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Temperance Suftenance Expanfe Inhance. And the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon Singular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in AIGN, AIN, AN, and ANE.

ANCH. Branch Stanch Hanch Ranch Blanch. And the Words in AUNCH and ENCH.

AND. Hand Strand Stand Band Land Sand Command Withstand A-land Understand Brand Grand Wand Counfermand Demand Reprimand Disband Expand Gainstand Underhand Deodand Saraband. And the Participle of the Verbs in AIGN, AIN, AN, ANE, EAN, EIGN and EIN. ANE, Fane Bane Wane Cane Crane Lane Mane Plane Profane. Alfo the Words in AIN, and all the Terminations that rhyme to it.

ANG. Fang Rang Gang Twang Bang Hang.

ANGE Change Range Exchange Grange Mange Strange Arrange Interchange Eftrange, and the Words in ENGE. ANK. Bank Thank Clank Frank Blank Lank Plank Rank Drank Prank Shank Dank Difrank Mountebank.

ANT. Plant Grant Ant Cant Pant Elephant Inhabitant Cormorant Aflant Askant Rant Scant Decant Implant Ins chant Complaifant Difinchant Recant Supplant Transplant Diffonant Elegant Exorbitant Converfant Combatant Adamant Amarant Adjutant Arrogant Concomitant Covenant Difputant Precipitant Petulant Mendicant Militant Occupant Inelegant Extravagant Purfevant Significant Exuberant Refonant Abfonant Vigilant Vifitant Predominant Protuberant Proteftant. Alfo the Terminations AINT, AUNT and ENT.

AP. Cap Lap Clap Gap Pap Sap Slap Strap Snap Trap Entrap Mishap Wrap Unwrap. And the Termination next following.


APE. Gape Ape Grape Scape Efcape. Rape Agape Shape Scrape. Alfo the Terminations EAP, EEP and EP.



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APS and APSE. Perhaps Lapfe Relapfe Elapfe. Alfo the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon Singular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in AP, APE, EAP and EP.

APT. Apt Adapt Unapt. And the Participle Passive of the Verbs in AP, APE, EAP and EP...

AR. Afar War Far Scar Star Car Jar Bar Unbar Mar Spar Debar Catarrh Symarr Tar Popular Calendar Circular Colendar Auricular Orbicular Particular Perpendicular An gular Articular Cubicular Rectangular Triangular Quadrangular Secular Regular Scimitar Vinegar Tutelar Similar Diffimilar Ocular Jugular Titular. And the Words in AIR, ARE, EAR, EER, EIR, ER and ERE.



ARB. Barb Garb. To which may be rhym'd the Words in ERB. Herb Verb. Superb.

ARCE. Farce Scarce. And the Terminations EAR SE and ERSE. As alfo the Plural Number of the Nouns, and third Perfon Singular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in AIR, ARE, EAR, EER, EIR, ER and ERE.

ARCH. Arch Starch Parch March Countermarch. And the Words that end in EARCH.

ARD. Hard Lard Nard Fard Bard Pard Card Counterguard Hard Yard Guard Regard Bombard Petard Placard Retard Afterward Shard Difcard Difregard Interlard Hitherward Thitherward Ward Award Reward. And the Terminations EARD and ERD. Alfo the Participle Pallive of the Verbs in AIR, AR, ARE, EAR, EIR, ER and ERE. ARE. Bare Care Fare Prepare Dare Compare Ware Snare Aware Share Spare Hare Declare Beware Blare Pare Lare Mare Stare Are Unaware Glare Over-care Rare Infnare. Tare Knare Square Vare. And the Words in AIR. With all the other Terminations that rhyme to them.

ARE. Scarf Wharf Dwarf.

ARGE. Charge Large Difcharge Barge Surcharge Ins large Uncharge Overcharge. And the Termination ERGE. ARK and ERK. Hark Remark Dark Bark Lark Park Pifpark Countermark Embark Shark Spark Disembark Reimbark Clerk.

ARL. Gnarl Mark Snarl. And the Terminations EARL, IRL and URL.

ARM. Alarm Arm Farm Charm Harm Barm Difarm Uncharm Fore-arm Warm Swarm. Note, that these two aft Words rhyme to fome of the Words in ORM, as, Storm Form Deform, &c. which fee under their proper Termination.

