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ral colour, and the day following, were able to creep about, and began to fly; they were very abundant that season, more so than I ever remember to have seen them, though it is about fifty years since, and I have seen at least three years of the locusts since. As to the precise number of years between their appearance, it seems a little uncertain, but the time within the last fifty years has been about 13, 14, or 15 years between each time of their appear


(From an American Paper.) Carlisle, (Pen.) July 3.-In Mr. Poulson's paper of the 26th of June, a writer who takes in hand to describe the locust, says, that in 1796 we were visited by an immense number of locusts. "At that time, (says he) I remember it was stated, that this species of locust visited us in every seventeenth year, and that after remaining a Now, to return to the progress they few weeks, they buried themselves in the make when they come to maturity. The earth. The trees and fences were covered only loss we sustained, though the grain with their shells, from which they had exwas almost covered with them, was in detricated themselves soon after their appear-stroying a great many branches of young ance, and on their departure, the earth was perforated with thousands of holes, about a fourth part of an inch in diameter, through which they had descended, as it was said, to their place of retreat, where they spent the remainder of the period of seventeen years."

I only mean to relate what I know from personal observation with respect to the manner in which the locusts first make their appearance, and also their manner of retreat, which is very different from that given by the writer above alluded to, who says, that after remaining a few weeks, they buried themselves in the earth, and that after their departure, the earth was perforated with thousands of holes. Now, the fact is, these thousands of holes were perforated as they came up out of the earth. I well remember, when a boy, my father lived in a cabin with an earthen floor, which was as hard as it could be made with clay mortar, through this they came in abundance, and seemed to arrive as soon at the face of the earth, as those that came through a softer soil; they were all covered with a brown shell. Being young, I was curious to observe their mo tion-in the evening, my brother and I stepped a few paces from the cabin, and saw them crawling up the bushes, where they fastened themselves and began to creep out of their shells, which opened on their back, between their wings; when they came out of their shell, they were as white as tallow, and in the morning the bushes were hanging full of them, by the two fore feet, as much like candies on rods when dripping, as any thing I have ever seen, and as white and soft as when they came out of their shell; but nearly as large as ever they grew, being swelled to about double the size that they were while confined. In this situation they hung all that day in the sun, and against evening were turned nearly to their natu

apple-trees, as they do with other tender branches, by depositing their eggs in them, which in a few weeks disappear, but in what way I know not; this I know, that the next time they came, they rose out of the ground, no other where than about the place that trees or bushes stood when they had formerly been here; and you might nearly know the space the tree covered, by the holes the locusts came out of. After they deposit their eggs, many of them rot away in their hinder parts: so as to making holes in the ground at this time is out of the question; but from the eggs disappearing in a short time, and the locusts coming out of the ground only where they had trees or bushes to deposit their eggs in, I am inclined to believe, that, like all other insects, they are produced from the seed of the former generation. Many things have been said as to their depth in the earth: one thing is certain, they have been dug out of cellars the year before they came out, several feet below the surface, in the same form and size, as when they come out of the ground.


A very ancient gold coin, apparently of one of the British Kings about the period of the invasion of the Romans, was last week picked up by a labouring woman beside the wail of Lord Cowper's Park, near Canterbury. It is of the purest gold, of a coucave form, having a warrior's head on the convex side, which it is conjectured is that of Arviragus, and the figure of a charioteer driving two horses abreast on the reverse.

A Roman seal, of pure gold, weighing ounce, was lately discoupwards of an vered in a garden at Ilchester; by an inscription it apappears to have been fabricated during the reign of the Emperor Claudius, A. D. 54.



nour are to be granted to any civil servant who may, after leaving the college, obtain a high proficiency in the Arabic and Sanscrit languages. The reward of 5000

BRITISH SETTLEMENTS IN INDIA. pagodas for learning, granted on this ac


The question of rank and precedence in India is at length likely to be set at rest by the warrants of the Prince Regent already received there, except in regard to the ladies, the warrant not being considered, in that respect, sufficiently explicit; and a further reference has been accordingly made to the authorities in this country by

Lord Moira In the mean time, every lady retains her personal rank by birth; and the question is to ascertain the rank of those ladies, who are entitled to precedence in right of the situation of their husbands.

The rank and precedence of those specifically mentioned in the Prince Regent's warrant is as follows

The Governor General. The Vice-President, or Governor General for the time being.

The Governor of Madras for the time being.

The Governor of Bombay for the time being.

The Chief Justices of Bengal and Ma


The Bishop of Calcutta.

