The Economic Impact of U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Cuba, Inv. 332-413DIANE Publishing |
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1,000 metric tons absence of sanctions affecting international competitiveness Agriculture appendix cigars citrus Commission staff countries Cuba's Cuban economy Cuban Government Cuban imports Cuban market Cuban sector characteristics Cuban sector profile Current Impact Dominican Republic ECLAC Employment thousands exports million exports to Cuba Factors affecting international Florida Havana Helms-Burton Act Historical and Current historical impact impact of sanctions impact of U.S. imports million dollars imports to apparent Industry representative Information sources International Trade Commission Number of establishments Paula Stern position in world programs & regulation Ratio of exports reported respect to Cuba sanctions with respect Sept Soviet bloc Soviet Union Special sector characteristics sugar suppliers table are given telecommunications telephone interview total U.S. tourism transportation TV Martí U.S. Department U.S. economic sanctions U.S. exports U.S. imports million U.S. industry U.S. International Trade U.S. market U.S. production U.S. sanctions U.S. sector characteristics U.S. sector profile United USITC wheat world market