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uttered for our credit and the credit of all Christians guided by our light to our God. For through us God will elevate His Cause, spread His name and change the earth into a new one, and make it to be the Garden of ABHA, as He promised in His Great Utterances. Surat-ul Heykel (the tablet of the Temple) was written by the Command of our Lord, Beha 'U'llah, on a large sheet of paper in this shape 1873 A. D.

This tablet contains many conversations with the Heykel (Temple) and when the Lord was asked by one of the friends about them; the answer which was issued from the Supreme Pen was this.-"The speaker and the listener are one and it is Myself which rules over the worlds."

"Oh God, Thou seest us who are attracted by the fragrances of Thy Word and who have labored in heralding Thee amongst Thy Creatures. Thou knowest that we confessed the Greatness of Thy Name, EL ABHA, and the Oneness of Thyself the Most High, we ask thee to confirm us in Thy service and in Thy work with a steadfastness which makes the innermost of the pure in heart to tremble with joy in the Kingdom of Thy Might; that the world may be flooded with the light shining from the horizon of the heavens of Thy Bounty and Mercy, and the souls and hearts of all shall be drawn to drink the waters of life from Thy everlasting fountains of Knowledge. Amen."



The following utterances, entitled the "Hidden Words," literally translated from the Arabic, are indisputable proofs of Beha 'U'llah's Divinity:

He is El-behi-ul-abha. This is that which descended from the Majestic Might through the Tongue of Power and Strength upon the prophets of the past. We have taken its essences and clothed them with the garment of Brevity, as a favor upon the divines that they may fulfill the Covenant of God and be able to perform in themselves what He entrusted to them; that they may win, by the essence of piety, in the land of the Spirit, the Victory.

O Son of Spirit! The first utterance is, Possess a good, pure and enlightened heart, that thou mayest possess a continual, everlasting, unceasing and ancient Kingdom.

O Son of Spirit! The best of all to Me is justice. Desire thou not to cast it away, if thou desirest Me, and neglect it not, that thou mayest be faithful to Me, for by it, thou wouldst succeed to see all the things with thine own eye and not by the eye of the creatures, and know them by thine own knowledge and not by the knowledge of any in the world. Think over this how thou oughtest to be. Justice is one of My Gifts to thee and one of My Cares over thee, therefore put it before thine eyes continually.

O Son of Man! Thou hast been in My Ancient Identity and in My Everlasting Being. I knew My love in Thee, therefore I created thee and laid upon thee the garment of My Likeness and manifested to thee My Beauty.

O Son of Man! I loved thy creation; for this I created thee. Therefore love Me, that I may mention thee and in the Spirit of Life, confirm thee.

O Son of Existence! Love Me, that I may love thee. If thou wouldst not love Me, I can never love thee. Know that, O Servant!

O Son of Existence! Thy paradise is My Love and thy heaven is My Nearness! Therefore be impatient to enter into it. This is what was ordained to thee in Our Highest Kingdom and Supreme Majesty.

O Son of Humanity! If thou desirest Myself, desire not thyself, and if thou wishest My Pleasure, shut thine eye from thy pleasure, that thou mayest die in Me, and I live in thee.

O Son of Spirit! No peace was ordained to thee save by cutting thyself from thyself and depending upon Me, for thy glory must be in My Name and not in thy name; and thy dependence upon My Face and not upon thy face; I alone deserve to be beloved above all things.

O Son of Existence! My Love is My Fort: Whosoever enters it, is protected and safe, and he who rejects it, leads himself astray and perishes.

O Son of Beyan! My Fort thou art; therefore enter into it, that thou mayest be saved. My Love is in thee; therefore know it from thyself that thou mayest find Me near.

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O Son of Existence! My Bowl thou art, and My Light in thee: Therefore be enlightened by it, and seek not any beside Me, for I have created thee rich and abundantly bestowed Grace upon thee.

O Son of Existence! By the Hands of Power I made thee and by the Fingers of Strength I created thee and deposited in thee the essence of My Light: Therefore depend upon it and not upon anything else, for My Action is perfect and My Command must take its effect. Do not disbelieve this, and

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have no doubt in it.

O Son of Spirit! I have created thee rich: How

is it that thou art poor? And made thee mighty: How is it that thou art low?

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How is it that thou And from the clay of

Knowledge I manifested thee: seekest someone beside Me? Love I kneaded thee: How is it that thou occupiest thyself with someone else? Turn thy sight to thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing in thee, Powerful, Mighty and Supreme.

O Son of Man! Thou art My Possession and My Possession will never be destroyed: How is it that thou art afraid of thy destruction? Thou art My Light and My Light will never be extinguished: How is it that thou dreadest extinction? Thou art -My Splendor, and My Splendor never will be darkened: Thou art My Garment, and My Garment will never be worn out: Therefore dwell in thy love to Me that thou mayest find Me in the Highest Horizon.

O Son of Beyan! Face all (the people) by My Face and cast away anyone beside Me, for My

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