The Members of the Council, according to their situations in the council of their respective presidencies.

The Puisne Judges of the Supreme Courts of Judicature.

The Recorder of Bombay.

The Commander-in Chief of his Majesfies Naval Forces, and the Commander-in Chief of the Army at the several presidencies, according to relative rank in their respective services.

Military and Naval Officers, above the rank of Major General.

All other persons to take place according to what shall appear to have been the general usage of the several presidencies. The Archdeacons to be considered as next in rank to the senior merchants.

All ladies to take place according to the rank assigned to their respective husbands, with the exception of ladies having precedence in Eugland, who are to take place according to their several ranks, with reference to such precedence, after the wives or the Members of Council at the presidencies in India.

By a late regulation in the Calcutta College, at Fort William, degrees of ho

count, has been abolished.

Ecclesiastical Proceedings.

A "Calcutta Diocesan Society, for the been established at Calcutta by the Lord promotion of Christian Knowledge," has Bishop.

The Bishop and the Archdeacon are taking the greatest interest in the conduct of the Free School at Calcutta, under Dr. Bell's system. is always ready to assist in the formation His Lordship's patronage of plaus for the improvement of the many philantropic institutions in India.

formed in St. John's Church, at Calcutta. Divine service is now regularly per on Sunday evenings, according to the special directions of the Court of Directors.

Tanjore Congregation.

The increase of the Tamul congregation at Tanjore, in the year 1812, was as follows: they had baptized 120, among whom were 58 infants born in the congregation, and 62 Heathens. The Lord's Supper had been administered to 577 persons. Their marriages had been 20, and their burials


In the year 1813, they had baptized 176 persons, viz. 65 children born in the congregation, and 111 Heathens. Seven persons had been received from the Popish Communion. The Lord's Supper had been administered to 706 persons. Their mar riages had been 31, and their funerals 53. At Trichinopoly.

In the course of 1813, were baptized 21 persons, Tamulians, Portuguese, and halfcast English, including 3 Native Converts; and received from Popery 5 persons. Their communicants, consisting of Tamulians, Portuguese, and others, had been 289. The English School Children, with some Natives among them, were generally about 60, and the Tamul School Children were generally more than 20. The Tamui Congregation consisted of $56 souls; and the Portuguese and half-cast English were about 150.

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languages, instructive and pious moral | the reply, began beating Dweep-chund, stories, which Mr. John had formed for this who received his blows without resistance. purpose. Classes not able to read English | Kureem, however, who was less patient, Manuscript, write their spelling in the sand according to the New System.

Christian Schoolmasters, educated in the Mission, were employed, and preferred by English and Danish Gentlemen, and by the Native Princes, to instruct their children. One of the Tanjore Princes, a son of the predecessor of the present Rajah, was receiving instruction in the English language from a Tanjore Christian, who also gave him lessons in the Holy Bible. His HighBess Serfogee Mahal Rajah, himself, had lately employed a Christian in his endowed Charity School.

Report informs us, that a fount of Persian Types is preparing, at the charge of the Society, on a new principle; whereby printed books in that language will exactly resemble Persian MSS., which they have never hitherto done, and which will render them peculiarly acceptable to the Natives of that country.

Prayer for Persecutors.

Mr. O. Leonard, at Calcutta, has given an affecting anecdote on this subject.


was provoked to use threatening language;
Dweep-chund restrained him, by saying,
"Brother, we are the disciples of im
who was led as a lamb to the slaughter;
who, in the midst of his murderers, looked
stedfastly towards heaven, praying that
they might be forgiven, when one look of
anger on them would have reduced them
to ashes." The Portuguese man, at this,
was ready to take Dweep-chund into his
arms; and all appeared to be much struck
with this new thing in the land-men
praying for their persecutors!
Specimen of Hindoo Superstition; from the
Journal of the Missionaries at Madras.
Sept. 10. Sunday.—I was informed, some
ago, that
many Heathen worshipped
Kite on a tree in our garden every Sun-
day, though without entering it, but stand-
ing behind the wall and performing their
ceremonies. I observed, this morning, se-
veral Heathens at the gate, going up
and down, and crying after the Kite. I
sent the servant to tell them, that, if they
desired any thing, they might come and
speak with me. One man came; and,
while speaking with him on the subject of
worshipping the animal or any creature,
the Brahmin himself and several others
came likewise; a small crowd remaining at
the gate, and listening to what I spake
with the Brahmin and the others near me.
I discoursed with them on the darkness and
sinfulness of their minds, and brought be-
fore them the Salvation of our Lord Jesus
Christ. They gave their general assent.
The Brahmin turned, during the conver-
sation, to the others, who were probably
his congregation; and looking up to the
tree, said, "The Kite is not there now," as
a token that they needed not wait any

