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richtigen ist, wie auch andrerseits Br. Regel 396: a participle immediately preceeded by a preposition retains its government of

the objective case.

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Das Gerundi vum kommt vor als Subject z. B. there is no attempting them (B. J. 741); there is no mistaking his procedures (C. Fred. II. 233).

Ferner als Object: 1) direct vom Verb abhängig, WO es sich vielfach mit dem reinen Particip berührt. Die gewöhnlichsten Fälle sind nach avoid [s. Br. 608], abhor; I should not advise you waiting (Le.); afford; it will bear being brought into comparison (Bl.); both of them burst out laughing (Th.); cease, commence, continue; which, however, I declined administering (H. Clinker); defer; some men deliteth beholding men to fight (Barclay: Wa. 2. 429); which we would no longer delay interrupting (H. Clinker); design, deserve, detest, dread; it endangers setting fire to the sails (Southey); endure; I saw thirty people engaged reading (Macn.); I must entreat being informed of the name (V. o. W.); escape; Tom was excused fagging (T. Brown 123); the ministers would not fail answering the letter (C.), bei Ch.: nat faile for to takin my bataile; fear, find, finish; a man shulde flee striving (Ch.); forbear; hate; help, auch I cannot help their coming to my eyes (D.); intend, aber S.: he did intend a brasen wall to compyle; leave; mean, mind, neglect, occasion, omit, to prevent his losing you for ever (V. o. W.); prefer, propose, purpose; he did not in the least question succeeding with his daughter (T. Jones 3. 255), refuse, regret, repent, resist, risk, see, stop; using jesting without meane (Euph.).

2) abhängig vom Verb durch Präpositionen: a) of bei den den Genitiv regierenden, z. B. dream, fail, think; Ch.: restreine you of vengeance taking; Chambers selbst: which its own soil and climate do not permit of being grown. b) to: I would call you to the embrasing of a cloud (B. J. Catil.); Richard confessed to feeling a desire to drive back (D.); I wol entend to winning (Ch. 7060); fall; let's get to singing (T. Brown 107); he gave himself almost to nothing but practising of these things (Euph.); object; take; a person who is used to making sacrifices (Th.); you will yield to timing a poor gentleman's distresses (B.J. 358); c) about: why we should hesitate about admitting (Rob.) etc. d) at: bei aim, assist, feel, grumble, wonder, und ähnlichen Verben der Affecte. e) by: he contented himself by looking forward

(Mac. 8. 29), we live by finding fools out (B. J. 356). f) for: her grief seemed formed for continuing (V. o. W.); reproach; thank. g) from: desist, deter, discourage (Spec.), hinder (Spec. 261), incapacitate (d'Israeli), prevent (auch ohne from mit his: Mac. 8. 20), prohibit, refrain, restrain, save, shrink, take up (Spec. 264). h) in (cf. p. 45): agree (Mac. 8. 3); how ye shuln behave you in gadering of youre richesses (Ch.); concur, cooperate, delay (Le.); employ (B. J. 497. Spec. 262); fail; every man shulde glade the company in shorting of the way (Ch. VI. 129); glory (Ju.); help (B. J.); luxuriate (T. Brown 3); pass; succeed. i) into: it schulde be into witnessing agens hem (Wi.), provoke (Mac. 8. 13), seduce etc. k) on: congratulate, determine, resolve. 1) towards: contribute, step (Rob.). m) upon: fortune seems bent upon favouring us (Poe.); insist; he piques himself upon living in the country (H. Clinker). n) with: accuse, amuse, as tonish, charge, humble, satisfy


3) abhängig vom Substantiv unvermittelt: it's no use crying (J. Faithful); it's of no use writing (D.); Arthur took a long time thawing (T. Brown 194); whose services you think it worth my while obtaining (Le.) etc.

