Зображення сторінки



[blocks in formation]

Bearing, demeanour.

Bearing-cloth, a mantle used at chris-Bow, yoke.


Bent, (in falconry) to flutter.

Beating, hammering, dwelling upon.
Beaver, helimet in general.

Beck, a salutation made with the head.
Becomed, becoming.

Beetle, to hang over the base.
Behave, to manage.
Behests, commands.

Beholding, viewing with regard.
Behowl, to howl at.
Being, abode.

Beldame, ancient mother.
Be lee'd, becalmed.
Belongings, endowments.
Be-mete, be-measure.

Be-moiled, bedraggled, bemired.
Bending, unequal to the weight.
Benefit, beneficiary.

Bent, utmost degree of any passion.
Benumbed, infl xible.
Beshrew, may ill befall.
Besmirch, to foul or dirty.
Best, bravest.

Bestowed, stowed away, lodged.
Bestraught, distracted.

Beteem,to give, pour out, permit,suffer.
Bewray, betray.

Bezonian, a mean fellow.

Bolds, emboldens.
Boltered, bedaubed.

Borne in hand, deceived.
Bottled-spider, a large bloated spider.
Boulted, sifted.

Bowlins or bowlines, tackle of a ship.
Bolleu, swollen.

Bordered, restrained.
Bower, a chamber.

Brace, armour for the arm.
Brach, a bound.

Brack, to salt.

Braid, crafty, deceitful.
Brain's-flow, tears.

Brake, an instrument of torture; also
a thicket.

Brands, a part of the andirons on
which the wood for the fire was

Brasier, a manufacturer of brass; also,
a vessel in which charcoal is burnt.
Brave, to defy, also to make fine.
Bravely, splendidly, gallantly,
Bravery, finery.

Brawl, a kind of dance.
Braying, harsh, grating.
Break, to begin.
Break up, to carve.

Break with, to break the matter to.

Bias-cheek, swelling out like the bins Breast, voice.

of a bowl.

Bid, to invite.

Bid the base, to challenge in a contest.
Bifold, two-fold.

Biggin, a cap.

Bilberry, the whortleberry.

Breath, speech, also exercise.
Breathing-courtesy, mere verbal


Canary, a dance.

Candle-wasters, those who sit up a

night to drink.
Canker, the dog-rose,
Canstick, candlestick.
Cantons, cantos.
Canvas, to sift.

Canvas-climber, a sailor.
Cap, the top, the chief.

Cap, to salute by taking off the cap.
Capable impressure, hollow mark.
Capitulate, to make head against.
Capocchia, a sot.

Capon, metaphor for a letter.
Capricious, lascivious.
Captious, capacious.
Carack, a ship of great bulk
Caracts, characters,

Carbonado, a piece of meat cut cross-
ways for the gridiron.

Card, a sea-chart, perhaps also the
Carded, mixed.
Care, inclination.

Carcires, the motion of a horse; to

pass the careires, means to overstop the bounds of decorum.

Carkanet, a necklace.

Carl, clown, boor.
Carlot, peasant.
Carnal, sanguinary.
Carowses, drinks.
com-Carriage, import.

Breeched, foully sheathed, mired.
Breeching, liable to be flogged.
Breathed, inured by constant practice.

Bilbo, & Spanish blade, made at Bilboa Breathe, to utter.
Bilboes, fetters.

Bill, articles of accusation.

Breed-bate, an exciter of quarrels.
Bribe-buck, a buck sent as a bribe.

Bill, a weapon, formerly carried by Bridal, the nuptial feast.


Bin, is.

Bring, to attend or accompany.
Brize, the gad, or horse-fly.

Bird-bolt, an arrow shot at birds from Broach, to put on the spit, to transfix. a cross-bow.

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Brock, the badger.

Brogues, a kind of shoes.
Broken, communicated.
Broker, a match-maker, a procuress.
Brooched, adorned.
Brought, attended.

Brow of youth, the height of youth.
Brown-bill, a battle-axe.

Brownist, a follower of Brown, a sec.

Bruising-irons, an allusion to the an

[blocks in formation]

Blurt, blurted, an expression of con- Bunting, a bird.

[blocks in formation]

Carried, conducted.
Carry, to prevail over.
Cart, a chariot.
Case, skin, outward garb.
Case of lives, a set of lives.
Casques, helmets.

