and women; which he vifited so often, that he knew their names and difpofitions, and was fo truly humbled, that he called them brothers and fifters: And whenever the Queen defcended to that lowlinefs to dine with him at his palace in Lambeth' (which was very often), he would ufually the next day fhew the like lowliness to his poor brothers and fifters at Croyden', and dine with them at his hospital; at which time you may believe there was joy at the table.

And at this place he built alfo a fair free-school, with a good accommodation and maintenance for the master and scholars; which gave just occasion for Boyfe Sifi, then ambassador for the French King, and refident here, at the bishop's death, to fay, " The bishop had published many learned books, but "a free-school to train up youth, and an hofpital to lodge and maintain aged "and poor people, were the best evidences of Christian learning that a bishop could leave to pofterity." This good bishop lived to fee King James


• Archbishop Grindal fell so soon under the displeasure of Queen Elizabeth, the very year after his tranflation from York to Canterbury, that it is probable she never honoured him with any vifit at Croyden. (Progreffes of Queen Elizabeth, Vol. I. p. 65.)

Sir George Paul informs us, that Archbishop Whitgift entertained the Queen every year at one of his houses, fo long as he was archbishop, and fome years twice or thrice; where all things were performed in fo feemly an order, that she went thence always exceedingly well pleased: And befides many public and gracious favours done unto him, fhe would falute him and bid him farewel by the name of black husband, calling alfo his men her fervants, as a token of her good contentment with their attendance and pains. (Life of Whitgift, p. 103.)

The Archbishop's most noble foundation of his hofpital, free-school, and chapel at Croyden, was finished in 1594.

"Profecto hospitale ad fublevandam paupertatem et fchola ad inftruendam juventutem funt optimi libri, quos archiepifcopus confcribere potuit." (Paul's Life of Whitgift, p. 111.)

James fettled in peace, and then fell fick at Lambeth'; of which the King having notice, went to vifit him, and found him in his bed in a declining condition, and very weak; and after fome short discourse, the King affured him, "He had a great affection for him, and high value for his prudence. "and virtues, which were so useful for the church, that he would earnestly beg his life of God." To which he replied, " Pro ecclefia Dei; pro ec"clefia Dei":" which were the last words he ever spake; therein testifying, that as in his life, fo at his death, his chiefeft care was of God's church: This John Whitgift was made archbishop in the year 1583. In which bufy place he continued twenty years and some months; and in which time you

He was at court the first Sunday in Lent, when, being feized with a paralytic stroke that deprived him of his fpeech, he was first carried to the Lord Treasurer's chamber, and then conveyed to Lambeth. "On Tuefday," fays Strype," he had the honour of a vifit from the "King, who, out of a fenfe of the great need he should have of him at this particular juncture "(now he had laid such a scheme for reformation), told him he would pray to God for his "life, and if he could obtain it, he fhould think it one of the greateft temporal bleflings that "could be given him in his kingdom."

"Thus died this great prelate, full of years, and full of honour, actuated to the last moment of his life with that zeal which animated the illuftrious Father Paul, when upon his deathbed, to breathe out his last prayer for the fafety of his country, in these memorable words, "Efto perpetua." Yet it has been affirmed, that this diftinguished ornament of the Reformation exerted himself against the Puritans with fo unfeeling a hand, and so far beyond his legal power, that upon the Queen's demife he began to be terribly frighted at the approach of King James's first Parliament, and it is probable enough his apprehenfions haftened his death." (Preface to the first Edition of the Confeffionals.)-Let it be remembered that he was 73 years of age at the time of his demise, so that it may not be thought quite fo probable that he died of a fright. His laft words, as related by Strype, certainly countenance a different opinion, "Et nunc, "Domine, exaltata eft anima mea, quod in eo tempore fuccubui, quando mallem epifco"patûs mei reddere rationem quam inter homines exercere." My foul is lifted up, that I "die in a time wherein I had rather give up to God an account of my bifhopric than any longer "to exercise it among men." To him we may furely apply what was faid of Auguftine: "O "virum ad totius ecclefiæ publicam utilitatem natum, factum, datumq; divinitus." Whitgift "ftrove," fays Wilfon, in his Hiftory of the Life and Reign of James I.'" to prevail over "the Puritans with fweetness and gentleness; and died in David's fulness of days, leaving a name, like a sweet perfume, behind him."—" He was a man born for the benefit of his "country and good of his church, wherein he ruled with fuch moderation, as he continued "in his prince's favour all his life, fuppreffing fuch new fects as in his time began to rise, as by his learned work written by him against such schifms does appear." (Stow.)

