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roa; and of the Thef falonians, Aristarchus, and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timotheus; and of Afia, Tychicus and Trophimus.

roa, Ariftarchus and Secundus of A. D. 60.
Theffalonica, Gaius of Derbe, Ti-
mothy, Tychichus, and Trophimus;
who all went before, and ftaid
for us at Troas.

5. These going before, 6. And we failed

away from Philippi, after the days of unleavened bread, and

tarried for us at Troas.

6. Taking Ship therefore at Philippi after the Pafiover was ended, we were five Days getting over to Troas, where we ftayed a Week.

came unto them to
Troas in five days,
where we abode seven days.

7. And upon the firft* day of the week, when the difciples came together to break bread, Paul

preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight.

8. And there were many lights in the upper chamber where they were gathered together.

9. And there fat in a window a certain young man, named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he funk

7 & 8. The last of the feven
Days that we tarried there, was
the first Day of the Jewish Week,
appointed by the Apoftles to be
the Chriftian Sabbath, or Lord's-

Day (in Memory of Chrift's Re-
furrection.) And the Chriftians
of Troas being then affembled for
Divine Worship, and Celebra-
tion of the holy Sacrament, Paul
preached to them, and continued
his Difcourfe until Midnight, be-
cause he was to leave them next

9. His Sermon being thus very
long, one of the young Chriftians
that fat upon a Window was o-
vercome with Sleep, and fell down
the Floor, and was taken up
for dead.

down with fleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was

taken up dead.

10. And Paul went

down, and fell on all Disturbance of the facred Af

10. But Paul both to prevent

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* Ver. 7. Upon the first Day of the Week
Vid. Bohmer Differtat. pag. 21, 22.

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A. D. 60. him, and embracing him, faid, Trouble not yourselves; for his life

is in him.

fembly, and at the fame time to confirm and endear his Doctrine to them, went down from his Place, and told the People about him he was not dead, but should recover and do well again; and then, in the moft compaffionate Manner, embracing the young Man, and putting up his Prayers for him, immediately cured him.

11. When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, fo he departed.

12. And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.

to confirm the Faith

13. And we went before to fhip, and failed unto Affos, there intending to take in Paul: for fo had he appointed, minding himself to go on foot.

II. Then returning up to his Seat, went on and finished his Difcourfe, adminiftred the Lord's Supper, and converfed with them till Day-light, at which time he took leave of them.

12. The young Perfon Eutychus his miraculous Recovery was a particular Comfort to his Friends, and had a general good Influence and Piety of the whole Affembly.

13 & 14. We of Paul's Company then fhipp'd off, and went to Affos (a Coaft Town just by) whither he himself walked on foot, and there we took him aboard, and failed to Mitylene;

14. And when he met with us at Affos, we took him in, and came to Mitylene.

15. And we failed
thence, and came the
next day over-againft
Chios; and the next
day we arrived at Sa-

mos, and tarried at
Trogyllium; and the

15. Thence along the Ægean Sea to the Ifle Samos, touching a little at Trogyllium upon the Continent-fide, and next Day to Miletus, about ten Miles beyond Ephefus.

next day we came to Miletus.

16. For Paul had.

16. For Paul would not call

determined to fail by in at Ephefus, because he could


See Chap. xvi. 15. the NOTE there.


Ephefus, because he would not spend the time in Afia: for he hafted, if it were poffible for him, to be at Jerufalem the day

of Pentecoft.

make no Stay there, hafting as 4. D. 60.
much as ever he could to get to
Jerufalem by the Feaft of Pente-
coft, intending both to celebrate
that Festival, and take the Op-
portunity of diftributing the cha-

ritable Collections he had made

in Macedonia and elsewhere, for the poor Chriftians of


17. And from Mi

letus he fent to Ephefus, and called the el

ders of the church.

17. However,

knowing he

fhould never have another Op- See Ver. portunity of being perfonally pre- 15. fent with them, he appointed the Clergy of the Church of Ephefus to meet him at Miletus, to whom he made the following SPEECH.