Cassock, a horseman's loose cost.
Cast, to empty; also to dismiss, reject.
Cast, reckoned.

Castilian, an opprobrious term.
Castiliano vulgo, a cant term of con-

Cast-lips, left off lips.

Cast the water, to find out disorders by
inspecting the urine.
Cataian, a liar.

Catling, a small lutestring, made of cat

Cavalero justice, a cant term.
Cavaleroes, gay fellows.
Caviare, too good for, or above the com.

prehension of; so called from a
delicacy made of the roe of stur-
geons, eaten by the quality.

[blocks in formation]

Butt-shaft, an arrow to shoot at shafts Censure, to give an opinion.

By'rlaken, by our lady.


Caddis, worsted lace.

Cade, a barrel.

Cadent, falling.

Cage, a prison.

Cain-coloured, yellow.
Caitiff, a scoundrel.

Boot, profit, something over and above. Culculate, to foretell.

Bond, bounden duty.

Bony or bonny, handsome.

Book, paper of conditions.

Bore, demeaned.

Bore, the calibre of a gun.

Bores, stabs.

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Composture, composition.

Composition, bargain; also, consis.


Competitors, confederates.
Complements, accomplishments.
Complexion, humour.
Comply, to compliment.
Comptible, submissive.
Conceit, imagination, wit, idea.
Conceited, ingenious.

Concent, connected harmony.
Conclusions, experiments.
Concupy, concupiscence.
Condolement, sorrow.
Conduct, conductor.
Coney-catched, tricked.
Coney-catcher, a cheat.
Confession, profession
Confineless, boundless.
Confound, to destroy.
Conject, conjecture.

Consent, will, conspiracy.
Consider, reward,
Consigned, sealed.
Consist, stand.

Consort, company.
Conspectuity, sight.

Constancy, consistency.

Constantly, certainly.

Contemptible, contemptuous.

Continuate, uninterrupted

Continue, to spend.

[blocks in formation]

Clout, the white mark at which archers Contrive, to spend, to wear out.


Clouted, hobnailed.

Convents, agrees, is convenient.

Coach-fellow, one who draws with a Convented, summoned.


Coasting, conciliatory.

Codling, an unripe apple.

Cob-loaf, a crusty, uneven loaf.

Cock, cock-boat.

Cock-and-pye, a vulgar oath.

Cockshut-time, twilight.

Cockle-hat, a pilgrim's hat.

Cockle, a corn-weed.

Codding, amorous.

Codpiece, a part of the dress.

Coffin, the cavity of a raised pie. Cog, to cheat with dice, to lie. Cognizance, badge or token.

Cogging, lying.

Conversion, change of condition.
Converse, associate, interchange.
Convertite, a convert.
Convey, to steal.

Conveyance, slight of hand, theft.
Conveyers, thieves.

Conveyed himself, derived his title.
Convicted, overpowered, baffled
Convince, to convict, to subdue.
Convive, to feast.

Copatain hat, a hat with a conical crown
Cope, encounter, covering.
Copped, rising to a top or head.
Copy, theme.

Coragio, courage, be of good cheer.

Coigne of vantage, convenient corner. Corinth, a brothel.

[blocks in formation]

|Coster-monger, a dealer in costers of


Cote, to overtake.

Coted, quoted, regarded.

Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucester.
Couch, to lie with.

Count, to reckon upon,

Countenance, favour; also, false ap

pearance, hypocrisy.

Counter, a hunting term.

Counter-caster, one who reckons with counters.

Counter-check, a term in chess.
Counterfeit, a portrait.
Counterpoints, counterpanes.
County, count, earl.
Couplement, a couple.

Courses, the mainsail and foresail.
Court-cupboard, sideboard.
Court confect, a spurious nobleman.
Court holy-water, flattery.
Covered, hollow.
Cowed, awed.
Cower, to sink down.

Cowlstaff, a staff used in carrying a basket.

[blocks in formation]

armorial bearings.

Crewel, worsted.

Crisp, curled, winding.
Critic, evnic.

Critical, censorious.

Crone, a very old woman.

Crosses, money stamped with a cross.

Crow-keeper, a scarecrow.

Crownet, last purpose.

Crulentious, cruel.

Crusado, a Portuguese coin.

Crush, to drink.

Crush a cup, to crack a bottle.

