Зображення сторінки

LACROIX AND DUCHESNE.-The History of Boots and Shoes, &c. Histoire de le Chaussure depuis l'Antiquité à nos jours, &c. Edition enrichie de 250 gravures sur bois, planches coloriées à l'aquarelle, et de planches lithochromiques, en or, argent, et couleurs, par Ferdinand Seré. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1852. LACROIX AND SERE.-The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Manners and Customs, Sciences and Arts, &c; with fac-simile illustrations. Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance. Histoire et description des mœurs et usages, du commerce et de l'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des littératures, et des beaux arts en Europe. Direction littéraire de M. Paul Lacroix; direction artistique de M. Ferdinand Seré. Dessins fac-similes par M. A. Rivaud. 127. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848-51.

LANE, E. W.-An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, written in Egypt during the years 1833-1835. &c. 2 vols. 16mo. London, 1837.

The Arabian Nights Entertainments; with 600 woodcuts by William Harvey. New edition, royal 8vo. London, 1853. Lardner, Dr.-The Cabinet of History; a Treatise on the Arts, Manufactures, Manners, and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1833.

LEBER, M. C.-On Regal Consecration; the Ceremonies, &c.

Des Ceremonies du Sacre, ou recherches historiques et critiques sur les mœurs, les costumes, les institutions, et le droit public des Français, dans l'ancienne monarchie. 8vo. Paris, 1825.

Du Sacre des Rois de France, ou Inauguration de Pharamond, et exposition des lois fondamentales de la monarchie Française, avec les preuves de leur exécution, perpétuées sous les trois races de nos Rois. Reimprimée sur l'édition de Paris, 1772. 8vo. Paris, 1822.

LENOIR, ALEX.-Musée des Monumens Français; ou déscription historique et chronologique des statues en marbre et en bronze, bas-reliefs et tombeaux des hommes et des femmes célèbres, pour servir à l'histoire de France et à celle de l'Art. Ornée de gravures et augmentée d'une dissertation sur les costumes de chaque siècle. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800-6.

LENOIR, ALBERT. -Statistique Monumentale de Paris; cartes, plans, et dessins. (An important work, published by the French Government. 3rd series, Archæology.) Atlas folio. Paris, n. d. LENS, ANDRE.---Le Costume, ou Essai sur les Habillements et les Usages de plusieurs Peuples de l'Antiquité; prouvé par les monuments.

4to. Liege, 1776.

LOWER, SIR W.-A Relation in form of Journal, of the Voiage and Residence which the most excellent and most mighty Prince Charles II., King of Great Britain, &c., hath made in Holland, from the 25th of May to the 2 of June 1660. Rendered into English out of the original French by Sir William Lower, Knight. Small folio. Hague, 1660.

LYALL, R., M.D.-The Character of the Russians, and a detailed History

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MALLIOT AND MARTIN.-Recherches sur les Costumes, les Mœurs, les Usages religieux, civils, et militaires des anciens peuples, &c.

3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1804.

MARTIN, C. L.-The Civil Costume of England from the Conquest to
the present time, drawn from tapestries, monumental effigies, illu-
minated MSS., portraits, &c. 4to. London, 1842.
MAZOIS.- Le Palais de Scaurus, ou Description d'une Maison Romaine,
fragment d'une voyage fait à Rome vers le fin de la République.
Par Mérovir, Prince des Suèves. (An imaginary description of a
Roman house.) 2nd edition, 8vo. Paris, 1822.

MERKEL, C.-Bible History in Pictures, from the four Evangelists.
Biblische Geschichten in Bildern nach den vier Evangelien. Wood
engravings and illuminated letters.
Berlin, 1853.
Post 8vo. London,

MERRIFIELD, MRS.-Dress as a Fine Art.



MEYRICK, SIR S. R.-A Critical Enquiry into ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II., with a glossary of military terms of the Middle Ages. 2nd edition, 3 vols. royal 4to. London, 1842.

MONTFAUCON, B. DE.-L'Antiquité expliquée et représentée en Figures. Paris, 1719-24.

15 vols. small folio.

Les Monumens de la

Monarchie Française, qui comprennent

l'Histoire de France, avec les Figures de chaque règne que l'injure des temps a épargnées. 5 vols. small folio. Paris, 1729-33.

NICHOLS, J.-The Progresses, Processions, and magnificent Festivities of King James I. &c.

4 vols. 4to. London, 1828.

The Progresses and public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1823.

NICOLAI, F.-On the History of Wigs, &c.