Our late brother Dweep-chund, accompanied by Kureem and another brother, once went into a neighbouring village to preach. On their arrival, they found a Portuguese man sitting at his door in a chair:-going up to him, they entered into conversation with him, and offered to smoke out of his hooka. He turned round with astonishment, and asked them what they meant? adding, that they were Bengalees! -would they smoke with him? They declared that they were Christians: and that they despised no man, as all were the children of oue Father, The Portuguese, pleased with their frankness, and with finding Christians among the Natives, gave them his hooka, and ordered three Sept. 17. Sunday.-I took again opporchairs to be brought for them; which, tunity to speak with some Heathen, that however, they declined, and sat on the had come this morning to worship the Kite; ground. By this time, several of the and with others, who had come to make villagers had arrived on the spot, and offerings to the stone-gods under the Banianbegan to listen to the conversation; when tree. These were two Moor-womeu, one these Brethren sang a hymn in Bengalee of whom, it appeared, had lost three child"Eternal salvation by the death of Christ ;" ren, and was therefore going to offer to the which drew numbers round them. At the god, that he might give her more childclose of the hymn and of prayer, Dweep-ren. I made my usual remarks on the subchund got up, and with the Testament inject, attended by admonitions for their salhis hand, addressed them in a manner which astonished Kureem and the other Native Brother, and excited the wonder of the listening strangers. A Brahmin amongst the crowd, however, interrupted the speaker, and made use of some opprobrious language; and, being enraged at

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vation. They freely assented to what I said, owning that their stone would not help them, and that they followed only their customs. At my request they then took away the flowers and the necklace with which they had ornamented the stone, and went away.


The Jesuits, formerly at Pondicherry,, sent a book for his daughter. This was were very successful." They instructed Na- looked upon as a public testimony that she tives for the Ministry; not only in their was to be brought up in the new religion. own Tamul, grarumatically, and in French, This, together with the rapid increase of but alsom Latin; aud I think also in Greek. the "Bure Atua," or "praying people," The first Tamu! Teacher which I had for for so are our people called, excited in the myself, had been educated in their College; idolatrous chiefs a violent spirit of persecuand, as he did not understand English, we tion. They thought these things ought had all our lessons in Latin. not to be endured any longer, but crushed altogether in time. The idolatrous chiefs of Pare, and the chief of Hapaiano, got some of the chiefs of Matavai to join them in a conspiracy against the Bure Atua, and it was proposed to cut them off entirely, root and branch. But thinking themselves un-· equal to the task, those of the new religion being already formidable, both in number and respectability, they acquainted the chiefs of Atahura and Papara with their views and intentions, and invited them to join them. These, though their ancient rivals and enemies came most readily into the measure, and prepared to unite with them without delay; and on the night of July the 7th, these combined forces were to fail, without mercy, ou those who had renounced heathenism, and exterminate them; but some of the parties being rather dilatory, and secret intelligence having been conveyed to the parties whose ruin was determined upon, and they happening to be that evening, most of them, together by the sea side, they quickly got on board their canoes, and set sail for Eimeo, where they arrived, and were safely landed the following morning. The disappointed chiefs then quarrelled among themselves; and the Ataburuaus, &c. fell upon the Porionu party, that is, upon the party who began the affair and had invited them, They

Disturbances in Eimeo: the Chiefs, disappointed, wreak their anger on each other. From January to the end of June, 1815, religion appeared to prosper: our congretions were large, and the attendance on the means of instruction constant and encouraging. The school increased rapidly, and prospered; and those who renounced heathenism, and became the professed worshippers of the true God, were mereas ing daily in different parts of this island, and also at Taheite. The priest of Papetoai (the district where we reside) renounced heathenism; joined us, and publicly committed his god to the flames. Others followed his example, both here and at Taheite; morais were destroyed, and the altars overthrown, and the wood of then used to dress common food, of which different classes and sexes partook at one common meal, in direct violation of ancient prohibitions and customs.



number of men killed, among whom was one of their principal chiefs, and a promoter of the war. The Atahuruans, and those of Papara, being joined by Taiarabu, burnt, plaudered, and cleared away before them, the whole of the N. E. part of Taheite, from the borders of Atahura to the Isthmus. The question about religion seems now quite forgotten; and the different parties fought to revenge old quarrels that happened many years ago. Some time after, the Taiarabu people quarrelled with those of Papara and Atahuru; fought with them, but were defeated and driven to the mountains.