Cry, a pack of hounds.
Cry aim, to encourage.
Crystals, the eyes.

Cub-drawn, alluding to a bear whose dugs are dry.

Cue, a theatrical term, the last word. of the preceding speech.

Cuisses, armour for the thighs.
Cullon, a paltry follow.
Cunning, knowledge.

Curb, to bend or truckle.

Curiosity, curiousness, finical delicacy
Curious, scrupulous.

Curled, ostentatiously dressed.
Currents, occurrences.

Cursed, under the influence of a malediction.

Curst, petulant, ill tempered, crabbed harsh.

Curstness, ill-humour.

Curtail, a little cur.

Curtal, a docked horse.

Curtle-axe, a cutlass, broad-sword
Customer, a strumpet.

'Cut, a horse.


[blocks in formation]

[Disnatured, wanting natural affection. Empery, sovereign power,

Dispark, to destroy a park or inclosure.
Disperge, to sprinkle.

Disponge, to discharge as a sponge.
Dispose, disposal, command.
Dispose, to make terms.
Disposition, frame.

Disseat, displace, depose.
Dissemble, to gloss over, disguise.
Dissembhing, putting dissimilar things
Distained, unstained.
Distaste, to corrupt.

Distemper, intoxication

Distemperature, perturbation.

Distempered, out of humour.
Distraught, distracted.

Distractions, detachments,


Divert, to turn aside.
Division, a term in music.
Doff, to put off.

Dole, alms, distribution, lot.
Dolphin, the Dauphin.
Don, to put on, to do on.
Done to death, killed.
Done, expended, consumed.
Done upon the gad, suddenly.
Dotant, dotard.

Decline, to run through (as in gram- Double, full of duplicity.

mar) from first to last.

Declined, the fallen.

Deem, opinion, surmise.

Deer, animals in general.

Default, (in the) at a need

Defeat, to free, to disembarrass.

Defeature, alteration of features.
Defence, art of fencing.
Defend, to forbid.

Deftly, adroitly, dexterously.
Defy, to reject.

Degrees, steps.

Delay, to let slip.

Demerits, merits.

Demurely, solemnly.

Denay, denial.

Delayed, denied.

Denier, a coin.

Denude, to strip, divest.

Deny, to refuse.
Depart, to part.
Departing, separation.

Depend, to be in service

Double vouchers, a law term
Doubt, to fear.

Dout, to do out, extinguish.
Dowle, a feather.


Down-gyved, hanging down, like what
confines the fetters round the ancles.
Draught, the jakes.
Draw, to withdraw.
Drawn, embowelled.

Drawn fox, one which is trailed over
the ground, to deceive the hounds.
Drachmas, a Greek coin.
Dressings, appearances of virtue.
Drew, assembled.

Drive, to fly with impetuosity.

Drollery, a puppet-shew.

Drugs, drudges.

Drumble, to act lazily.

Emulous, envious, jealous.
Emulation, envy.

Encave, to hide.

Endart, to dart forth.

Enfeoff, to invest with possession,
Engross, to fatten.

Engaged, delivered as an hostage.
Engrossments, accumulation.
Enkindle, to stimulate.

Enmesh, to inclose, as in meshes.
Enew, (in falconry) to force to lie in


Enridged, bordered.

Ensconce, to secure in a safe place, to fortify.

Enseamed, greasy.

Enseer, to dry up.
Enshield, concealed.

Ensteeped, immersed.

Entertainment, pay; also, being received into service.

Entreatments, favours; also, objects
of entreaty.

Envy, aversion, malice.
Enviously, angrily.
Ephesian, a cant term.
Erring, errant, wandering.
Escape, illegitimate child.
Escoted, paid.

Esil, or Eisel, a river.

Esperance, motto of the Percy family
Espials, spies.

Essential, existent, real.
Estimate, price.

Estimation, conjecture.
Estridges, ostriches.
Eterne, eterna),

Even, to make even, or evident.
Even christian, fellow-christian.
Evils, jakes.

Examined, doubted.

Excellent differences, distinguished es


Excrement, the beard.

Execute, to use, or employ.

Ducdame, (duc ad me) bring him to Exhale, to breathe one's last.

me, the burthen of a song,

Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger

Due, to endue, to deck.

Duke, a leader.

Dullard, a stupid person.