ARN. Barn Darn Yarn Warn Forewarn. And the Word's in EARN and ERN. See likewife the Termination ORN: To fome of the Words of which Ending the two laft of this perfectly rhyme; as Mørn Adorn, &c.

ARP. Carp Harp Sharp Counterfcarp Warp.

ARSH. Harth Marth Earf

ART. Part Start Dart Art Depart Mart Sinart Apart Dif part Care Hart Tart Thwart Athwart Impart Upflast Counterpart Heart


ARVE. Starve Caive. And the Words in ERVE.

AS, and ASS. Has Was Alas Afs Pafs Glafs Clafs Mafs Surpafs Brafs Amafs Outpafs Overpafs Repafs Las Morafe Guirass. And the three following Terminations,


ASE, AISE and AZE. Chafe Bafe Cafe Debafe Inchafe Abale Phrafe Paraphrafe Amaze Glaze Craze Imbraze Maze Raze Gaze Braze Graze Erize Blaze Praife Raife Difpraife. And the Terminations ACE, EACE, EASE and EEZE; together with the Plural Number of the Noun, and third Perfon Singular of the Prefeat Tenfe of the Verbs in AY, EA, EE, EIGH and EY.

ASH. Ah Lash Flash Gash Crash Clash Abah Thrash Gafh Dash Gnash Flash Rafh Slath Math Trash Qualh Wafh. And the Terminations EASH and ESH.

ASK. Task Cask Ask Mask Bask Unmask. And the Terminations ESK and ESQUE.

ASM, Chaẩm Spafm Enthufiafm Pleonafin.

ASP. Gafp Clafp Hafp Grafp Unclafp Wafp Afp Unhafp.

ASS. See AS.

AST. Faft Laft Maft Repaft Blaft Caft Haft Overcaft Past Walt Valt Aghalt Forecast Outcast Iconoclalt. And the Termination,

ASTE. Chaffe Hafte Paite Shame fac'd Thorow-pac'd Tafte Waite Diftafte. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in ACE, EASE, AS, ASE and ASS: together with the fecond Perion Singular of the Prefent Tenfes of the Verbs in AY, EIGH and EY: as Delay ft Neight Con rey'it, &c.

AT. Chat That Bat Flat Fat At Hat Gnat Brat Rat Mat Pat Vat Plat What Squat Certificat. And the Terminations AIGHT, AIT, ATE, EAT, EIGHT, EIT and ET.

ATCH. Difpatch Catch Thatch Latch Match Overmatch Unlatch Scrach Pateh Hatch Snatch Overeatch Watch And the Terminations ACH, EACH, EECH, ETCH and ITCH.

ATE, AIGHT, EIGHT and EIT: Prate Rate Create Fate Hate State Debate Inoculate Sate Educate Gate Fumigate Late Confecrate Mate Celebrate Date Relate Gate Violate Sedate Eftate Rebate Bate Communicate Grate Magiftrate Plate Propagate State Slate Abate Equivocate Emu Jare Debilitate Dedicate Eftimate Enumerate Elaborate Degenerate Delicate Deliberate Attemperate Chocolate Circulate Inftigate Capacitate Co-ordinate Confulate Confiderate Delegate Denominate Depopulate Derogate Deprecate Dilucidate Difcriminate Celibate Candidate Cultivate Corroborate Co-operate Contaminate Confolidate Conju gate Unfortunate Ulcerate Ultimate Suffocate Surrogate Supplicare Terminate Tolerate Temperate Triumvirate Vindicate Violate Subordinate Subjugate Sublimare Stipu late Sophifticate Solidate Operate Obliterate Nominate


