Зображення сторінки


Preliminary notes.

offence, &c. 1081

Indictments for personating

for personating proprietor of stock, 1083

for personating bail before commissioner in country, 1085

INDICTMENTS FOR MALICIOUSLY KILLING, &C. ANIMALS. for capital felony in killing gelding, 1086

capital felony for maining cows, 1087

on same act for maiming gelding in field, in another form,


on same act for poisoning, 1088




Preliminary notes.

offence, 1090

place in which burglary may be committed, 1090

indictment, 1095

plea, 1099

verdict, 1099

punishment, 1100

rewards, 1100

Precedents of indictments for burglary, 1100

for burglary laying intent to steal as well as actual theft, 1100 for burglary with intent to steal, 1101

against principal and accessaries before fact, for stealing plate from Magdalen college chapel, 1101

for sacrilege, 1102

for burglary with intent to steal, and actual stealing to value of 408. in dwelling house, 1102

on 12 Ann, c. 7. for burglary in breaking out of house, 1102 for burglary in breaking in with intent to commit felony, and breaking out, on 12 Ann, c. 7.1103


Preliminary notes.

offence, 1104

indictment, 1107

evidence, 1108

punishment, 1108

Precedents of indictments for arson. 1108

for setting fire to dwelling house, 1109

on 9 Geo. I. c. 22. for wilfully burning house of another 1109 on same act for setting fire to hay stack, 1109

on 9 Geo. I. c. 22. for setting fire to place of confinement in borough, 1110

on 9 Geo. I. c. 22, for feloniously procuring person the promise of money to join in setting fire to hay stack, 1110 for felony on 9 Geo. III. c. 28. for setting fire to cotton mill,


for misdemeanor at common law setting fire to floor in defendant's own house, 1111

at common law against lodger for setting fire to part of
wainscot with intent to burn rooms occupied, 1112

for misdemeanor in attempt to burn his own house, 1112
for felony on 43 Geo. III. c. 58. s. 1. for setting fire to house
in prisoner's own possession, 1114

on 12 Geo. III. c. 24. for felony in setting fire to king's stores
in rope house dock yard, 1115


for felony in breaking down head and mound of fish pond whereby fish were lost, 1115

on 9 Gco. I. c. 22. felony in maliciously cutting down trees,
growing for ornament, 1116

on 22 Geo. III. for forcibly entering dwelling house with in-
tent to cut serge in looms, and for cutting same, 1116
for fishing in king's park, on 5 Geo. III. c. 14. 1117

on 10 Geo. II. c. 32. for going armed with fire arms into roy-
al forest with intent to kill deer, and assaulting keeper's
assistant, i118


Preliminary notes.

offence, 1120

indictment, 1122

plea, 1123

award of restitution, 1123

Precndents, indictments for forcible entry and detainers, 1123 indictments at common law for forcible entry and expulsion from possession, 1124

for forcible entry and detainer on statutes, 1125

for forcible entry into freehold, on 5 and 15 R. 2. 1125

at common law for entering public house and making noise,





Preliminary notes.

offence, 1127

indictment, 1130

Precedents of Indictments.

against several persons for piratically taking and carrying away a ship with its tackle, &c. and certain goods on board same, 1130

for piracy, by causing revolt in merchant ship, and running
away with goods, &c. 1131

for stealing and running away with ship tackle, &c. 1131
running away with ship's boat, 1132

against seaman for running away with boat belonging to
ship, under command of one of his majesty's subjects,


for assault on captain of ship with intent to murder him, and some of his crew who had mutinied against him, 1133 for felony in admiralty court, on 4 Geo. I. c. 12. s. 3. for burning ship, having merchandize on board, 1134

for sinking ship to defraud underwriters, 1135

for stealing from ship wrecked in Wales, 1135

for felony, stealing to the value of forty shilings in ship and on navigable river, 1137



Preliminary notes.

offence, 1138

modes of prosecution, 1142

indictment, 1142

evidence, 1143

new trial, &c. 1143

punishment, 1144

Precedents of indictments for conspiracy.

general form of, 1145

for conspiracy to release man from custody of marshal, by becoming bail under fictitious names, 1145

for conspiracy to cause sheriff's officer to arrest wrong person, &c. by personating party against whom writ was issued, 1148

for conspiracy by persons confined in K. B. for debt to effect their own escape and that of others, 1149

Crim. Law.



against several prisoners for riot in K. B. prison, and attempting to blow up wall thereof with gunpowder, &c. 1150 for beginning to break down part of wall, 1150

for making hole in wall, and placing gunpowder in it,


for conspiracy to persuade a man not to give evidence against one committed for putting off bad money, 1152 against two persons for conspiring that one of them should rob the other with intent to charge hundred, 1156 against two parish officers for conspiring to persuade poor couple to marry in order to burthen man's parish with maintenance of woman, 1157

for conspiracy and promising to procure license, wedding ring, and dinner, &c. 1158

for conspiring to cheat his majesty by producing false dice to be played with, 1160

for conspiracy and producing false dice, 1160

for conspiracy to seduce artificers and to convey machinery to foreign parts, 1161

for conspiracy among journeymen to raise wages, and lessen time of labour, 1163

against several salt makers for conspiring to enhance price of salt, 1164

against journey men serge weavers for refusing to work for master who had employed man contrary to certain rules entered into by conspiracy, 1166

for conspiracy by journeymen manufacturers to raise price of labour, &c. and breaking open prison, 1167

against master rope makers for conspiracy not to employ journeymen who had left last master without consent,


for conspiracy to hold a man to bail for sum of 11007. 1169 for conspiracy to indict innocent man for perjury, 1171 for indicting person for forging stamps, 1174

for conspiracy to charge man with having stolen goods from one of conspirators, and thereby obtaining promissory note and money from prosecutor, 1174

for conspiring to lay information against prosecutor for illegal insurance and obtain money to compromise, 1176

for conspiracy to charge person with being father of bastard. child, 1179

for conspiracy and defrauding person of 501. under pretence. of procuring his son an office, 1180

for conspiracy to charge a man with receiving stolen goods, and thereby obtaining money, for compounding same, &c.


for conspiring to charge man with rape, and indicting him,


for conspiring to charge man with committing unnatural crime, &c. 1184

at common law for conspiracy to defraud prosecutor of 5000/

worth of bills of exchange under pretence of getting them discounted, 1184

for general conspiracy to defraud, stating no overt acts, 1186 for conspiracy by defendant to obtain possession of wool, by pretending to be merchants, &c. 1186

for conspiracy by curate and officers of parish to defraud sufferers by fire of money collected by brief for their relief,


for conspiracy to break into dwelling house with felonious intent to steal goods therein, 1190

for conspiracy to pull down wall, &c, 1191

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