4) durch Präpositionen vermittelt: for want of reflecting (Spec. 260); there could be little doubt of the tree's having reached its maturity) War.), it was his way of exhibiting kindness (Th.); in preference to standing (D.), he had no more objection to drinking the water (H. Clinker); a bill for continuing (Mac. 8. 4); an act for preventing abuses in printing (Mac. 8. 4); to do me a vilanie in taking vengeance (Ch.); knowledge in the doing it (R.); who find some enjoyment in being dreaded (H. Clinker 70); a late oversight in giving what I had (V. o. W.). [Dies ist der Form nach en donnant, doch nicht in der Anwendung; es hat nichts zu thun mit dem bei Ch. und im A.-E. ganz gewöhnlichen y vor dem Partic. pass. (s. Ch. Glossary, H. Coleridge sub voce y), das übrigens auch vor dem Infinitiv vorkommt, s. Rose 6431. 6440. 6590, wie vor dem Praes. Indicat. (Rose 7120) und noch in Mi. Gedicht on Shakspere: under a star ypointing pyramid].

5) ebenso bei Adjectiven allein: I was very near being qualify'd (Spec. 332); we thought it better spooning before the sea (Sw.), it's worth having (Mac. 8. 6. D), busy mit und

ohne in. (Die von Gri. IV. 129 angenommene Construction: daz ist also guot vermiten findet sich E. nicht.).

6) mit Präpositionen: light in forsaking of you, lewde in loving of mee (Euph.); he is so long in mounting to that point (B. J. Catil.); far from being able (V. o. W.), instrumental in (V. o. W.), besonders nach Verbal- Adjectiven: ashamed of .., astonished, displeased at, capable of (Tatler 121).

Aber 7) hängt es auch von Präpositionen allein ab, besonders nach temporalen als since, before, affer; auch as for.. und berührt sich hier wieder ganz besonders mit der ParticipConstruction.

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Das Particip. praesentis steht bei to be und to come (s. Gri. IV. 125; pag. 2. etc.); bei to go und to go on (schon Ch.); bei to keep, remain und ähnlichen: he kept fumbling (Q. D.), she sate wepyng (Ch.), here wil I stande a waiting (id.), are you tired waiting? (Le.). Wie ein Nom. c. Inf. findet sich auch Nom. c. Partic., z. B. it was of no use a little man pulling the door inward (D. Pickw. 1. 248). Diesem analog ist die bei einzelnen Verben ganz gewöhnliche Construction des Accusat. c. Participio: brasen caudrons thou shalt rombling heare (S.); perceiving others behind them filing off (Spec. 332); he saw the demons floating cf. hear pag. 48); he marked the tobacco clouds encircling the stranger (Macn.) auch mit part. pass. I saw them marched out (Spec. 266), what you can say this way, I must credit but spoken to beget yourself sport (B. Fl. 1. 554); he supposes me travell'd to Poland (M. f. M. I. 4). she had known even stranger things brought to bear (V. o. W. 5).

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Die Participia können adjectivisch als Vertreter eines Relativsatzes gebraucht werden und nach Art des latein. ablativus absolutus, weshalb man diese Construction auch the case absolute genannt hat. Hier ist entweder ein Substantiv beim Particip als: a hasty breakfast taken... he directed his steps (D. Nickl. 2. 309); can the body subsist, the soul departed? (B. Fl. I. 128); down came my wife and daughters, their hair plaistered up (V. o. W.) cf Schiller's Künstler: Der Anmuth Gürtel umgewunden, wird sie zum Kind; (Chamisso's Landtag), gehört des Volkes Klage" selbst all these papers arranged, old Sedley covered them (Th. Vanity Fair 3. 147); oder es steht ein pronom. an seiner Stelle: he having declared Jones returned (T. Jones 3. 309. cf. 2. 263); they dead, death has so many doors (B. Fl. 1. 112); we having feed

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them they bowed (F. Journey 19); der Accusativ bei dem vielfach die classischen Sprachen als Vorbild benutzenden Milton: Dagon has presumed, me overthrown, to enter lists with God (S. A. p. 101); (so auch populär bei Tredd. me sayin so, of course thear wor lots a foak clutherd raund'; bei Mi. P. R. IV. 174 I endure the time, till which expired, thou hast permission on me; that done, she came (D. Bleak H. I. 83); that failing, he had resumed his needle (Lewes I. 94) etc. Schlecht, obwohl oft gebraucht, wird diese Construction, wenn das Substantiv fehlt und doch verschiedene Personen gemeint sind, als awaking, the allusion was dispelled (Franklin); dying intestate, Juan was sole heir (By. D. J. 1. 37); erected in Moorfields... it is said that Louis the Fourteenth was incensed (Ainsworth Sheppard 285); inquiring for Mrs. Sheppard, a matron offered to conduct him (id. 287). Einige neuere Schriftsteller gehen hier sogar so weit, solche Satzverhältnisse wie ganze Sätze zwischen 2 Puncte einzuschliessen, z. B. Only those accustomed to the higher flavour being able to detect the difference. (Le. R. Cashel 1. 67 cf. 92) so Bu. C. oft. Weniger schlecht ist die Einschiebung des Partic. ohne Substantiv wie which, begging their pardon, (wofür Waverley 272 craving your pardon), is the very picture of simplicity. (H. Clinker 161).

