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S. 75 beginnt das gedicht, das seines inhaltes wegen hier ganz abgedruckt sei.

To my Mother.

Je n'entends pas la langue du pays, et


personne ici n'entend la mienne.
La Nouvelle Héloise, Part II, I. 14.

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1 Druck: songht. 2 Druck: way ward. 3 Druck: dream'd'st.

[blocks in formation]

Seite 77 beginnt noch die umfangreiche erzählung 'The Tale of a Dreamer'. Als motto ist dariiber gesetzt: O quam te memorem. Virgil. Le cocur se blase, les ressorts se brisent, et l'on finit, je crois, par n'être plus sensible à rien. Mem. de Mad. d'Epinay, Vol. I p. 31. Gedichtet wurde diese 'Tale' Windermere 1824. Sie besteht aus 22 grösseren abschnitten, aus gegen 500 versen. "The Tale of a Dreamer' ist die geschichte eines mannes, welchem seine jugendgeliebte entrissen wird. Später trifft er noch einmal mit ihr zusammen, aber aufs neue werden sie von einander getrennt. Obgleich die geliebte mit einem andern vereint ist, bewahrt sie ihrem jugendgeliebten treue und schreibt vor ihrem tode an ihn, worin sie gesteht, wie sehr sie ihn geliebt habe. Er eilt hin, wo er seine geliebte weiss, doch findet er nur noch ihr grab. So lebt er denn fort als 'martyr of his memory', nur noch 'Eternal Freedom' kann ihn begeistern und aus seiner gefühllosigkeit erwecken.

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Where, languid with the luxury of the skies,

O'er the wild flowers the wandering zephyr sighs,
Here let me rest!

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from infancy this hour

Hath been to me most holy, and my mind

Flies back where Boyhood built his rosy bower,

Here dreamt how roses fade when woe is on the wind!

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1 Druck: shal'st. 2 Druck: Hor. 3 Druck: Solet.

And crusted lava hardens o'er the mould
Ask ye where once the whelming fires had been?
Lo, smooth the spot and peaceful is the scene!
But ask ye where, before the fires had burst,
The flowers the freshness of the Earth had nurst?
Lo! bare the soil, the flowers have past away,
The very silence speaks but of Decay!

Im gedichte zeigen sich starke einflüsse Byron's. Die figur des mannes erinnert an Falkland gegen ende des gleichnamigen romans, am ende des gedichtes auch an Glanville im Pelham. Die gestalt des mädchens hat manches von Emilia im Falkland, manches von Gertrude im Pelham.


Beschlossen wird das ganze durch sprüche in prosa, 'Thoughts' benannt. Als motto steht darüber: J'ai vécu beaucoup dans peu d'années. La Nouvelle Héloise. Fraught With some unmeaning things HE calle a thought. Pope.

Da manche derselben sich ähnlich in späteren werken, wie Pelham, Devereux u. a. widerfinden, so lasse ich alle folgen:


Your Friends speak worse of you than your enemies.


It is as easy to gain the person of a Woman violently in love with another, as it is difficult to win her affections.


With Women, love is often nothing but the pride they feel at being loved.


Never be little in order to become great.


No vice is so deadly as the madness of virtue Hell is less for the Atheist than the Devol.


Friendship is like the tree under which Mabomet was inaugurated. If Falsehood approaches it, it withers away.


A Man should be very wise to play the fool.


We are so much more made for reflexion than sensuality that the Mind can contain at the same time a thousand sciences, but only one passion.



Contrary to received opinion', good heads have generally the best but it is not every one who can reach them.


The two surest signs of Genius are simplicity and the scorn of little things.

1 Druck: recieved opinion.

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There is no heart however deceitful which does not become transparent when inspired by a real Passion the heart resembles a certain Ægyptian weed which, when barnt, becomes the finest chrystal.


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Weakness which is the surest guarantee for the adoption of vice, is the greatest sign of the love of virtue.


Volatile People can have no friends We can not depend upon them We can not trust what we can not depend upon not have friendship for what we can not trust.


Vanity only sins when it hurts the vanity of others.


Men seldom begin1 to think till they are wearied of hope.


We can

One sees every day that one can never judge of a person by the relation of others yet upon what else does Posterity decide upon the characters of the Dead.


Men much liked, are seldom much loved.


like the

The Poetry of deep feeling is the daughter of Sadness Megacla of antient story she hires the Muses to be her maids in order to soften the bitterness of her Father.


It is from acquaintance with vice experience

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Knowledge of the world is the Knowledge of its sins.


Education makes it as difficult for a Man to be a coward, as for a Woman to tell truth.


Never trust the Man in whom you have detected the smallest meanness. A Banker chuckled at doing his friend out of the best place in the theatre he was hung for forgery the next year.


Delicate tempers nearly always make disagreeable people.


A Man of Genius is much more at home with women thau men.

1 Druck: be gin.


For the general good of a Nation Knowledge should be universally spread, or not at all if it be partial it is only possessed by the Few and the Few use it against the Many.


The heart should be like the celebrated Venetian glasses and break rather than contain treachery.


There is a rank peculiar to England

Acquaintance! One is as

great there by whom one knows as by what one is.


If you wish to have a firm friend choose one who can do something better than yourself.


If you wish to be loved shew more of your faults than your virtues.


Man never forgive those in whom there is nothing to pardon.


There is no feeling of liberty like that of escape from half friends.


There is a property in Truth like that attributed by the Antients to the laurel tree. The lightning which scathes all else only illumines it.


Paris 1826.


Zu Byron's Prisoner of Chillon.

Es sei mir gestattet, mit wenigen worten hier auf einen hässlichen druckfehler in dem oben genannten gedichte aufmerksam zu machen, der sich, mit ausnahme der bei Brockhaus in Leipzig 1867 erschienenen, in allen mir bekannten deutschen und selbst in einer grossen zahl englischer ausgaben findet. Ich drucke die betreffende stelle hier ab und setze gleich die richtige lesart ein:

They chain'd us each to a column stone,

And we were three yet, each alone;

We could not move a single pace,

We could not see each other's face,

But with that pale and livid light

That made us strangers in our sight:

And thus together yet apart,

Fetter'd in hand, but join'd in heart; etc.

Es unter

Für join'd finden wir nämlich in vielen texten pined. liegt nicht dem geringsten zweifel, dass pined weder der grammatik noch dem sinne nach möglich ist. Denn pined kann 1. nicht passivisch gebraucht werden und 2. würde pined den vom dichter geforderten und

Anglia, VI. band, Anz.


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