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Neceffitate Mutilate Moderate Indeterminate Incorporate Inconfiderate Incapacitate Inanimate Imprecate Importunate Separate Mitigate Salivate Immoderate Meliorate Runagate Ruminate Meditate Imitate Reverberate Matriculate Immaculate Reprobate Marquifate Illuminate Remunerate Marinate Illiterate Reiterate Illegitimate Regulate Hefitate Regenerate Gratulate Legitimate Germinate Generate Recriminate Invigorate Fortunate Recapitulate Facilitate Iterate Prognofticate Irritate Expectorate Profligate Inviolate ProCraftinate Inveterate Exulcerate Prevaricate Invalidate Extricate Intricate Premeditate Intoxicate Expoftulate Intimidate Predominate Intimate Exonerate Exhilerate Interrogate Predeftinate Intenerate Precipitate Intemperate Elaborate Potentate Initigate Excommunicate Perfonate Perpetrate Exafperate Innovate Penetrare Inordmate Exagitate Paffionate Exaggerate Participate Palatinate Evaporate Eradicate A-late Rebate Collate Dilate Ingrate Innate Sedate Elate Tranflate Congratulate Conglutinate Confederate Confabulate Concorporate Compaffionate Communicate Commiferate Commemorate Coagulate Deliberate Abominate Abdicate Abrogate Accelerate Accom modate Accumulate Accurate Adequate Advocate Adulterate Eltimate Affectionate Aggravate Agitate Alienate Animate Annihilate Antedate Anticipate, Arbitrate Arrogate Articu late Affaffinate Afpirate Calculate Capirulate Captivate Fraight, Eight Height Streight Weight Conceit Deceit Receit Counterfeit Self-conceit Wait Strait Bair Await Appropriate Calumniate Infinuate Extenuate Attenuate Impropriate Inebriate Perpetuate. And the Terminations AT, EAT and ET.

ATH, AITH and ATHE. Path Wrath Bath- Lath Hath
Faith Saith Bathe Rathe Swathe. And the Terminations

OB and

Daub bedaub. And the Words 1991 0767



AUCH. Debauch. With this Word, which is the only one of this Termination our Poets make the Words thyme that end in ACH, ATCH and OACH!

AUD. Fraud Laud Applaud Defraud Bawd. And ne two following Words in OAD Broad Abroad. Likewife the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in AW.

AVE. Have Gave Brave Pave Stave Save Lave Grave Slave Cave Rave Crave Wave Inflave Ingrave Deprave Outbrave Outrave Knave Shave Wave Behave Forgave Misbehave Mifgave Architrave. Alfo the Words in EAVE, EEVE, EIVE, EVE and IEVE. HORINAUGH


AUGHT. Draught. This Word being pronounc'd in two different Sounds. Mr. Dryden makes it rhyme fometimes to the Words in AFT; and fometimes to thofe in OUGHT: Where fee the other Words of this Termination,


AULT. Fault Vault Affault Default Revolt. And the Terminations ALT, AUGHT and OUGHT.

AUNCE. Praunce. Askaunfe. And the Words in ANCE and ONCE, together with the third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs, and the Plural Number of the Nouns in AWN and ON.

AUNCH. Paunch Launch: And the Words in ANCH. AUNT. Haunt Taunt Vaunt Aunt Jaunt Flaunt Gaunt Avaunt. And the Terminations ANT and ONT..

AUSE. Caufe Paufe Applaufe Claufe Becaufe Sauce Was And the Plural Number of the Nouns and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in AW. Alfo the Termination ASS.

AUST. Exhauft Holocauft. And the Terminations AST OAST and OST.


AW. Draw Saw Law Aw Maw Raw Paw Straw Claw Caw Thaw Withdraw Chaw Craw Daw Flaw Gnaw Jaw Overaw Wiredraw Forefaw. And the Words in A.



AWL and AUL. Awl Baul Brawl Crawl Sqwal Sprawl Spawl Mawl Wawl Drawl Caul Gaul Saul. And the Terminations ALL, OL and OLE.

AWN. Brawn Dawn Drawn Pawn Lawn Fawn Prawn Yawn Sawn Undrawn Withdrawn.

AWND. Lawnd, for a Lawn, is ufed by Mr.Dryden, who makes it rhyme to the Words in AND.

AX. Ax Wax Tax Flax Battel-Ax Relax.To which rhyme the Plural of the Nouns and third Perfons fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in ACK, AKE, EAK and ECK. AY, EIGH and EY. Day Play Lay May Pay Way Away Delay Decay Pray Difplay Betray Clay Gray Bay Stray Bray Fray Allay Stay Millay Array Belay Forelay Say Holyday Spray Virelay Aftray Dray Gay Hay Ray Geay Sway Tray Splay Affray Ellay Bewray Betray Defray Difarray Difmay Forefay Gainfay Inlay Overlay Relay Repay Uni derlay Unfay Withfay Callaway Runaway Galloway Roundelay Neigh Weigh Inveigh Survey Obey Prey Convey Grey They Whey Difobey Purvey. Alfo the Terminations A, E, EA and EE



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