F. Verbal-Ellipsen (s. Gri. IV. 131).

1) to be fehlt besonders in sprüchwörtlichen Redensarten und im Ausrufe: where no enjoyment there no excellence (Bu. What will.. I. 66); nor this the worst (Go. Traveller 349); yet who more courtly? (Euph. 5); how chance that you were at Cob's (B. J. 26); coming, Sir (J. Andr. 58); we may find something in his conduct, while there (Presc. I. 158); the more to blame you (B. J. 224); no matter how deep the depression (Le. O'Don. 125); the ladies well? far otherwise the ladies .. (id.); true, at the moment the thought threw a damp over my joy (Mar. P. S. 373); lucky if temporary harm were all the ill (C. Fred. 2. 72); mortal to cut it off (Sh. Coriol. 3. 1). Dead she, and can do nothing (C. Fred. 3. 82 cf. III. 139). Did they not sometimes cry, all hail to me? (Macb. I. M. f. M. 2. 3); wo to the man who had the te

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merity (Macn.) cf. Ezekiel 30. 2, wo worth statt des ausgelassenen be steht (Bur. 67); peace your tattlings (Sh. M. W. 4. 1), wenn nicht peace hier Verb; bäd hine blidhne (Beo. 1227) sc. vesan, nur noch ags.; dagegen that act over (sc. being) ganz gewöhnlich. 2) Andre Verba finita: God ye good even (B. Fl. 1. 603); God deven (G. Gurton 4. 2); plague, pox on him; good luck to you. ; Why, do tell. Now I never (B. St.); he has been play'd upon by the fire-engine until quite sober (D. American. 22.). 3) Der Infinitiv fehlt: ags. nach sceal, vile, mäg neben dem damit construirten Adjectiv: urum sceal sveord and helm gemaene (Beo. 5315); er fehlt vor einem abhängigen Verb der Bewegung (cf. pag. 55): ic him after sceal (Beo. 5628); my husband used thither daily (B. J. 26); bei L. sogar pe King to pan castle (sc. marched). Er bleibt fort, wenn er sich aus dem vorigen Verb von selbst ergibt: I said what I could for the better parts of the book (Emerson); as Aeneas did from the flames the old Anchises bear, so from the waves of Tiber did I the tired Caesar (Caes. 1. 2). Schlecht ist hier der schon p. 66 erwähnte Gebrauch von: we live just as we want to (B. St.). Aehnlich ist es mit dem Particip, welche Construction Br. 584 tadelt: I think myself highly obliged to make his fortune, as he has (sc. made) mine (Spec. 474); who hath made man's mouth? have not I the Lord (Exod. 4. 11); if she makes as good a wife as she has a daughter (Go. 393); sogar umgedreht: every attempt to remove them, has, and likely will prove, unsuccessful (Gay); listening to the rain, which as it had during the whole of the day, still came down (War. Diary 2. 40). Populär steht das Particip allein statt des Inf. oder Verb. finit., z. B. Policeman seen to smile to potboy (D.), thou mightst with one breath spoken 'em both dead (Gamester 41); ater we done work (Wight Dialect).

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3. Tempus (tense).

I. Present dient zur Angabe der gegenwärtigen Handlung, für Sitten, Gebräuche, für allgemein anerkannte Sätze, deren Giltigkeit nicht an eine Zeit gebunden ist. Falsch sind daher: Locke: if I should ask, whether ice and water were two distinct species of things; Sw.: two young gentlemen who have made a discovery that there was no God. Das Präs. historicum, im Ags.,

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