In the month of May, the queen and her sister called Pomare Vahine, went over to Taheite. The latter, having lately come up from the Leeward Islands, had never seen Taheite, but intended now, in company with a number of her people, to make the tour of the island. In the me time the king who had resided for some time in our neigh-fought; the Porionu were defeated, and a bourhood, thought, while this party was absent, of going himself on a slow journey around Eimeo, stoppic 2 a while at different places, to see if he could persuade the chiefs and principal people to cast away their idols, &c. When he had proceeded in this manner as far as a small district called Maatea, he sent us a confidential letter, to inforto us of the state of religious affairs in that part of the island. During the month of June, we received also several letters from the party at Taheite, giving us an en couraging account of the state of things there. This party had not proceeded on their journey as they tended, but were still the district of Pare where they had A great number of refugees are come lauded, and where the king's daughter, over from Tabeite, and still continue to arAiant, resided with her nurse. We were rive. The king has repeatedly sent mesinformed that co isiderable parts of the dis-sages of peace to the chiefs of the conquertrict of Pare, and of the neighbouring one, Matav: our old residence, had cast away their gods, and embraced the true religion. When the queen went over, the king had


ing party; and they have repeatedly answered that there is peace between them and him; though they have not yet settled old affairs among themselves.

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Cruelty of the Algerines.

The following narrative of the recent sufferings of our country men at Algiers is stated in an evening paper to be derived from a source which entities it to implicit credit" Captain Dashwood, and Mr. M'Manus, the surgeon of the Prometheus, and some more Englishmen who assisted in effecting the escape of the English Consul's family at Algiers, and who were unfortunately detected in consequence of the child's crying, were in great danger of losing their heads, and would certainly have suffered, if it had not been for the interposition of the American Consul. They were put into a large vault filled with vermin, and filth, where they remained all night. They had mats to rest on, upon a damp floor, and had nothing to refresh themselves but bad bread and water. They were tantalized with a promise that they should be permitted to go on board ship, but were marched from one prison to another. They were well treated by some Sicilian slaves. The Minister refused them when they applied for more bread; but the Captain of the port showed some compassion, and ordered refreshments for them, directing the guards to treat them well. The slaves then gave them fruit, &c. They were afterwards moved to what is called the King's Prison, under an escort of soldiers, and marched through the town, insulted on the way by Moors, Jews, and Turks, who even spat in their faces. The Dev thought proper to send the Consul's child on board. The American Consul continued his kindness, and the Swedish Consul also was very attentive, and supplied them with books, pens, and paper. The English soon after were put into irons,

and in that state were marched about 12 miles across the country; and halting a short time in a place where cattle were confined, they were obliged to resume their journey. Their refreshment was boiled corn and water. They were then placed in another prison, but soon heard that they were to be marched back to Algiers, to which place, after having encamped on the bank of a river, which had recently been overflowed, they were afterwards brought. Then they were confined in a large building on the south side of the town, where they remained in doubt, anxiety, and apprehension, as to what would be their future fate. At length the English

were relieved from their irons and marched sion of their own boats down to the Marina, and put into possesTheir situation would have been deplorable, indeed, if it had not been for the persevering kind offices of the American Consul. The country over which these unfortunate travellers were passed, appeared to be in a desolate condition, covered chiefly with underwood. They crossed an extensive plain, stated to be, according to report, about 2,000 miles The soil in length, and 50 in breadth. seemed to be fertile in many parts, and with good pasturage. It may easily be conceived that our poor countrymen were in a melancholy condition, with the prospect of death before them, as they were often by signs threatened that their heads would be cut off, or had reason to fear that they should be punished as the slaves in general are-a punishment which they had the misery of witnessing, and which is in the following manner :-They are placed on the ground with their backs uppermost, a stick is put across their legs which is held by two men, another man kneels at the head of the victim, and stretches his hand across the back, and two Turks then strike him alternately on the fleshy part below with large sticks, often to the number of three or four hundred blows, and afterwards make them return to work even in that lamentable state of suffering. The poor wretches are allowed nothing but bread and water, and are provided with a new suit of miserable attire every year by the munificence of the Dey.

Further particulars of Lord Exmouth's Expedition.

The Dey, in presence of his Divan, apologized to the British Consul for the personal restraint which had been imposed upon him during the late transaction; and he also paid to the Consul a sum of three thousand dollars, as a ration for depredations committed on his


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