Зображення сторінки



lative to an


which was printed, Anno 1704.
And now reprinted Anno 1709.
both by

Sir Hugh Campbell of

Humanum eft errare, labi, decipi:
Humanius nihil eft, quam errantem revocare.

The ESSAY it felf is printed at the end
of the Collection.

Edinburgb, Printed by Mr. Andrew Symson, by
the Authors exprefs Order. Anno 1709.

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Excellent Majesty, ANN

By the Grace of God, QUEEN of GREAT BRITAIN FRANCE, and IRELAND, De. fender of the Faith &c.

May it pleafe your Majefty,


T might be thought an unpardonable prefumption and boldness in

( me, to prefix your Majeftyes Sacred Name, to this fmall Collection

ters, fince, to many of them Let

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as are

mine, I acknowledg, are but rude and unpolish'd, and all the Apology I can make, is, that Almighty God, having placed You upon the Throne of Your Fathers, and appointed Your Majefty, to be a Defender of the Faith, and a Nurfing Mother, to the Churches within Your Dominions; and the fubject of them, being our Bleffed Lords Divine, most comprehenfive and incomparable Form of Prayer, and what ufe fhould be made of it, in the Publick Worship of God. I hope it will not displease, that I publish thofe Letters, that paft betwixt the Moderators, fome other Minifters and me, anent it; that all good men may judge betwixt us. And if thefe few Sheets be fo happy, as


to be brought unto Your Majesties prèfence, and that You will pleafe, to caft an eye upon them, I doubt not, but by the power and great priviledge, wherewith the Almighty GOD hath inve fted You, Your Majeftie will, in Your great Wisdom, take fuch courfe in the affair, as our Saviour may be Honoured, by the right performance of the · Publick Worship, according to his Command to his Difciples and their Succeffors. Luke XI. 2. When ye Pray, Say Our Father, c. Which I am fure Your Majeftie's Subjects generally long for, and can difplease no Chriftian. I humbly beg Your Majesties Pardon, for my prefumption, and that God may long preferve Your Majeftie to be a Nurfeing Mother to the Churches in Your Dominions, and a and a Defender of the Faith (I mean the true Reformed Pro+3 teftant

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