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you may believe, he had many trials of his courage and patience; but his motto that endures." And he "Vincit, qui patitur;" i. e. " He conquers that endures." made it good Many of his many trials were occafioned by the then powerful Earl of Leicester, who did ftill (but fecretly) raise and cherish a faction of Nonconformists to oppofe him; especially one Thomas Cartwright, a man of noted learning; fome time contemporary with the bishop in Cambridge, and of the fame college", of which Dr. Whitgift, before he was bishop, was Mafter: in which place there began fome emulations (the particulars I forbear), and at laft open and high oppofitions betwixt them; and in which you may believe Mr. Cartwright was most faulty, if his expulfion out of the university can incline you to it.

And in this discontent, long before the earl's death (which was 1588) Mr. Cartwright appeared a chief cherisher of the party that were for the Geneva church-government; and to effect it, he ran himself into many dangers both of liberty and life; appearing to justify himself and his party many remonftrances; (efpecially that called the "Admonition to the



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Cartwright was excluded from his fellowship of Trinity College for breaking a statute of that college, in not taking holy orders upon him in due time. (Strype's Whitgift, p. 47.)— He was Lady Margaret's Profeffor in Divinity in 1569. This dignity he enjoyed a fhort time, being fufpended for maintaining dangerous tenets concerning the government and discipline of the Church. He was highly esteemed among the Prefbyterians, having received an invitation to be Divinity Profeffor, along with Mr. Travers, in the University of St. Andrew's in Scotland. A fignal proof of his oppofition to the customs and ufages eftablished in the church. is given by Sir George Paul, in his "Life of Whitgift," p. 11.--" Upon a Sunday Dr. "Whitgift, the Mafter of Trinity College, being from home, Mr. Cartwright, with some of "his adherents, made three fermons in that one day, wherein they so vehemently inveighed, "amongst other ceremonies of our church, against the furplice, as thofe of Trinity College "were fo moved herewith, that at evening prayer they caft off their furplices, though against "the ftatutes of the houfe, and were all placed in the chapel without furplice, three only ex"cepted. By reafon of which ftirs, both that private college was greatly distracted, and the "whole university much perplexed and troubled."Of the controverfy between Archbishop Whitgift and Mr. Cartwright, the latter of whom objected to the liturgy and to the form and manner of cathedral fervice, and particularly "to the toffing the Pfalms from one fide to "the other, like tennis balls;" for thus he denominates the practice of choral and antiphonal finging. (See Sir John Hawkins's Hiftory of Mufic, Vol. III. p. 491, 492.)

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When the Nonconformifts were undetermined which of them should undertake to answer Whitgift's Reply," Mr. Cartwright was chosen for that employment by lot.

"Parliament) which laft he caused to be printed; to which the doctor made an answer, and Cartwright replied upon him; and then the doctor having rejoined to his reply (however Mr. Cartwright would not be fatisfied), he wrote no more, but left the reader to be judge which had maintained their cause with most charity and reason.

After fome years the doctor being preferred to the fee, firft of Worcester, and then of Canterbury, Mr. Cartwright, after his fhare of trouble and imprisonment (for setting up new prefbyteries in divers places against the established order), having received from the archbishop many perfonal favours,. retired himself to a more private living, which was at Warwick, where he became mafter of an hofpital, and lived quietly and grew rich; and where the archbishop gave him a license to preach, upon promife not to meddle with controverfies, but incline his hearers to piety and moderation: and this promise he kept during his life, which ended 1602, the archbishop furviving him but one year, each ending his days in perfect charity with the: other'.


* According to Strype, it is not so certain that the archbishop did grant toCartwright a licenfe to preach. At least it appears that in 1585 he refufed to give it. "I am content and; "ready to be at peace with him, fo long as he liveth peaceably; yet doth my confcience and duty forbid me to give unto him any further public approbation, until I be better perfuaded "of his conformity." (Letter of Whitgift to the Earl of Leicester, July 17, 1585.)


And thus fhould all controverfies end, or rather, if there must be controverfies, thus should they commence, and be conducted with mutual charity and mutual forbearance. If truth and not victory be the object of purfuit, why fhould the topic of debate be canvaffed with animofity. or perfonal invective? Thomas Cartwright, the archbishop's old antagonist, was alive in 1601,. and grew rich at his hofpital at Warwick, preaching at the chapel there, faith my author, very temperately according to the promife made by him to the archbishop. Which mildness of his fome afcribed to his old age and more experience. But the latter end of next year he de-ceafed, out-lived little above two months by the Archbishop, who yet was much his elder in years. And now at the end of Cartwright's life to take our leave of him with a fairer character, it is remarkable what a noble and learned man (Sir H. Yelverton) writes of fome of his laft words:—" That he seriously lamented the unnecessary troubles he had caused in the "Church, by the fchifm he had been the great fomenter of, and wished to begin his life again, that he "might telify to the world the diflike he had of his former ways" and in this opinion he died. (Stripe's Life of Whitgift, p. 554.)

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