Зображення сторінки

On trees with their hundreds, rocks with their thousands

of years,

Ere the field may be cleared for the seed,

Seed planted by love.

This is my thought, in sooth, and I rejoice

That the people now gather to battle, come in their fury, Come to join issue with Thee!

Battle shalt Thou have; for sparks from the steel bright flying

Kindle Thy fire, consuming things rotten, and lighting
The world in the coming years.

Drive them to battle, with zeal my heart is flaming,
Cast me upon the pyre, if thereby may

be lit!

Take to Thy clasp

the future races

That which perchance I yield up to-morrow;

Grant that my son

Foothold may find where I slipped!



UP, my warriors, to prayer,
The sun is calling,

Greeting the chosen band

Which the Lord this day
Leads forth to battle.

Tormod Kolbrunarskald,

Lift up thy voice,

Build for the people a shining bridge

Stretching from peak to peak,

Build with thy lay

High over us and the vale

Visions in marching array

Of our forefathers forth-faring
To fight."

Tormod rose to his feet,

Heeding the call,

Drove in a rustling flight

Out over the sleeping host
Bjarkemaal's battle-clad maidens,
The air was filled with their spears,
In the sunshine they glittered and rang,
At the sound of his lay:

"Day is come up again,
Din the cock's feathers;

[blocks in formation]

Stave after stave he sang it.

Soon was there turbulent life
Throughout the awakened camp;
Coldly the landscape gleamed,
Autumn-clear was the air,

The river flowed on in the sun,

The woods with color were lit. . . .

Beat then as one

Hearts that were longing for home.

To fight for the land beloved,

Fight for a king so dear,

Fight against Odin, his wiles,

E'en as in the songs of old,
To this were they spurred.

The King a ring from his arm
To Tormod then

Gave as a gift with his thanks.

Then swore

Tormod an oath to his liege

That he in life as in death
Would follow

Wherever King Olaf might lead.

Then in banter he said:

"Sighvat, thy skald,

No longer with golden hilt
Shall keep thee apart from me."
Him the King answered:
"Certainly Sighvat this day

In Jorsal is praying for us."

Tormod then laughed:

"Scant were the guard of thy banner,

Were we to Jorsal marching

This day."

Turned then the King aside,

Spoke to his followers:

"Pray must we all this day,

Confessing our sins to God,

Single of purpose,

United with Him in the glorious cause."

Mighty he stood on a mound,
Beheld of all.

The bishop arose,

Then before all the host

Fell the King on his knees
And prayed.

Humbly confessed he his sins,
Was heard, and upon him then
Was absolution bestowed.
When he rose up,

The light of redeeming grace

Shone from his visage.

Before his face like the sun

His followers fell on their knees, Commended their souls unto God, Prayed and confessed,

In secret vowed to the King

Their faith, and arose,

Joined in the mass, intoned

In the dewy cool of the morn,

Felt themselves cleansed,

As a bird that springs from his bath,

And sings.

Then went they on,

Pushing aside the branches

Wet from the night.

Beasts were flushed,

And birds flew screaming about.

Deep in the woods,

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