Recherches historiques sur l'Usage des Cheveux Postiches et des
Perruques, dans les temps anciens et modernes. Traduit de
Svo. Paris, n. d.

l'Allemand de M. Nicolai.


NUREMBERG CHRONICLE.-Liber Chronicarum, by Dr. Hartman
Schedel; printed in Latin by Ant. Koberger. Illustrated with about
2000 coarse woodcuts, under the direction of Michael Wohlgemuth
and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. The cuts are chiefly portraits and views
of towns; the book gives a history of the world from the Creation.
The only title is the heading of the index:-Registrum hujus operis
libri cronicarum cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mundi. Folio.
Nürnberg, 1493.

NUTTALL, P. A.-A Classical and Archæological Dictionary of the
Manners, Customs, Laws, Institutions, Arts, &c., of the celebrated
Nations of Antiquity, and of the Middle Ages, &c.
London, 1840.

Royal 8vo.



PANOFKA, T.-Pictures of Ancient Life.

Bilder Antiken Lebens.

4to. Berlin, 1843.

PANOFKA, T.-Greek Women and Greek Men, sketched from the Antique. Griechinnen und Griechen nach Antiken skizzirt von T. Panofka.

4to. Berlin, 1844.

On Greek Drinking Horns and their Decoration.

Die Griechischen Trinkhörner und ihre Verzierungen aus licht
Gestellt. 4to. Berlin, 1851.


PICARD, B.-Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les peuples du monde representées par des Figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picard; avec une Explication historique, et quelques Dissertations curieuses. Small folio, 11 vols. in 10. Amsterdam, 1723-43. PLANCHÉ, J. R.-British Costume. A complete History of the Inhabitants of the British Islands; with illustrations. 12mo. Lon

don, 1846. PRONTI, D.-Collection of Ancient Costume, religious, civil, and military.

Nuova Raccolta rappresentante i Costumi religiosi, civili, e militari degli antichi Egiziani, Etruschi, Greci, e Romani, tratti dagli antichi Monumenti. Oblong 4to. Roma, n. d.

PUGIN, A. W.-Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume, compiled and illustrated from Antient Authorities and Examples.

4to. London, 1844.



RICHTER, L.-Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea in Bildern von Ludwig Richter. (Illustrated with wood engravings.)


Svo. Leipzig,

ROCCHEGGIANI, L.-Ancient Costume, religious, civil, and military. Raccolta di cento tavole rappresentanti i Costumini religiosi, civili, e militari degli antichi Egizziani, Etruschi, Greci, e Romani. Tratti di antichi bassirilievi' per uso de' professori delle Belle Arti. Disegnate ed incise in Rame da Lorenzo Roccheggiani. 2 vols. oblong 4to. Roma, 1804.

ROSELLINI, I.-The Monuments of Egypt and Nubia.
I Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia, &c.

8vo.; plates, 3 vols. atlas folio. Pisa, 1832-44.

Text, 9 vols.

RUSSIAN EMPIRE.-Ecclesiastical, Imperial, and other Antiquities of the Russian Empire. (Russian text.) Published by Supreme Command, under the direction of an Imperial Commission, by S. Stroganov, M. Zagoskin, J. Snegirev, and A. Th. Veltinan.

Division 1. Ecclesiastical Antiquities.

2. Imperial Insignia, Dresses, &c.

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Text, 4to.; plates, 7 vols. folio. St. Petersburg, 1852.

SANDFORD, F.-The History of the Coronation of James II. and of his Royal Consort, Queen Mary, &c. Folio. London, 1647.

SCHOONEBEEK, A.-Courte et solide Histoire de la Fondation des Ordres Religieux; avec les Figures de leurs Habits. Gravez par Adrian



12mo. Amsterdam, 1688.

SCHOTT AND HAGEN.-The German Emperors, from the Pictures of the Römer Saloon at Frankfort. Coloured.

Die Deutsche Kaiser. Nach den Bildern des Kaiser-Saales im Römer zu Frankfurt am Main, in Kupfer gestochen und in Farben ausgeführt. Mit den Lebensbeschreibungen der Kaiser von A. Schott and Dr. K. Hagen. Small folio. Frankfort, 1844.

SERE, F.-Les Arts Somptuaires du Ve au XVIIe siècle. Histoire du Costume et de l'Ameublement en Europe, et des Arts que en dependent. Small 4to. Paris, 1853. SHARP, T.-A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries anciently performed at Coventry, by the Trading Companies of that City; chiefly with reference to the vehicle, characters, and dresses of the actors. Compiled in a great degree from sources hitherto unexplored. To which are added, the Pageant of the Shearmen and Taylors' Company, and other Municipal Entertainments of a public nature. 4to. Coventry, 1825.