Descant, to harangue upon; also, a Dup, to do up, to lift up.

[blocks in formation]

Derogate, degraded.

term in music.

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Dull, gentle soothing.

Dump, a mournful elegy.

Dumb, to make silent.

Durance, some lasting kind of stuff.

[blocks in formation]

Executors, executioners.

Exercise, exhortation.

Exhaust, to draw forth.

Exhibition, allowance.

Exigent, end, exigency.

[blocks in formation]

Digress, to deviate from what is right. Ecstasy, madness.

Discontents, malcontents.

Discourse, reason.

Disease, uneasiness, discontent.

Diseases, sayings.

Disgrace, hardship, injury,
Dishabited, dislodged.

Dislike, displease.

Dislimn, to unpaint, obliterate.
Disnie, tenth, or tithe.

Express, to reveal.

[blocks in formation]

Effects, affections; also, actions, deeds Extravagant, wandering.


Eftest, readiest.

Egypt, a gipsy.

Eld, old time; also, aged persons.
Element, initiation."

Elf, done by elves, or fairies.
Elvish-marked, marked by elves.

Emballing, distinguished by the ball,
the emblem of royalty.

Embare, to expose.
Embarquements, impediments.
Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy.
Embowelled, exhausted.

Embraced, indulged in.

Empericutick, empirical.

Eyas musket, a young hawk.

Eyases, nestlings.

Eyliads, eyes.

Eyne, eyes.

Evry, a nest of hawks.

Eysel, vinegar.

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Glaire, a sword.

Gleek, to jok..

Glib, to geld.
Glooming, gloomy.
Gloze, to expound.
Glut, to swallow.
Gnarled, knotty.

God 'ield you, God yield you.
Gongarian, Hungarian.

Good-deed, indeed.

Good-den, good evening.

Good-jer, the venereal disease. Gorbellied, corpulent.

Gospelled, puritanic.

Goss, furze.

Gossamer, atoms that float in the sun

beams. Gourds, dice.

Gouts, drops.

Go your gait, go away.

Grained, furrowed, like the grain of

wood; also, died ingrain.

Gramercy, great thanks.

Grange, a lone farm house
Gratillity, gratuity.
Grats, pleases.

Gratulate, to be rejoiced in.
Grave, to entomb.

Grave-man, a man in his grave.
Graves or Greaves, leg-armour
Greasily, grossly.

Greek, a bawd.

Greenly, unskilfully.

Green-sleeves, an old song.
Grise or Grize, a step.
Grossly, palpably.

Groundlings, those who sat or stood on the ground in the old theatres; the common people.

Guard, to fringe.
Guarded, ornamented.
Guerdon, a reward.
Gules, (in heraldry) red.
Gulf, the swallow, the throat.
Guiled, treacherous.
Guinea-hen, a prostitute.
Gun-stones, cannon balls.
Gurnet, a fish.

Gyve, to shackle.

Gad, a sharp-pointed instrument.

Gust, to taste.

Gamester, a wanton.

Gait, passage.

Galliard, a dance.

First-house, chief branch of the family. Galliasses, ships.

Gallimaufry, a medley.
Gallow, to scare.

Gallow-glasses, Irish foot-soldiers.
Garboils, commotions.

Fits o' the season, disorders of the sea-Gaping, shouting.

Garish, gaudy.

Garnered, treasured up.


Fives, a distemper in horses.

Fixure, position.

Gasted, frighted.

Gaunt, meagre.

Flap-dragon, inflammable stuff swal-Gaudy, a festival.

lowed by topers.

Flap-jack, a pancake.

Flaw, a sudden gust of wind.

Flecked, spotted, streaked.
Fleet, for float.

Fleshment, performance.

Flewed, deep-mouthed.

Gawd, a bauble.
Gaze, attention.

Gear, things or matters.
Geck, a fool.
General, generality.
Generosity, high birth.

Gyves, shackles.


Hack, to become cheap.

Haggard, wild; also, wild hawk.
Hair, complexion, or character.
Hall! make room.

Happily, accidentally.
Happy, accomplished.
Hardiment, bravery.
Harlocks, wild mustard.
Harlot, a male cheat.
Harness, armour.
Harrows, subdues.
Harry, to harrass.
Having, possessions.
Haviour, behaviour.
Haught, haughty.
Haughty, elevated
Halcyon, a bird.

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