18. And when they were come to him, he faid unto them, Ye know, from the first day that I came into Afía, after what with you at all fea

manner I have been


19. Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many

18 & 19. Wherein he reprefented to them his Behaviour and Conduct of himself among them, as an Apoftle and Amballador of JESUS CHRIST, his Condefcenfion and Humility as their fpiritual Governor; and his Courage, Patience, and Charity, under all the Malice of infidel People, and of the Jews in particular.

tears and temptations which befel me by the lying in wait of the Jews.

20. And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have fhewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house,

21. Teftifying both to the Jews, and alfo to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jefus Christ.

20 & 21. Then as to his Diligence and Sincerity as their Teacher, That he had neither concealed nor neglected any Point of Chriftian Doctrine, that was any way neceffary or conducive to the eternal Salvation of themfelves, or the due Inftruction of their People; fhowing them that Repentance and Reformation of Life, and that fincere Profeffion of Chrift's Religion, which was abfolutely required to fave the

A. D. 60. Few that was circumcifed, and fufficient to fave the Gentile without Circumcifion.

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22 & 23: I am now (fays he) going for Jerufalem, being affur'd by feveral Predictions of infpired and prophetical Men, I fhall there be apprehended, imprisoned, and hardly treated; but what the final Iffue of it may be I know not. that bonds and afflictions abide me. †

24. Only whatever it fhall prove to be, I am very eafy and contented, while I am difchargOffice of preaching the gracious ing the most honourable and high Terms of Chrift's Religion for the Good of Mankind; and Death itself will only put a happy and joyful Period to thofe Labours, the Succefs whereof is the main End for which I defire to live.

25. But whether I escape these Dangers at Jerufalem or no, this I know, that I fhall have no Opportunity of feeing you in these Parts any more.

26 & 27. And now I take leave of you, with this folemn Protestation and Appeal to you, That whatever Lofs there fhall hereaf ter be of any Soul of you or your People, I am clear of the Guilt of it, by having fo carefully and fincerely taught you all thofe religious Duties by which it may be avoided. 28. Where

Ver. 23. The Holy Ghost witneffeth in every City-i. e. Veuμalxoi Singularum Ecclefiarum quæ fecundum Civitates diftributæ funt. Dodwell's Differt, Cyp. iv.

28. Take heed therefore unto your felves, and to all the flock, holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers, to feed the church of God, which he hath pur chafed with his own

over the which the


28. Wherefore let my Exam- A. D. 60. ple and Doctrine, and a Senfe of the great Charge and Dignity of your minifterial Function, excite you to the utmoft Diligence, in prudently governing, and carefully inftructing all Degrees of People committed to your Charge; remembring it was the HOLY GHOST, by whofe Direction were chofen and qualified for this moft noble Office; that 'tis GOD's* Church you govern, and have the Care of those whom CHRIST fo loved, as to redeem them by his own Blood.


and Inspiration you

29. For I know this, that er my departing fhall grievous

wolves enter in a

mong you, not sparing

the flock.

30. Also of your

own felves fhall men arife, fpeaking perverfe things, to draw away difciples after


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29 & 30. I am the more earneft in preffing this fpecial Care upon you, as foreseeing what Difcouragements and Dangers there will be upon you, from the Perfecution of cruel and favage Unbelievers; nay, and from many falfe and factious Teachers among yourfelves, that will pervert and feduce Men from the Truth, to make themselves the Heads of a Party, and Gainers by a Divifion

31. Be therefore upon your Guard, and forget not with what a paffionate Concern I have often forewarned you of these Mischiefs, from my very firft Preaching and Prefence among you.

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32. Which that you may effec tually do, I heartily recommend you to the Divine Care, Providence, and Protection, and to all


Ver. 28. To feed the Church of God


The best Co

pies read it, 78 nugis, The Church of the Lord. See Dr. Mills. It is very indifferent which Way it be read; for Christ, who purchased the Church with his own Blood, is both Lord and God.

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