SHAW, H.-Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. royal 8vo. London, 1843.

Early Historical Portraits.

2 vols.

SIDDONS, H.-Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action, adapted to the English Drama. From a work on the same subject by M. Engel. Embellished with numerous engravings expressive of the various passions, and representing the modern costume of the London Theatres. 8vo. London, 1807.

SOMMERARD, A. Du.-Les Arts au Moyen Age. (Collection of the Text, 5 vols. 8vo.; plates, 6 vols. folio.

Hôtel de Clugny.)

Paris, 1838-46.

SONDERLAND, J. B.---Norwegian Peasant Life.

Norwegisches Bauernleben.


Oblong folio. Dusseldorff,

SONNERAT.-Atlas Manuscrit du Nouveau Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1768-1813. (Original Sketches.) Atlas size.

ST. JOHN, J. A.-The History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. STOTHARD, C. A.-The Tapestry of Bayeux. 17 coloured plates, published by the Society of Antiquaries. Folio. London, 1819. STRUTT, J.-The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, containing the Representations of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; together with many of the great persons that were eminent under their several reigns. The whole carefully collected from ancient illuminated manuscripts. 4to. London, 1777.

A complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England, from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. Illustrated by engravings taken from the most authentic remains of antiquity. To which is prefixed an Introduction, containing a general description of the ancient habits in use among mankind from the earliest period of time to the conclusion of the seventh century. A new and improved edition, with critical and explanatory notes, by J. R. Planché, F.S.A. 2 vols. 4to. Lon

don, 1842.

The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. A new edition, by William Hone. 8vo. London, 1838.

THOMSON, R.-A faithful Account of the Procession and Ceremonies observed in the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England. 8vo. London, 1820.

TIDEMAND, A.-Norwegian Peasant Life; a series of Ten Pictures from the originals in the Royal villa of Oscarshall.

Norwegisches Bauernleben. Ein cyclus in 10 bildern. Mit allegorischen Titel in Farbendruck, entworfen von C. Scheuren. Nach den Original-Cartons, zu den für die Konigl. Villa "Oskarshall," bei Christiania, ausgeführten Gemälden, lithographirt von J. B. Sonderland. Mit Deutschem text von Wolfgang Müller, und Norwegischen text von A. Munch.

Oblong folio. Düsseldorff, 1852.

TISCHBEIN, H. W.-Homer illustrated.

Homer nach Antiken gezeichnet von H. W. Tischbein, mit erläu-
terungen, von C. G. Heyne.
2 vols. large 4to. Göttin-

gen, 1801.

TONSBERG, CHR.-Norse National Costumes.

Norske Nationaldragter tegnede af forskjellige Norske Kunstnere
og ledsagede med en oplysende Text.

TORBIDI.-Cupid Prisoner in Delos.

4to. Christiania,

Amore Prigioniero in Delo. Torneo fatto da' Signori Academici
Torbidi in Bologna, li. xx. di Marzo, 1628.

(A Pageant.) Bologna, n. d.


VISCONTI, E. Q.-Iconographie Grecque, ou Recueil des Portraits Authentiques des Empéreurs, Rois, et Hommes Illustres de l'Antiquité. 3 vols. royal Svo. Milan, 1824-26.

Œuvres de E. Q. Visconti. Iconographie Romaine. 8vo. Milan, 1818.


WAHLEN, A.-Mœurs, Usages, et Costumes de tout les Peuples du
Monde, d'après des Documents authentiques et les Voyages les plus
4 vols. 8vo. Brussells, 1843-44.

Wieseler, F.—The Theatres and the Stage Arrangements of the Greeks and Romans.


Theatergebäude und Denkmäler des Bühnenwesens bei den
Griechen und Römern.
4to. Göttingen, 1851.


WILKINSON, SIR J. G.-The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, Agriculture, and Early History, derived from a Comparison of the Painting, Sculptures, and Monuments still existing, with the Accounts of Ancient Authors. edition, 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1847.


A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians, revised and abridged from his larger work. Illustrated with 500 woodcuts.

2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854.

WILLEMIN, N. X.-Monumens Français inédits pour servir à l'Histoire des Arts depuis le VIe Siècle jusqu'au commencement du XVIIe, &c. Choix des Costumes Civils et Militaires, &c. Classés chronologiquement et accompagnés d'un texte historique et descriptif par André Pottier. 6 vols. small folio. Paris, 1806–39. WILLIAMS, H. W.-Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands, in a series of letters, descriptive of Manners, Scenery, and the Fine Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820.

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